{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

{- |
A bunch of unrelated utility functions and types.
module Utils.Utils where

import GHC.Generics (Generic)

import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Lens
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Tuple
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Deriving

data SP a b = SP { _spFst :: !a
                 , _spSnd :: !b
                 } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData, Ord)
makeLenses ''SP
derivingUnbox "SP"
  [t| forall a b. (V.Unbox a, V.Unbox b) => SP a b -> (a, b) |]
  [| \SP{..} -> (_spFst, _spSnd) |]
  [| uncurry SP |]

type SP' a = SP a a

toSP :: (a, b) -> SP a b
toSP (x, y) = SP x y
{-# INLINE toSP #-}

fromSP :: SP a b -> (a, b)
fromSP (SP x y) = (x, y)
{-# INLINE fromSP #-}

spMap :: (a -> b) -> SP a a -> SP b b
spMap f (SP x y) = SP (f x) (f y)
{-# INLINE spMap #-}

pairMap :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b)
pairMap f (x, y) = (f x, f y)
{-# INLINE pairMap #-}

pairAp :: (a -> b, c -> d) -> (a, c) -> (b, d)
pairAp (f, g) (x, y) = (f x, g y)
{-# INLINE pairAp #-}

pairFold :: Monoid m => (m, m) -> m
pairFold (a, b) = mappend a b
{-# INLINE pairFold #-}

maybeChange :: a -> (a -> Maybe a) -> a
maybeChange x f = fromMaybe x (f x)
{-# INLINE maybeChange #-}

toMaybe :: Bool -> a -> Maybe a
toMaybe b x = if b then Just x else Nothing
{-# INLINE toMaybe #-}

eitherToMaybe :: Either a b -> Maybe b
eitherToMaybe (Left _) = Nothing
eitherToMaybe (Right x) = Just x
{-# INLINE eitherToMaybe #-}

maybeBranch :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe (Either a a)
maybeBranch _ Nothing Nothing = Nothing
maybeBranch _ Nothing (Just x) = Just $ Right x
maybeBranch _ (Just x) Nothing = Just $ Left x
maybeBranch useLeft (Just x) (Just y) = if useLeft x y then Just $ Left x
                                        else Just $ Right y
{-# INLINE maybeBranch #-}

maybeBranchBoth :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe (Either a a)
maybeBranchBoth _ Nothing _ = Nothing
maybeBranchBoth _ _ Nothing = Nothing
maybeBranchBoth useLeft (Just x) (Just y) =
  if useLeft x y then Just $ Left x
  else Just $ Right y
{-# INLINE maybeBranchBoth #-}

takeIfAll :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
takeIfAll _ [] = Just []
takeIfAll p (x:xs)
  | p x = fmap (x:) (takeIfAll p xs)
  | otherwise = Nothing
{-# INLINE takeIfAll #-}

cycles :: [a] -> [[a]]
cycles xs = folds tail (cycle xs) xs
{-# INLINE cycles #-}

data Loop a = Loop { loopPrev :: Loop a
                   , loopVal :: !a
                   , loopNext :: Loop a }

-- TODO: for debugging only
instance (Show a, Eq a) => Show (Loop a) where
  show l = "loopify [" ++ f l [] ++ "]"
    where f x seen = if loopVal y `elem` seen' then show val
                     else show val ++ ", " ++ f y seen'
            where y = loopNext x
                  seen' = val:seen
                  val = loopVal x

loopify :: [a] -> Loop a
loopify [] = error "can't have an empty loop"
loopify v = let (first, lst) = f lst v first
            in first
  where f :: Loop a -> [a] -> Loop a -> (Loop a, Loop a)
        f prev [] next = (next, prev)
        f prev (x:xs) next = let (next', last') = f this xs next
                                 this = Loop prev x next'
                             in (this, last')
{-# INLINE loopify #-}

takeNext :: Int -> Loop a -> [Loop a]
takeNext = takeDir loopNext
{-# INLINE takeNext #-}

takePrev :: Int -> Loop a -> [Loop a]
takePrev = takeDir loopPrev
{-# INLINE takePrev #-}

takeDir :: (Loop a -> Loop a) -> Int -> Loop a -> [Loop a]
takeDir dir n x
  | n > 0 = x : takeDir dir (n - 1) (dir x)
  | n == 0 = []
  | otherwise = error "cannot take fewer than 0"
{-# INLINE takeDir #-}

folds :: (b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]
folds _ _ [] = []
folds f a0 (_:xs) = a0 : folds f (f a0) xs
{-# INLINE folds #-}

data Flipping a = Same !a | Flip !a deriving Show

flipToTuple :: Flipping a -> (Bool, a)
flipToTuple (Same x) = (True, x)
flipToTuple (Flip x) = (False, x)
{-# INLINE flipToTuple #-}

derivingUnbox "Flipping"
  [t| forall a. (V.Unbox a) => Flipping a -> (Bool, a) |]
  [| flipToTuple |]
  [| \(isSame, x) -> if isSame then Same x else Flip x |]

