stratosphere-0.2.1: EDSL for AWS CloudFormation

Safe HaskellNone



Describes a primary key for the AWS::DynamoDB::Table resource or a key schema for an index. Each element is composed of an AttributeName and KeyType. For the primary key of an Amazon DynamoDB table that consists of only a hash attribute, specify one element with a KeyType of HASH. For the primary key of an Amazon DynamoDB table that consists of a hash and range attributes, specify two elements: one with a KeyType of HASH and one with a KeyType of RANGE. For a complete discussion of DynamoDB primary keys, see Primary Key in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.



data DynamoDBKeySchema Source #

Full data type definition for DynamoDBKeySchema. See dynamoDBKeySchema for a more convenient constructor.

dynamoDBKeySchema Source #

Constructor for DynamoDBKeySchema containing required fields as arguments.

ddbksAttributeName :: Lens' DynamoDBKeySchema (Val Text) Source #

The attribute name that is used as the primary key for this table. Primary key element names can be 1 – 255 characters long and have no character restrictions.

ddbksKeyType :: Lens' DynamoDBKeySchema KeyType Source #

Represents the attribute data, consisting of the data type and the attribute value itself. You can specify HASH or RANGE.