sifflet-lib- Library of modules shared by sifflet and its tests and its exporters.

Safe HaskellSafe-Infered




data WNode Source

Two kinds of WNodes: A WSimple node represents a node in an expression tree, e.g., if, + A WFrame node represents a panel or frame that displays an expression tree, function call, or something similar.


data WEdge Source


WEdge Int 

type WGraph = Gr WNode WEdgeSource

A WGraph consists of WNodes with (sort of) Int-labled edges; the edge labels serve to order the children of a node.

grInsertNode :: DynGraph g => g n e -> n -> (g n e, Node)Source

Insert new node with given label into graph, without any new edges; return the new graph and the new node (number)

grRemoveNode :: DynGraph g => g n e -> Node -> g n eSource

Remove a node from the graph; return the updated graph.

grConnect :: WGraph -> Node -> WEdge -> Node -> WEdge -> WGraphSource

Connect parent to child, using inlet as the order of the child (0, 1, ...). outlet is ignored, since there is only outlet 0. As rendered, the parent's inlet-th inlet will have a line to the child's outlet-th outlet. This is achieved by inserting a labeled edge (parent, child, inlet) and clearing any incompatible edge. The incompatibles are: a. from same parent on same inlet to a different child. b. from the same parent on a different inlet to the same child. c. from same child (on same outlet) to a different parent.

NOTE: This is confusing, because, from the data flow perspective, data flows OUT of the child INTO the parent, but from the tree in graph perspective, links are directed OUT of the parent INTO the child. So beware!

grDisconnect :: WGraph -> Node -> WEdge -> Node -> WEdge -> Bool -> WGraphSource

Removes a link between parent and child where the edge was labeled inlet (order of child). Ignores outlet, which should always be 0. If child is not the inlet-th child of parent, well, this is an error, but grDisconnect ignores it. If toFrameP is true, the child node is reconnected as a child to its frame

grAddGraph :: DynGraph g => g n e -> g n e -> g n eSource

grExtractExprTree :: WGraph -> Node -> Tree ExprNodeSource

Extract from a graph the expression with root node n, returning a Tree of ExprNode. Use only the WSimple nodes of the graph (and n had better be one).

grExtractLayoutNode :: WGraph -> Node -> LayoutNode ExprNodeSource

Extract just the single tree layout node of the given graph node

grExtractLayoutTree :: WGraph -> Node -> TreeLayout ExprNodeSource

Extract the tree layout (tree) descended from the given root node

wlab :: WGraph -> Node -> WNodeSource

Finding characteristics of the WNodes in a graph It is an implicit error if there is no label for the node

wlab is like lab with no Maybe: the node *must* have a label

llab :: WGraph -> Node -> LayoutNode ExprNodeSource

llab is the tree layout node of a WSimple node

nodeExprNode :: WGraph -> Node -> ExprNodeSource

The ExprNode represented by the graph node

nodeText :: WGraph -> Node -> StringSource

The repr of the node's value

nodeValue :: WGraph -> Node -> EvalResultSource

The result of an evaluated node in an expression tree

nodeBBox :: WGraph -> Node -> BBoxSource

The node's BBox

nodeAllChildren :: WGraph -> Node -> [Node]Source

Finding the children (nodes, numbers) of a node in a graph : all children, only WSimple-labeled children, only WFrame-labeled children When constructing the graph, ordered children of a tree node get graph node numbers in ascending order; therefore, sorting the graph nodes gives back the original order of children in the tree (plus WFrames that are added later, and those should always be after the simple children)

nodeIsOpen :: WGraph -> Node -> BoolSource

An open node has a WFrame-labeled child

nodeContainerFrameNode :: WGraph -> Node -> NodeSource

The graph node of the frame that contains the given node

nodeParent :: WGraph -> Node -> Maybe NodeSource

The parent (if any) of a node

grUpdateTreeLayout :: WGraph -> Node -> TreeLayout ExprNode -> WGraphSource

Replace the tree embedded in graph g with root n, with a new tree.

grRelabelNode :: DynGraph g => g a b -> Node -> a -> g a bSource

Replace the label of a node in a graph

translateTree :: Double -> Double -> WGraph -> Node -> WGraphSource

Translate the nodes forming a tree with the given root

functoidParts :: Functoid -> WGraph -> Node -> FunctoidSource

Get the parts of a Functoid. See note on functionToParts (just below). Seems to be unused ***

functionToParts :: Function -> WGraph -> Node -> FunctoidSource

Convert a function to its parts. COULDN'T THIS BE DONE USING the function's implementation, and not need to use the graph? Then this could go in Functoid.hs without circular import between it and WGraph