-- TODO: write an iso for Flipping and Either
flipAsEither :: Flipping a -> Either a a
flipAsEither (Same x) = Left x
flipAsEither (Flip x) = Right x
{-# INLINE flipAsEither #-}

flipWrap :: Flipping a -> b -> Flipping b
flipWrap (Same _) = Same
flipWrap (Flip _) = Flip
{-# INLINE flipWrap #-}

flipUnsafe :: (a -> (b, b) -> c) -> Flipping a -> (b, b) -> c
flipUnsafe f (Same x) = f x
flipUnsafe f (Flip x) = f x . swap
{-# INLINE flipUnsafe #-}

flipMap :: (a -> (b, b) -> c) -> Flipping a -> (b, b) -> Flipping c
flipMap f x = flipWrap x . flipUnsafe f x
{-# INLINE flipMap #-}

flipExtractWith :: (a -> b, a -> b) -> Flipping a -> b
flipExtractWith (f, _) (Same x) = f x
flipExtractWith (_, f) (Flip x) = f x
{-# INLINE flipExtractWith #-}

flipExtractPair :: (a -> (b, b)) -> Flipping a -> (b, b)
flipExtractPair f = flipExtractWith (f, swap . f)
{-# INLINE flipExtractPair #-}

flipJoin :: Flipping (Flipping a) -> Flipping a
flipJoin (Same (Same x)) = Same x
flipJoin (Flip (Same x)) = Flip x
flipJoin (Same (Flip x)) = Flip x
flipJoin (Flip (Flip x)) = Same x
{-# INLINE flipJoin #-}

instance Functor Flipping where
  fmap f (Same x) = Same (f x)
  fmap f (Flip x) = Flip (f x)
  {-# INLINE fmap #-}

class Flippable f where
  flipp :: f -> f

instance Flippable (x, x) where
  flipp = swap
  {-# INLINE flipp #-}

instance Flippable (Flipping x) where
  flipp (Same x) = Flip x
  flipp (Flip x) = Same x
  {-# INLINE flipp #-}

flipExtract :: (Flippable a) => Flipping a -> a
flipExtract (Same x) = x
flipExtract (Flip x) = flipp x
{-# INLINE flipExtract #-}

flipExtractUnsafe :: Flipping a -> a
flipExtractUnsafe (Same x) = x
flipExtractUnsafe (Flip x) = x
{-# INLINE flipExtractUnsafe #-}

flipInjectF :: Functor f => Flipping (f a) -> f (Flipping a)
flipInjectF x = fmap (flipWrap x) . flipExtractUnsafe $ x
{-# INLINE flipInjectF #-}

{- |
Combine two 'Either's, using the provided function to choose between two 'Right's.
Always choose the first 'Left'.
eitherBranchBoth :: (b -> b -> Bool) -> Either a b -> Either a b -> Flipping (Either a b)
eitherBranchBoth _ x@(Left _) _ = Same x
eitherBranchBoth _ _ x@(Left _) = Flip x
eitherBranchBoth useFirst x@(Right a) y@(Right b) =
  if useFirst a b then Same x else Flip y
{-# INLINE eitherBranchBoth #-}

liftRightMaybe :: Either a (Maybe b) -> Maybe (Either a b)
liftRightMaybe (Right Nothing) = Nothing
liftRightMaybe (Right (Just x)) = Just $ Right x
liftRightMaybe (Left x) = Just $ Left x
{-# INLINE liftRightMaybe #-}

-- TODO: pull out the stuff that depends on lens.

