tax-ato-2022.1: Tax types and computations for Australia
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Types and computations for taxes in Australia.

No guarantee that computations are correct, complete or current.

Lots of things are not implemented, including (but not limited to): ETPs, income from partnerships and trusts, superannuation income streams and lump payments, tax losses from previous years, Medicare levy reduction/exemption, adjustments, and variations based on family income and dependents.


Individual tax returns

data TaxReturnInfo y a Source #

Individual tax return information.

Use newTaxReturnInfo to construct. Alternatively, newTaxReturnInfoForTables can be used to coerce the type parameters to be the same as some TaxTables.

The following lenses are available:

mlsExemptionMedicare levy exemption
helpBalanceHELP account balance
sfssBalanceSFSS account balance
paymentSummariesPAYG payment summaries
interestInterest data
dividendsDividend data
essEmployee Share Scheme statement
foreignIncomeForeign income
cgtEventsCapital gains and losses
offsetsTax offsets
privateHealthInsurancePolicyDetails Private health insurance policy details
spouseDetailsSpouse Details (or Nothing)
incomeTestsIncome Tests


Instances details
RealFrac a => HasIncome (TaxReturnInfo y :: Type -> Type) (a :: Type) a Source #

Taxable income

Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO


income :: Getter (TaxReturnInfo y a) (Money a) Source #

HasCapitalLossCarryForward (TaxReturnInfo y) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO

Num a => HasTaxWithheld (TaxReturnInfo y) a a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO

newTaxReturnInfo :: (DaysInYear y, Num a) => TaxReturnInfo y a Source #

Construct a new TaxReturnInfo.

All monetary fields and lists are initially empty.

The Medicare levy surcharge exemption field is initially set to the number of days in the year (i.e. the taxpayer is fully exempt).

newTaxReturnInfoForTables :: (DaysInYear y, Num a) => TaxTables y a -> TaxReturnInfo y a Source #

Construct a TaxReturnInfo per newTaxReturnInfo, coercing the type parameters to match the TaxTables argument (which is ignored).

income :: HasIncome a b c => Getter (a b) (Money c) Source #


PAYG Payment Summaries

data PaymentSummary a Source #

PAYG payment summary


Instances details
HasTaxWithheld PaymentSummary a a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO

HasIncome PaymentSummary (a :: Type) a Source #

Gross income

Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO

type ABN = String Source #

Australian Business Number


Dividends and franking credits

data Dividend a Source #

Dividend payment. Records net income, franked portion and amount of tax withheld.


Instances details
RealFrac a => HasTaxWithheld Dividend a a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO

RealFrac a => HasIncome Dividend (a :: Type) a Source #

Attributable income

Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO


income :: Getter (Dividend a) (Money a) Source #

Show a => Show (Dividend a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO


showsPrec :: Int -> Dividend a -> ShowS #

show :: Dividend a -> String #

showList :: [Dividend a] -> ShowS #

dividendFrankingCredit :: RealFrac a => Dividend a -> Money a Source #

Calculate the franking credit for a dividend

Capital gains tax (CGT)

class HasCapitalLossCarryForward a b where Source #

Types that have a carry-forward capital loss (either as an input or an output).

Employee share schemes

data ESSStatement a Source #

Employee share scheme statement. Use newESSStatement to construct.


Instances details
Num a => HasIncome ESSStatement (a :: Type) a Source #

Note: does not implement the reduction of taxed up front amounts eligible for reduction.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO

Num a => Monoid (ESSStatement a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO

Num a => Semigroup (ESSStatement a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO

newESSStatement :: Num a => ESSStatement a Source #

Construct an ESSStatement with all amounts at zero.

essTaxedUpfrontReduction :: Lens' (ESSStatement a) (Money a) Source #

Discount from taxed up front schemes—eligible for reduction. Item D in Employee share schemes section.

