stratosphere-0.2.1: EDSL for AWS CloudFormation

Safe HaskellNone



RetryOptions is a property of the Amazon Kinesis Firehose DeliveryStream ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration property that configures the retry behavior when Amazon Kinesis Firehose (Firehose) can't deliver data to Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES).



data KinesisFirehoseElasticsearchRetryOptions Source #

Full data type definition for KinesisFirehoseElasticsearchRetryOptions. See kinesisFirehoseElasticsearchRetryOptions for a more convenient constructor.


Show KinesisFirehoseElasticsearchRetryOptions Source # 
Generic KinesisFirehoseElasticsearchRetryOptions Source # 
ToJSON KinesisFirehoseElasticsearchRetryOptions Source # 
FromJSON KinesisFirehoseElasticsearchRetryOptions Source # 
type Rep KinesisFirehoseElasticsearchRetryOptions Source # 
type Rep KinesisFirehoseElasticsearchRetryOptions = D1 (MetaData "KinesisFirehoseElasticsearchRetryOptions" "Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.KinesisFirehoseElasticsearchRetryOptions" "stratosphere-0.2.1-7UjeTxLOKRACY1vyFAxa7V" False) (C1 (MetaCons "KinesisFirehoseElasticsearchRetryOptions" PrefixI True) (S1 (MetaSel (Just Symbol "_kinesisFirehoseElasticsearchRetryOptionsDurationInSeconds") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (Val Integer'))))

kferoDurationInSeconds :: Lens' KinesisFirehoseElasticsearchRetryOptions (Val Integer') Source #

After an initial failure to deliver to Amazon ES, the total amount of time during which Firehose re-attempts delivery (including the first attempt). If Firehose can't deliver the data within the specified time, it writes the data to the backup S3 bucket. For valid values, see the DurationInSeconds content for the ElasticsearchRetryOptions data type in the Amazon Kinesis Firehose API Reference.