  , NamedFieldPuns
  , ScopedTypeVariables
  , RankNTypes

{- |
Module      : Data.TimeMap
Copyright   : (c) 2015 Athan Clark

License     : BSD-3
Maintainer  : athan.clark@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : GHC

A time-indexed mutable map for hashable keys.

The goal of this map is to provide moderately fast lookups and insertions for
key/value pairs, while implicitly keeping track of the last modification time of
each entity. The auxilliary time data is used for 'filterSince' and 'filterFromNow',
which quickly prune the data set to get rid of old entities.

module Data.TimeMap
  ( -- * Types
  , -- * Construction
  , insert
  , insertWithTime
  , update
  , updateWithTime
  , adjust
  , adjustWithTime
  , delete
  , touch
  , -- * Query
  , timeOf
  , ageOf
  , keys
  , elems
  , toList
  , size
  , null
  , -- * Filter
  , filterWithKey
  , filterSince
  , filterFromNow
  , -- * Take
  , takeFromNow
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (lookup, null, filter)
import Data.Time (UTCTime, NominalDiffTime, addUTCTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable (..))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust, catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict          as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet             as HS
import qualified Data.TimeMap.Internal    as MM
import qualified STMContainers.Map        as HT
import qualified Focus                    as F
import qualified ListT                    as L
import Control.Monad (forM, void)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (STM, atomically, TVar, writeTVar, readTVar, modifyTVar', modifyTVar, newTVar)

data TimeIndexed a = TimeIndexed
  { indexedTime  :: {-# UNPACK #-} !UTCTime
  , indexedValue :: a

-- | A mutable reference for a time-indexed map, similar to a 'Data.STRef.STRef'.
data TimeMap k a = TimeMap
  { timeMap :: !(TVar (MM.MultiMap UTCTime k))
  , keysMap :: !(HT.Map k (TimeIndexed a))

-- | Create a fresh, empty map.
newTimeMap :: STM (TimeMap k a)
newTimeMap = TimeMap <$> newTVar MM.empty
                     <*> HT.new

-- | Inserts a key and value into a 'TimeMap' - it adds the value
--   or overwites an existing entity.
insert :: Hashable k
       => Eq k
       => k -> a -> TimeMap k a -> IO ()
insert k x xs = do
  now <- getCurrentTime
  atomically (insertWithTime now k x xs)

{-# INLINEABLE insert #-}

insertWithTime :: forall k a
                . Hashable k
               => Eq k
               => UTCTime -> k -> a -> TimeMap k a -> STM ()
insertWithTime now k x TimeMap{timeMap,keysMap} =
  HT.focus go k keysMap
    go :: Maybe (TimeIndexed a) -> STM ((), F.Decision (TimeIndexed a))
    go mx = do
      modifyTVar timeMap $
        let changeOld = case mx of
                          Nothing -> id
                          Just (TimeIndexed oldTime _) ->
                            MM.remove oldTime k
        in  MM.insert now k . changeOld
      pure ((), F.Replace (TimeIndexed now x))

{-# INLINEABLE insertWithTime #-}

-- | Performs a non-mutating lookup for some key.
lookup :: Hashable k
       => Eq k
       => k -> TimeMap k a -> STM (Maybe a)
lookup k TimeMap{keysMap} =
  (\mx' -> indexedValue <$> mx') <$> HT.lookup k keysMap

{-# INLINEABLE lookup #-}

keys :: Hashable k
     => Eq k
     => TimeMap k a -> STM (HS.HashSet k)
keys TimeMap{timeMap} = MM.elems <$> readTVar timeMap

{-# INLINEABLE keys #-}

elems :: TimeMap k a -> STM [a]
elems TimeMap{keysMap} = L.toList $ (indexedValue . snd) <$> HT.stream keysMap

toList :: Hashable k
       => Eq k
       => TimeMap k a -> STM [(k, a)]
toList TimeMap{keysMap,timeMap} = do
  keys' <- (HS.toList . MM.elems) <$> readTVar timeMap
  forM keys' $ \k -> do
    mVal <- HT.lookup k keysMap
    pure (k, indexedValue (fromJust mVal))

size :: TimeMap k a -> STM Int
size xs = length <$> elems xs

null :: TimeMap k a -> STM Bool
null xs = HT.null (keysMap xs)

timeOf :: Hashable k
       => Eq k
       => k -> TimeMap k a -> STM (Maybe UTCTime)
timeOf k xs = do
  mx <- HT.lookup k (keysMap xs)
  pure (indexedTime <$> mx)

{-# INLINEABLE timeOf #-}

ageOf :: Hashable k
      => Eq k
      => k -> TimeMap k a -> IO (Maybe NominalDiffTime)
ageOf k xs = do
  now <- getCurrentTime
  mt  <- atomically (timeOf k xs)
  pure (diffUTCTime now <$> mt)

{-# INLINEABLE ageOf #-}

-- | Updates or deletes the value at @k@, while updating its time.
update :: Hashable k
       => Eq k
       => (a -> Maybe a) -> k -> TimeMap k a -> IO ()
update p k xs = do
  now <- getCurrentTime
  atomically (updateWithTime now p k xs)

