streaming-utils- http, attoparsec and pipes utilities for streaming and streaming-bytestring

Safe HaskellNone




This module replicates `pipes-http` as closely as will type-check.

Here is an example GET request that streams the response body to standard output:

import qualified Data.ByteString.Streaming as S
import Data.ByteString.Streaming.HTTP

main = do
  req <- parseUrl ""
  m <- newManager tlsManagerSettings 
  withHTTP req m $ \resp -> S.stdout (responseBody resp) 

Here is an example POST request that also streams the request body from standard input:

{-#LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.ByteString.Streaming as S
import Data.ByteString.Streaming.HTTP

main = do
   req <- parseUrl ""
   let req' = req
           { method = "POST"
           , requestBody = stream S.stdin
   m <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
   withHTTP req' m $ \resp -> S.stdout (responseBody resp)

For non-streaming request bodies, study the RequestBody type, which also accepts strict / lazy bytestrings or builders.



This module is a thin streaming-bytestring wrapper around the http-client and http-client-tls libraries.

Read the documentation in the Network.HTTP.Client module of the http-client library to learn about how to:

  • manage connections using connection pooling,
  • use more advanced request/response features,
  • handle exceptions, and:
  • manage cookies.

http-client-tls provides support for TLS connections (i.e. HTTPS).

Streaming Interface

withHTTP Source


:: Request 
-> Manager 
-> (Response (ByteString IO ()) -> IO a)

Handler for response

-> IO a 

Send an HTTP Request and wait for an HTTP Response

streamN :: Int64 -> ByteString IO () -> RequestBody Source

Create a RequestBody from a content length and an effectful ByteString

stream :: ByteString IO () -> RequestBody Source

Create a RequestBody from an effectful ByteString

stream is more flexible than streamN, but requires the server to support chunked transfer encoding.