{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, CPP #-}
Module      : Data.Matrix.SymmetryOperationsSymbols
Description : Read and Display Geometric representation of symmetry operation
Copyright   : (c) Jun Narumi, 2018-2020
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : narumij@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental

Haskell Derivation of symbols and coordinate triplets Library


1. W. Fischer. and E. Koch. (2006), Derivation of symbols and coordinate triplets International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. A, Chapter 11.2, pp. 812–816.

2. Wondratschek, H. & Neubu ̈ser, J. (1967). Determination of the symmetry elements of a space group from the ‘general positions’ listed in International Tables for X-ray Crystallography, Vol. I. Acta Cryst. 23, 349–352.

module Data.Matrix.SymmetryOperationsSymbols (
  ) where

import Data.Ratio (Ratio)
import Data.Matrix (Matrix,detLU,trace,identity)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (ParseError,parse)

import Data.Matrix.SymmetryOperationsSymbols.Common

import Data.Matrix.SymmetryOperationsSymbols.UnitMatrixCase
import Data.Matrix.SymmetryOperationsSymbols.GlideOrReflectionCase
import Data.Matrix.SymmetryOperationsSymbols.RotationCase
import Data.Matrix.SymmetryOperationsSymbols.RotInversionCase

import Data.Matrix.SymmetryOperationsSymbols.Parser
import Data.Matrix.SymmetryOperationsSymbols.SymopGeom
import Data.Matrix.SymmetryOperationsSymbols.Calc

import Data.Matrix.SymmetryOperationsSymbols.PlainText

-- for doctest
import Data.Matrix.AsXYZ (fromXYZ,prettyXYZ)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail(..))
instance MonadFail (Either String) where
  fail = Left

-- | Derivation of geometric representation of symmetry operations from given matrix of symmetry operations
-- jpn) 与えられた対称操作の行列から、対称操作の幾何的表現を導出
-- >>> fromMatrix . fromXYZ $ "x,y,z"
-- Right " 1 "
-- >>> fromMatrix . fromXYZ $ "-y,x,-z"
-- Right "-4- 0,0,z; 0,0,0"
fromMatrix :: Integral a =>
              Matrix (Ratio a) -- ^ 3x4 or 4x4 Matrix
           -> Either String String
fromMatrix = fromMatrix'

-- | Derivation of geometric representation of symmetry operations from given matrix of symmetry operations
-- jpn) 与えられた対称操作の行列から、対称操作の幾何的表現を導出
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
fromMatrix' :: (Integral a, MonadFail f) => Matrix (Ratio a) -> f String
fromMatrix' :: (Monad m, Integral a) => Matrix (Ratio a) -> m String
fromMatrix' m = showAsPlainText <$> readMatrix' m

readMatrix :: Integral a =>
              Matrix (Ratio a) -- ^ 3x4 or 4x4 Matrix
           -> Maybe (SymopGeom a)
readMatrix = readMatrix'

-- | Derivation of geometric representation of symmetry operations from given matrix of symmetry operations
-- jpn) 与えられた対称操作の行列から、対称操作の幾何的表現を導出
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
readMatrix' :: (MonadFail m, Integral a) => Matrix (Ratio a) -> m (SymopGeom a)
readMatrix' :: (Monad m, Integral a) => Matrix (Ratio a) -> m (SymopGeom a)
readMatrix' m
  -- (i)
  | rotPart m == identity 3             = unitMatrixCase m
  -- (ii) (a)
  | correpondToRotInversion tr det      = rotInversionCase m
  -- -- (ii) (b)
  | correpondToNFoldRotation tr det     = nFoldRotationCase m
  -- -- (ii) (c)
  | correpondToGlideOrReflection tr det = glideOrReflectionCase m
  -- --
  | otherwise = fail $ "coordinate triplet '" ++ prettyXYZ m ++ "' is not symmetry operation."
  tr  = trace (rotPart m)
  det = detLU (rotPart m)

-- | Derivation of matrix representation from a string of geometric representations of symmetric operations
-- for cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, triclinic or rhombohedral.
-- jpn) 対称操作の幾何的表現の文字列から行列表現の導出
-- >>> prettyXYZ <$> toMatrixHex "-4- 0,0,z; 0,0,0"
-- Right "-y,x,-z"
toMatrix :: Integral a =>
            String -- ^ like " -1 0,0,0"
         -> Either ParseError (Matrix (Ratio a)) -- ^ 3x4 Matrix
toMatrix st = parse notHexagonal st st

-- | Derivation of matrix representation from a string of geometric representations of symmetric operations
-- for hexagonal.
-- jpn) 対称操作の幾何的表現の文字列から行列表現の導出(六方晶用)
-- >>> prettyXYZ <$> toMatrixHex "-3+ 0,0,z; 0,0,0"
-- Right "y,y-x,-z"
toMatrixHex :: Integral a =>
               String -- ^ like " -1 0,0,0"
            -> Either ParseError (Matrix (Ratio a)) -- ^ 3x4 Matrix
toMatrixHex st = parse hexagonal st st

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
liftError :: MonadFail m => Either ParseError a -> m a
liftError :: Monad m => Either ParseError a -> m a
liftError (Left s) = fail ""
liftError (Right m) = return m