essTaxedUpfrontNoReduction :: Lens' (ESSStatement a) (Money a) Source #

Discount from taxed up front schemes—not eligible for reduction Item E in Employee share schemes section.

essDeferral :: Lens' (ESSStatement a) (Money a) Source #

Discount from taxed deferral schemes. Item F in Employee share schemes section.

essPre2009 :: Lens' (ESSStatement a) (Money a) Source #

discounts on ESS interests acquired pre 1 July 2009 and "cessation time" occurred during the finanical year. Item G in Employee share schemes section.

essTFNAmounts :: Lens' (ESSStatement a) (Money a) Source #

TFN amounts withheld from discounts. Item C in Employee share schemes section.

essForeignSourceDiscounts :: Lens' (ESSStatement a) (Money a) Source #

ESS foreign source discounts Item A in Employee share schemes section.

Foreign income

Medicare Levy Surcharge and Private Health Insurance

Student loan balances

Spouse details

Income Tests


Tax offsets

data Offsets a Source #

Tax offsets that individuals can claim


Instances details
Num a => Monoid (Offsets a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO


mempty :: Offsets a #

mappend :: Offsets a -> Offsets a -> Offsets a #

mconcat :: [Offsets a] -> Offsets a #

Num a => Semigroup (Offsets a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO


(<>) :: Offsets a -> Offsets a -> Offsets a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Offsets a) -> Offsets a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Offsets a -> Offsets a #

spouseContributionOffset :: Lens' (Offsets a) (Money a) Source #

Spouse contribution offset. Maximum of $540 (not enforced).

foreignTaxOffset :: Lens' (Offsets a) (Money a) Source #

Offset for tax paid on foreign income.

Assessing tax

data TaxAssessment a Source #

A tax assessment. Use assessTax to compute a TaxAssessment.


Instances details
(Num a, Eq a) => HasCapitalLossCarryForward TaxAssessment a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO

HasTaxWithheld TaxAssessment a a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO

HasIncome TaxAssessment (a :: Type) a Source #

Taxable income

Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO

assessTax :: (DaysInYear y, RealFrac a) => TaxTables y a -> TaxReturnInfo y a -> TaxAssessment a Source #

Assess a tax return, given tax tables and tax return info.

taxBalance :: Num a => Getter (TaxAssessment a) (Money a) Source #

What is the balance of the assessment? Positive means a refund (tax withheld exceeds obligation), negative means a bill.

Corporate tax

corporateTax :: Fractional a => Tax (Money a) (Money a) Source #

The corporate tax rate of 30%. In the future, different rates may be levied depending on business turnover/income.


data GrossAndWithheld a Source #

A gross income (first argument) and amount of tax withheld (second argument)


GrossAndWithheld (Money a) (Money a) 

class HasTaxWithheld a b c where Source #

Data that can have an amount of tax withheld


taxWithheld :: Getter (a b) (Money c) Source #


Instances details
RealFrac a => HasTaxWithheld Dividend a a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO

HasTaxWithheld GrossAndWithheld a a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO

HasTaxWithheld PaymentSummary a a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO

HasTaxWithheld TaxAssessment a a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO

(Foldable t, HasTaxWithheld x a a, Num a) => HasTaxWithheld t (x a) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO


taxWithheld :: Getter (t (x a)) (Money a) Source #

Num a => HasTaxWithheld (TaxReturnInfo y) a a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO

data Proportion a Source #

A proportion is a non-negative number in interval [0,1]. Use proportion to construct.


Instances details
Show a => Show (Proportion a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO

Eq a => Eq (Proportion a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO


(==) :: Proportion a -> Proportion a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Proportion a -> Proportion a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (Proportion a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tax.ATO

getProportion :: Proportion a -> a Source #

Return underlying figure, which is in interval [0,1]

proportion :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> Proportion a Source #

Construct a proportion. Out of range numbers are clamped to 0 or 1 (no runtime errors).

module Data.Tax