shell-conduit-4.1: Write shell scripts with Conduit

Safe HaskellNone




Reading from the process.


Running scripts

run :: Segment r -> IO r Source

Run a segment.

Running processes

conduit :: (a ~ ByteString, ToChunk b, m ~ IO) => ConduitM a b m r -> Segment r Source

Lift a conduit into a segment.

shell :: String -> Segment () Source

Run a shell command.

proc :: String -> [String] -> Segment () Source

Run a process command.

($|) :: Segment () -> Segment b -> Segment b infixl 0 Source

Fuse two segments (either processes or conduits).

data Segment r Source

A pipeable segment. Either a conduit or a process.

class ToChunk a where Source

Used to allow outputting stdout or stderr.