twee-lib-2.1.3: An equational theorem prover

Safe HaskellNone




Critical pair generation.



data Positions f Source #

The set of positions at which a term can have critical overlaps.


ConsP !Int !(Positions f) 


Show (Positions f) Source # 
(~) * f g => Has (ActiveRule f) (Positions g) Source # 


the :: ActiveRule f -> Positions g Source #

positions :: Term f -> Positions f Source #

Calculate the set of positions for a term.

positionsChurch :: Positions f -> ChurchList Int Source #

data Overlap f Source #

A critical overlap of one rule with another.





Show (Overlap f) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Overlap f -> ShowS #

show :: Overlap f -> String #

showList :: [Overlap f] -> ShowS #

newtype Depth Source #

Represents the depth of a critical pair.


Depth Int 

overlaps :: (Function f, Has a (Rule f), Has a (Positions f), Has a Depth) => Depth -> Index f a -> [a] -> a -> [(a, a, Overlap f)] Source #

Compute all overlaps of a rule with a set of rules.

overlapsChurch :: forall f a. (Function f, Has a (Rule f), Has a (Positions f), Has a Depth) => Depth -> Index f a -> [a] -> a -> ChurchList (a, a, Overlap f) Source #

asymmetricOverlaps :: (Function f, Has a (Rule f), Has a Depth) => Index f a -> Depth -> Positions f -> Rule f -> Rule f -> ChurchList (Overlap f) Source #

overlapAt :: Int -> Depth -> Rule f -> Rule f -> Maybe (Overlap f) Source #

Create an overlap at a particular position in a term. Doesn't simplify the overlap.

simplifyOverlap :: (Function f, Has a (Rule f)) => Index f a -> Overlap f -> Maybe (Overlap f) Source #

Simplify an overlap and remove it if it's trivial.

data Config Source #

The configuration for the critical pair weighting heuristic.

defaultConfig :: Config Source #

The default heuristic configuration.

score :: Function f => Config -> Overlap f -> Int Source #

Compute a score for a critical pair.

Higher-level handling of critical pairs.

data CriticalPair f Source #

A critical pair together with information about how it was derived




split :: Function f => CriticalPair f -> [CriticalPair f] Source #

Split a critical pair so that it can be turned into rules.

The resulting critical pairs have the property that no variable appears on the right that is not on the left.

makeCriticalPair :: (Has a (Rule f), Has a (Lemma f), Has a Id, Function f) => a -> a -> Overlap f -> Maybe (CriticalPair f) Source #

Make a critical pair from two rules and an overlap.

overlapProof :: forall a f. (Has a (Rule f), Has a (Lemma f), Has a Id) => a -> a -> Overlap f -> Derivation f Source #

Return a proof for a critical pair.