thread-local-storage-0.1.2: Several options for thread-local-storage (TLS) in Haskell.

Safe HaskellNone




An implementation of TLS using the standard, Posix pthread_create_key routine.

Note that because this implementation uses Posix threads, it does NOT care about Haskell IO threads. This module is generally used to avoid problems with data structures or other APIs that are not thread safe. That is, pthread-based TLS is sufficient to disallow simultaneous access, irrespective of where IO threads migrate to.



data TLS a Source #

A thread-local variable of type a.

mkTLS Source #


:: IO a

Action for creating a single copy of the TLS variable.

-> IO (TLS a) 

Make a new per-thread variable. This guarantees that no two threads that execute getTLS simultaneosly will receive the same copy of the value. Generally, to meet this guarantee there must be AT LEAST one copy of the TLS variable for each distinct OS thread that calls getAll. But this is a lower bound, and there may be *more*. In particular, there could be one per Haskell IO thread rather than per OS thread.

Thread safe.

getTLS :: TLS a -> IO a Source #

Fetch this thread's copy of the TLS variable. Note that all values returned by this function may be immune to garbage collected until freeTLS is called.

Thread safe.

allTLS :: TLS a -> IO [a] Source #

After a TLS-based computation is complete, iterate through all the copies of the TLS variable which were used by all threads.

NOT thread safe.

forEachTLS_ :: TLS a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO () Source #

Like allTLS, but apply a computation directly rather than building a list.

freeAllTLS :: TLS a -> IO () Source #

Release all copies of the TLS variable, across all threads. This does not guarantee the storage will be freed immediately, but it guarantees that the storage can be reclaimed in the future.

The TLS value is still usable after this call, but any future calls to getTLS must initialize new state.

Not thread safe.

Deprecated, backwards compatibility

freeTLS :: TLS a -> IO () Source #

Deprecated: Replaced by freeAllTLS

An alias for freeAllTLS.