ixZipWith :: (Ixed s, TraversableWithIndex (Index s) t) => (a -> Maybe (IxValue s) -> b) -> t a -> s -> t b
ixZipWith f xs ys = xs & itraversed %@~ g
  where g i x = f x (ys ^? ix i)
{-# INLINE ixZipWith #-}

overWith :: Lens' s a -> ((a, a) -> (a, a)) -> (s, s) -> (s, s)
overWith l f (x, y) = (x & l .~ a, y & l .~ b)
  where (a, b) = f (x ^. l, y ^. l)
{-# INLINE overWith #-}

findOrInsert :: IM.Key -> a -> IM.IntMap a -> (Maybe a, IM.IntMap a)
findOrInsert = IM.insertLookupWithKey (\_ _ a -> a)
{-# INLINE findOrInsert #-}

findOrInsert' :: IM.Key -> a -> IM.IntMap a -> (a, IM.IntMap a)
findOrInsert' k x t = (fromMaybe x mx, t')
  where (mx, t') = findOrInsert k x t
{-# INLINE findOrInsert' #-}

posMod :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> a
posMod x n = if res < 0 then res + n else res
  where res = x `mod` n
{-# INLINE posMod #-}

pairiix :: (Ixed m) => (Index m, Index m) -> IndexedTraversal' (Index m, Index m) m (IxValue m, IxValue m)
pairiix ij f = pairix ij (indexed f ij)
{-# INLINE pairiix #-}

-- Applicative f => (IxValue m -> f (IxValue m)) -> m -> f m
pairix :: (Ixed m) => (Index m, Index m) -> Traversal' m (IxValue m, IxValue m)
pairix ij@(i, j) f t = maybe (pure t) change pair
  where pair = do
          a <- t ^? ix i
          b <- t ^? ix j
          return (a, b)
        change pair' = uncurry g <$> indexed f ij pair'
          where g a b = set (ix j) b . set (ix i) a $ t
{-# INLINE pairix #-}

pairOver :: (forall f. Functor f => (b -> f b) -> a -> f a)
         -> ((b, b) -> (b, b))
         -> (a, a)
         -> (a, a)
pairOver l f (a, b) = (a', b')
  where x = a ^. l
        y = b ^. l
        (x', y') = f (x, y)
        a' = a & l .~ x'
        b' = b & l .~ y'
{-# INLINE pairOver #-}

pairView :: (forall f. Functor f => (b -> f b) -> a -> f a)
         -> (a, a)
         -> (b, b)
pairView l = pairMap $ view l
{-# INLINE pairView #-}

pairView' :: (forall f. Applicative f => (b -> f b) -> a -> f a)
          -> (a, a)
          -> Maybe (b, b)
pairView' l (a, b) = (,) <$> (a ^? l) <*> (b ^? l)
{-# INLINE pairView' #-}

pairSet :: (forall f. Functor f => (b -> f b) -> a -> f a)
         -> (b, b)
         -> (a, a)
         -> (a, a)
pairSet l (x, y) (a, b) = (a & l .~ x, b & l .~ y)
{-# INLINE pairSet #-}

-- TODO: this is the wrong name
iixOver :: (forall f. Applicative f => k -> (b -> f b) -> a -> f a)
        -> ((b, b) -> (b, b))
        -> (k, k)
        -> a
        -> a
iixOver ixL f (i, j) w =
  fromMaybe w $ do
  a <- w ^? ixL i
  b <- w ^? ixL j
  let (a', b') = f (a, b)
  return $ w & ixL i .~ a' & ixL j .~ b'
{-# INLINE iixOver #-}

-- TODO: this is the wrong name
iixOver' :: (Monad m)
        => (forall f. Applicative f => k -> (b -> f b) -> a -> f a)
        -> ((b, b) -> m (b, b))
        -> (k, k)
        -> a
        -> m a
iixOver' ixL f (i, j) w =
  fmap (fromMaybe w) . runMaybeT $ do
  a <- liftMaybe $ w ^? ixL i
  b <- liftMaybe $ w ^? ixL j
  (a', b') <- liftMaybe' $ f (a, b)
  return $ w & ixL i .~ a' & ixL j .~ b'
{-# INLINE iixOver' #-}

-- TODO: this is the wrong name
iixView :: (forall f. Applicative f => k -> (b -> f b) -> a -> f a)
        -> (k, k)
        -> a
        -> Maybe (b, b)
iixView ixL (i, j) w = (,) <$> (w ^? ixL i) <*> (w ^? ixL j)
{-# INLINE iixView #-}

liftMaybe :: (Monad m) => Maybe a -> MaybeT m a
liftMaybe = MaybeT . return

liftMaybe' :: (Monad m) => m a -> MaybeT m a
liftMaybe' = MaybeT . fmap return