stripeapi- Stripe-Library
Safe HaskellNone



Contains the types generated from the schema ThreeDSecure



data ThreeDSecure Source #

Defines the object schema located at components.schemas.three_d_secure in the specification.

Cardholder authentication via 3D Secure is initiated by creating a `3D Secure` object. Once the object has been created, you can use it to authenticate the cardholder and create a charge.




  • threeDSecureAmount :: Int

    amount: Amount of the charge that you will create when authentication completes.

  • threeDSecureAuthenticated :: Bool

    authenticated: True if the cardholder went through the authentication flow and their bank indicated that authentication succeeded.

  • threeDSecureCard :: Card

    card: You can store multiple cards on a customer in order to charge the customer later. You can also store multiple debit cards on a recipient in order to transfer to those cards later.

    Related guide: Card Payments with Sources.

  • threeDSecureCreated :: Int

    created: Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

  • threeDSecureCurrency :: Text

    currency: Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported currency.


    • Maximum length of 5000
  • threeDSecureId :: Text

    id: Unique identifier for the object.


    • Maximum length of 5000
  • threeDSecureLivemode :: Bool

    livemode: Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.

  • threeDSecureRedirectUrl :: Maybe Text

    redirect_url: If present, this is the URL that you should send the cardholder to for authentication. If you are going to use Stripe.js to display the authentication page in an iframe, you should use the value "_callback".


    • Maximum length of 5000
  • threeDSecureStatus :: Text

    status: Possible values are `redirect_pending`, `succeeded`, or `failed`. When the cardholder can be authenticated, the object starts with status `redirect_pending`. When liability will be shifted to the cardholder's bank (either because the cardholder was successfully authenticated, or because the bank has not implemented 3D Secure, the object wlil be in status `succeeded`. `failed` indicates that authentication was attempted unsuccessfully.


    • Maximum length of 5000