{- | Golden testing provider for 'tasty'

This module implements the [golden testing pattern](https://ro-che.info/articles/2017-12-04-golden-tests).

Please refer to the [README.md](README.md) for usage instructions.


module Test.Tasty.MGolden
  ( Mode(..)
  , diffTest
  , goldenTest
  , printDetails

import Control.Applicative (empty)
import Prelude hiding (print, putStrLn)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Options
import Test.Tasty.Providers
import Test.Tasty.Providers.ConsoleFormat

import qualified Data.Algorithm.Diff as Diff
import qualified Data.Text           as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO        as Text
import qualified System.Console.ANSI as ANSI
import qualified System.IO.Error     as Error

-- | Golden test run mode
data Mode
  = RunTest         -- ^ Run the tests, error (with diff) on actual vs expectation mismatch
  | UpdateExpected  -- ^ Run the tests, update the expectation on actual vs expectation mismatch
  deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Show)

instance IsOption Mode where
  defaultValue = RunTest
  parseValue = \case
    "test"   -> pure RunTest
    "update" -> pure UpdateExpected
    _other   -> empty

  optionName     = pure "update"
  optionHelp     = pure "Update expected on mismatched example"
  optionCLParser = flagCLParser empty UpdateExpected

data Golden = Golden
  { action       :: IO Text
  , expectedPath :: FilePath
  deriving stock Typeable

instance IsTest Golden where
  run options golden _callback = runGolden golden options
  testOptions = pure . pure $ Option (Proxy :: Proxy Mode)

newtype DiffTest = DiffTest (IO (Text, Text))
  deriving stock Typeable

instance IsTest DiffTest where
  run options test _callback = runDiffTest test options
  testOptions = pure empty

-- | Define a golden test
  :: String   -- ^ Name of the  test
  -> FilePath -- ^ Path of the expectation file
  -> IO Text  -- ^ Test action
  -> TestTree
goldenTest name expectedPath action = singleTest name Golden{..}

-- | Define a diff test
  :: String          -- ^ Name of the test
  -> IO (Text, Text) -- ^ action to produce expectation
  -> TestTree
diffTest name = singleTest name . DiffTest

runDiffTest :: DiffTest -> OptionSet -> IO Result
runDiffTest (DiffTest expectation) _options = do
  (expected, actual) <- expectation

  if expected == actual
    then pure $ testPassed empty
    else pure . testFailedDetails empty $ printDetails Text.putStrLn expected actual

runGolden :: Golden -> OptionSet -> IO Result
runGolden golden@Golden{..} options = do
  actual <- action

    (absentFile golden options actual)
    (testExpected golden options actual)
    =<< tryRead expectedPath

absentFile :: Golden -> OptionSet -> Text -> IO Result
absentFile golden options actual =
  if shouldUpdate options
    then updateExpected golden actual
    else pure $ testFailed "file is absent"

testExpected :: Golden -> OptionSet -> Text -> Text -> IO Result
testExpected golden options actual expected =
  if expected == actual
    then pure $ testPassed empty
    else mismatch options golden expected actual

mismatch :: OptionSet -> Golden -> Text -> Text -> IO Result
mismatch options golden expected actual =
  if shouldUpdate options
    then updateExpected golden actual
    else pure . testFailedDetails empty $ printDetails Text.putStrLn expected actual

updateExpected :: Golden -> Text -> IO Result
updateExpected Golden{..} actual = do
  Text.writeFile expectedPath actual
  pure $ testPassed "UPDATE"

-- | Golden test diff details printer
  :: (Text -> IO ()) -- ^ line printer
  -> Text            -- ^ expected text
  -> Text            -- ^ actual (observed) text
  -> ResultDetailsPrinter
printDetails putStrLn expected actual = ResultDetailsPrinter print
    print :: Int -> (ConsoleFormat -> IO () -> IO ()) -> IO ()
    print _indent formatter
      = traverse_ printDiff
      $ Diff.getGroupedDiff (Text.lines expected) (Text.lines actual)
        printDiff :: Diff.Diff [Text] -> IO ()
        printDiff = \case
          (Diff.Both   line _) -> printLines ' ' neutralFormat line
          (Diff.First  line)   -> printLines '-' removeFormat line
          (Diff.Second line)   -> printLines '+' addFormat line

        printLines :: Char -> ConsoleFormat -> [Text] -> IO ()
        printLines prefix format lines'
          = formatter format
          $ traverse_ printLine lines'
            printLine :: Text -> IO ()
            printLine line = putStrLn $ Text.singleton prefix <> line

addFormat :: ConsoleFormat
addFormat = okFormat

neutralFormat :: ConsoleFormat
neutralFormat = ConsoleFormat ANSI.NormalIntensity ANSI.Dull ANSI.Black

removeFormat :: ConsoleFormat
removeFormat = infoFailFormat

shouldUpdate :: OptionSet -> Bool
shouldUpdate options = (lookupOption options :: Mode) == UpdateExpected

tryRead :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Text)
tryRead path =
    (pure <$> Text.readFile path)
    handler :: Error.IOError -> IO (Maybe Text)
    handler error' =
      if Error.isDoesNotExistError error'
        then pure empty
        else Error.ioError error'