transient-universe- Remote execution and map-reduce: distributed computing for Transient

Safe HaskellNone






newtype Cloud a Source #





Monad Cloud Source # 


(>>=) :: Cloud a -> (a -> Cloud b) -> Cloud b #

(>>) :: Cloud a -> Cloud b -> Cloud b #

return :: a -> Cloud a #

fail :: String -> Cloud a #

Functor Cloud Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Cloud a -> Cloud b #

(<$) :: a -> Cloud b -> Cloud a #

Applicative Cloud Source # 


pure :: a -> Cloud a #

(<*>) :: Cloud (a -> b) -> Cloud a -> Cloud b #

(*>) :: Cloud a -> Cloud b -> Cloud b #

(<*) :: Cloud a -> Cloud b -> Cloud a #

Alternative Cloud Source # 


empty :: Cloud a #

(<|>) :: Cloud a -> Cloud a -> Cloud a #

some :: Cloud a -> Cloud [a] #

many :: Cloud a -> Cloud [a] #

MonadState EventF Cloud Source # 


get :: Cloud EventF #

put :: EventF -> Cloud () #

state :: (EventF -> (a, EventF)) -> Cloud a #

Monoid a => Monoid (Cloud a) Source # 


mempty :: Cloud a #

mappend :: Cloud a -> Cloud a -> Cloud a #

mconcat :: [Cloud a] -> Cloud a #

runCloudIO :: Cloud a -> IO a Source #

run the cloud computation.

runCloudIO' :: Cloud a -> IO a Source #

run the cloud computation with no console input

local :: Loggable a => TransIO a -> Cloud a Source #

Means that this computation will be executed in the current node. the result will be logged so the closure will be recovered if the computation is translated to other node by means of primitives like beamTo, forkTo, runAt, teleport, clustered, mclustered etc

onAll :: TransIO a -> Cloud a Source #

alternative to local It means that if the computation is translated to other node this will be executed again if this has not been executed inside a local computation.

onAll foo
local foo'
local $ do
      runCloud $ do
              onAll baz
              runAt node ....
callTo node' .....

Here foo will be executed in node' but foo' bar and baz don't.

However foo bar and baz will e executed in node.

lliftIO :: Loggable a => IO a -> Cloud a Source #

the Cloud monad has no MonadIO instance. `lliftIO= local . liftIO`

localIO :: Loggable a => IO a -> Cloud a Source #

locally perform IO. `localIO = lliftIO`

connect :: Node -> Node -> Cloud () Source #

set the rest of the computation as a new node (first parameter) and connect it to an existing node (second parameter). then it uses connect` to synchronize the list of nodes

connect' :: Node -> Cloud () Source #

synchronize the list of nodes with a remote node and all the nodes connected to it the final effect is that all the nodes reachable share the same list of nodes

fullStop :: Cloud stop Source #

stop the current computation and does not execute any alternative computation

primitives for communication

wormhole :: Loggable a => Node -> Cloud a -> Cloud a Source #

A wormhole opens a connection with another node anywhere in a computation. teleport uses this connection to translate the computation back and forth between the two nodes connected

teleport :: Cloud () Source #

translates computations back and forth reusing a connection opened by wormhole

copyData :: (Typeable * b, Show b, Read b) => b -> Cloud b Source #

copy a session data variable from the local to the remote node. If there is none set in the local node, The parameter is the default value. In this case, the default value is also set in the local node.

single node invocation

beamTo :: Node -> Cloud () Source #

continue the execution in a new node all the previous actions from listen to this statement must have been logged

forkTo :: Node -> Cloud () Source #

execute in the remote node a process with the same execution state

streamFrom :: Loggable a => Node -> Cloud (StreamData a) -> Cloud (StreamData a) Source #

callTo can stream data but can not inform the receiving process about the finalization. This call does it.

callTo :: Loggable a => Node -> Cloud a -> Cloud a Source #

open a wormhole to another node and executes an action on it. currently by default it keep open the connection to receive additional requests and responses (streaming)

runAt :: Loggable a => Node -> Cloud a -> Cloud a Source #

synonymous of callTo

atRemote :: (Typeable * a, Show a, Read a) => Cloud a -> Cloud a Source #

Within an open connection to other node opened by wormhole, it run the computation in the remote node and return the result back to the original node.

invocation of many nodes

clustered :: Loggable a => Cloud a -> Cloud a Source #

execute a Transient action in each of the nodes connected.

The response of each node is received by the invoking node and processed by the rest of the procedure. By default, each response is processed in a new thread. To restrict the number of threads use the thread control primitives.

this snippet receive a message from each of the simulated nodes:

main = keep $ do
   let nodes= map createLocalNode [2000..2005]
   addNodes nodes
   (foldl (<|>) empty $ map listen nodes) <|> return ()

   r <- clustered $ do
              Connection (Just(PortNumber port, _, _, _)) _ <- getSData
              return $ "hi from " ++ show port++ "\n"
   liftIO $ putStrLn r
   createLocalNode n= createNode "localhost" (PortNumber n)

callNodes :: (Typeable * a1, Typeable * a, Show a1, Show a, Read a1, Read a) => (Cloud a1 -> Cloud a -> Cloud a) -> Cloud a -> Cloud a1 -> Cloud a Source #


putMailbox :: Typeable a => Text -> a -> TransIO () Source #

write to the mailbox

getMailbox :: Typeable * b => Text -> TransIO b Source #

get messages from the mailbox that matches with the type expected. The order of reading is defined by readTChan This is reactive. it means that each new message trigger the execution of the continuation each message wake up all the getMailbox computations waiting for it.

cleanMailbox :: Typeable a => Text -> a -> TransIO () Source #

delete all subscriptions for that mailbox expecting this kind of data.

node management

getNodes :: MonadIO m => m [Node] Source #

return the list of nodes connected to the local node

addNodes :: [Node] -> TransIO () Source #

add nodes to the list of nodes

low level

data Node Source #




data Connection Source #




type Service = (Package, Program) Source #

Orphan instances