tmp-postgres- Start and stop a temporary postgres

Safe HaskellNone



This module provides the low level functionality for running initdb, postgres and createdb to make a database.

See initPlan for more details.



data Event Source #

Internal events for debugging


Eq Event Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Postgres.Temp.Internal.Core


(==) :: Event -> Event -> Bool #

(/=) :: Event -> Event -> Bool #

Ord Event Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Postgres.Temp.Internal.Core


compare :: Event -> Event -> Ordering #

(<) :: Event -> Event -> Bool #

(<=) :: Event -> Event -> Bool #

(>) :: Event -> Event -> Bool #

(>=) :: Event -> Event -> Bool #

max :: Event -> Event -> Event #

min :: Event -> Event -> Event #

Show Event Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Postgres.Temp.Internal.Core


showsPrec :: Int -> Event -> ShowS #

show :: Event -> String #

showList :: [Event] -> ShowS #

data StartError Source #

A list of failures that can occur when starting. This is not and exhaustive list but covers the errors that the system catches for the user.


StartPostgresFailed ExitCode

postgres failed before a connection succeeded. Most likely this is due to invalid configuration

InitDbFailed ExitCode

initdb failed. This can be from invalid configuration or using a non-empty data directory

CreateDbFailed ExitCode

createdb failed. This can be from invalid configuration or the database might already exist.

CompletePlanFailed [String]

The PartialPlan was missing info and a complete Plan could not be created.

type Logger = Event -> IO () Source #

A way to log internal Events

waitForDB :: Options -> IO () Source #

postgres is not ready until we are able to successfully connect. waitForDB attempts to connect over and over again and returns after the first successful connection.

data ProcessConfig Source #

ProcessConfig contains the configuration necessary for starting a process. It is essentially a stripped down CreateProcess.




startProcess Source #


:: String

Process name

-> ProcessConfig

Process config

-> IO ProcessHandle 

Start a process interactively and return the ProcessHandle

executeProcess Source #


:: String

Process name

-> ProcessConfig

Process config

-> IO ExitCode 

Start a process and block until it finishes return the ExitCode.

data PostgresPlan Source #

PostgresPlan is used be startPostgresProcess to start the postgres and then attempt to connect to it.




data PostgresProcess Source #

The output of calling startPostgresProcess.




terminateConnections :: Options -> IO () Source #

Force all connections to the database to close. Can be useful in some testing situations. Called during shutdown as well.

stopPostgresProcess :: PostgresProcess -> IO ExitCode Source #

Stop the postgres process after attempting to terminate all the connections.

startPostgresProcess :: Logger -> PostgresPlan -> IO PostgresProcess Source #

Start the postgres process and block until a successful connection occurs. A separate thread we continously check to see if the postgres process has

data Plan Source #

Plan is the low level configuration necessary for creating a database starting postgres and creating a database. There is no validation done on the Plan. It is recommend that one use the higher level functions such as start which will generate plans that are valid. Plans are used internally but are exposed if the higher level plan generation is not sufficent.

throwIfNotSuccess :: Exception e => (ExitCode -> e) -> ExitCode -> IO () Source #

A simple helper to throw ExitCodes when they are ExitFailure.

initPlan :: Plan -> IO PostgresProcess Source #

initPlan optionally calls initdb, optionally calls createdb and unconditionally calls postgres. Additionally it writes a "postgresql.conf" and does not return until the postgres process is ready. See startPostgresProcess for more details.

shutdownPlan :: PostgresProcess -> IO ExitCode Source #

Stop the postgres process. See stopPostgresProcess for more details.