{-# INLINEABLE update #-}

updateWithTime :: forall k a
                . Hashable k
               => Eq k
               => UTCTime -> (a -> Maybe a) -> k -> TimeMap k a -> STM ()
updateWithTime now p k TimeMap{keysMap,timeMap} =
  HT.focus go k keysMap
    go :: Maybe (TimeIndexed a) -> STM ((), F.Decision (TimeIndexed a))
    go Nothing = pure ((), F.Keep)
    go (Just (TimeIndexed oldTime y)) =
      let (action,minsert) =
            case p y of
              Nothing -> (F.Remove                      , MM.remove oldTime k)
              Just y' -> (F.Replace (TimeIndexed now y'), id)
      in do modifyTVar timeMap (MM.insert now k . minsert)
            pure ((), action)

{-# INLINEABLE updateWithTime #-}

-- | Adjusts the value at @k@, while updating its time.
adjust :: Hashable k
       => Eq k
       => (a -> a) -> k -> TimeMap k a -> IO ()
adjust f k xs = do
  now <- getCurrentTime
  atomically (adjustWithTime now f k xs)

{-# INLINEABLE adjust #-}

adjustWithTime :: forall k a
                . Hashable k
               => Eq k
               => UTCTime -> (a -> a) -> k -> TimeMap k a -> STM ()
adjustWithTime now f k TimeMap{keysMap,timeMap} =
  HT.focus go k keysMap
    go :: Maybe (TimeIndexed a) -> STM ((), F.Decision (TimeIndexed a))
    go Nothing = pure ((), F.Keep)
    go (Just (TimeIndexed oldTime y)) = do
      modifyTVar timeMap (MM.insert now k . MM.remove oldTime k)
      pure ((), F.Replace $ TimeIndexed now $ f y)

{-# INLINEABLE adjustWithTime #-}

-- | Deletes the value at @k@.
delete :: Hashable k
       => Eq k
       => k -> TimeMap k a -> STM ()
delete k TimeMap{timeMap,keysMap} = HT.focus go k keysMap
    go mx = do
      case mx of
        Nothing -> pure ()
        Just (TimeIndexed oldTime _) ->
          modifyTVar' timeMap (MM.remove oldTime k)
      pure ((), F.Remove)

{-# INLINEABLE delete #-}

-- | Resets the key to the current time, and fails silently when the key isn't
--   present.
touch :: Hashable k
      => Eq k
      => k -> TimeMap k a -> IO ()
touch = adjust id

{-# INLINEABLE touch #-}

filter :: Hashable k
       => Eq k
       => (a -> Bool) -> TimeMap k a -> STM ()
filter p = filterWithKey (const p)

{-# INLINEABLE filter #-}

filterWithKey :: forall k a
               . Hashable k
              => Eq k
              => (k -> a -> Bool) -> TimeMap k a -> STM ()
filterWithKey p xs = do
  ks <- (HS.toList . MM.elems) <$> readTVar (timeMap xs)
  mapM_ go ks
    go :: k -> STM ()
    go k = HT.focus go' k (keysMap xs)
        go' :: Maybe (TimeIndexed a) -> STM ((), F.Decision (TimeIndexed a))
        go' (Just (TimeIndexed _ x))
          | p k x     = pure ((), F.Keep)
          | otherwise = pure ((), F.Remove)
        go' Nothing   = pure ((), F.Keep)

{-# INLINEABLE filterWithKey #-}

takeSince :: Hashable k
          => Eq k
          => UTCTime
          -> TimeMap k a
          -> STM [(k, a)]
takeSince t TimeMap{timeMap,keysMap} = do
  ts <- readTVar timeMap
  let (toCut, mx, result) = Map.splitLookup t ts
      toRemove = MM.elems toCut `HS.union` fromMaybe HS.empty mx
  writeTVar timeMap result
  taken <- fmap catMaybes $ forM (HS.toList toRemove) $ \k -> do
    mX <- HT.lookup k keysMap
    case mX of
      Nothing -> pure Nothing
      Just (TimeIndexed _ x) -> do
        HT.delete k keysMap
        pure (Just (k, x))
  pure taken

{-# INLINEABLE takeSince #-}

takeFromNow :: Hashable k
            => Eq k
            => NominalDiffTime
            -> TimeMap k a
            -> IO [(k, a)]
takeFromNow t xs = do
  now <- getCurrentTime
  atomically (takeSince (addUTCTime (negate t) now) xs)

{-# INLINEABLE takeFromNow #-}

-- | Filters out all entries older than or equal to a designated time
filterSince :: Hashable k
            => Eq k
            => UTCTime
            -> TimeMap k a
            -> STM ()
filterSince t = void . takeSince t

{-# INLINEABLE filterSince #-}

-- | Filters out all entries within some time frame
--   > filterFromNow 1 -- removes entities older than or equal to one second from now
filterFromNow :: Hashable k
              => Eq k
              => NominalDiffTime -- ^ Assumes a positive distance into the past
              -> TimeMap k a
              -> IO ()
filterFromNow t = void . takeFromNow t

{-# INLINEABLE filterFromNow #-}