typelits-witnesses- Existential witnesses, singletons, and classes for operations on GHC TypeLits

Copyright(c) Justin Le 2015
Safe HaskellSafe




Provides the KnownNats and KnownSymbols typeclasses in analogy to KnownNat and KnownSymbol from GHC.TypeLits. Also provides singleton-esque structures for traversing over type-level lists of Nats and Symbols. Comes with continuation-style reifiers and existential types for dependent typing usage, and as an analogy with SomeNat and SomeSymbol.

See typeclass documentations for more information.



class KnownNats ns where Source

KnownNats ns is intended to represent that every Nat in the type-level list ns is itself a KnownNat (meaning, you can use natVal to get its corresponding Integer).

In practice, just knowing that every item has a KnownNat instance is not enough; it's nice, but unless you're able to "iterate" over every Nat in the list, it's of limited use. That's why this class also provides a constructor for NatList ns, so that you can produce a NatList for every KnownNat ns, which you can iterate over to get Proxy ns for every n in ns along with the KnownNat n instances.

It also has an analogy to natVal, natsVal, which lets you get a list of the represented Integers for, say, Proxy [1,2,3].


natsVal :: p ns -> [Integer] Source

natsList :: NatList ns Source


KnownNats ([] Nat) Source 
(KnownNat n, KnownNats ns) => KnownNats ((:) Nat n ns) Source 

data SomeNats :: * where Source

Represents unknown type-level lists of type-level natural numbers. It's a NatList, but you don't know what the list contains at compile-time.


SomeNats :: KnownNats ns => NatList ns -> SomeNats 

data NatList :: [Nat] -> * where Source

Singleton-esque type for "traversing" over type-level lists of Nats. Essentially contains a (value-level) list of Proxy ns, but each n has a KnownNat instance for you to use. At runtime (after type erasure), is more or less equivalent to a [Integer].

Typically generated using natsList.


ØNL :: NatList `[]` 
(:<#) :: (KnownNat n, KnownNats ns) => Proxy n -> NatList ns -> NatList (n : ns) infixr 5 


someNatsVal :: [Integer] -> Maybe SomeNats Source

List equivalent of someNatVal. Convert a list of integers into an unknown type-level list of naturals. Will return Nothing if any of the given Integers is negative.

someNatsVal' :: [Integer] -> SomeNats Source

Like someNatsVal, but will also go ahead and produce KnownNats whose integer values are negative. It won't ever error on producing them, but extra care must be taken when using the produced SomeNats.

reifyNats :: [Integer] -> (forall ns. KnownNats ns => NatList ns -> r) -> r Source

List equivalent of reifyNat. Given a list of integers, takes a function in an "environment" with a NatList ns corresponding to the given list, where every n in ns has a KnownNat instance.

Essentially a continuation-style version of SomeNats.

For compatability with reifyNat, be aware that this also produces KnownNat ns where n is negative, without complaining.

traverseNatList :: forall f ns. Applicative f => (forall n. KnownNat n => Proxy n -> f SomeNat) -> NatList ns -> f SomeNats Source

Utility function for traversing over all of the Proxy ns in a NatList, each with the corresponding KnownNat instance available. Gives the the ability to "change" the represented natural number to a new one, in a SomeNat.

Can be considered a form of a Traversal' SomeNat SomeNats.

traverseNatList' :: forall f. Applicative f => (SomeNat -> f SomeNat) -> SomeNats -> f SomeNats Source

Like traverseNatList, but literally actually a Traversal' SomeNat SomeNats, so is usable with lens-library machinery.

traverseNatList_ :: forall f a ns. Applicative f => (forall n. KnownNat n => Proxy n -> f a) -> NatList ns -> f () Source

Utility function for traversing over all of the Proxy ns in a NatList, each with the corresponding KnownNat instance available. Results are ignored.

mapNatList :: (forall n. KnownNat n => Proxy n -> SomeNat) -> NatList ns -> SomeNats Source

Utility function for "mapping" over each of the Nats in the NatList.


class KnownSymbols ns where Source

KnownSymbols ns is intended to represent that every Symbol in the type-level list ns is itself a KnownSymbol (meaning, you can use symbolVal to get its corresponding String).

You can use symbolsVal to get the corresponding [String] from KnownSymbols ns.

For reasons discussed further in the documentation for KnownNats, this also lets you generate a SymbolList ns, in order to iterate over the type-level list of Symbols and take advantage of their KnownSymbol instances.

data SomeSymbols :: * where Source

Represents unknown type-level lists of Symbols. It's a SymbolList, but you don't know what the list contains at compile-time.


SomeSymbols :: KnownSymbols ns => SymbolList ns -> SomeSymbols 

data SymbolList :: [Symbol] -> * where Source

Singleton-esque type for "traversing" over type-level lists of Symbols. Essentially contains a (value-level) list of Proxy ns, but each n has a KnownSymbol instance for you to use. At runtime (after type erasure), is more or less equivalent to a [String].

Typically generated using symbolsList.


ØSL :: SymbolList `[]` 
(:<$) :: (KnownSymbol n, KnownSymbols ns) => Proxy n -> SymbolList ns -> SymbolList (n : ns) infixr 5 


someSymbolsVal :: [String] -> SomeSymbols Source

List equivalent of someNatVal. Convert a list of integers into an unknown type-level list of naturals. Will return Nothing if any of the given Integers is negative.

reifySymbols :: [String] -> (forall ns. KnownSymbols ns => SymbolList ns -> r) -> r Source

List equivalent of reifyNat. Given a list of integers, takes a function in an "environment" with a NatList ns corresponding to the given list, where every n in ns has a KnownNat instance.

Essentially a continuation-style version of SomeSymbols.

traverseSymbolList :: forall f ns. Applicative f => (forall n. KnownSymbol n => Proxy n -> f SomeSymbol) -> SymbolList ns -> f SomeSymbols Source

Utility function for traversing over all of the Proxy ns in a SymbolList, each with the corresponding KnownSymbol instance available. Gives the the ability to "change" the represented natural number to a new one, in a SomeSymbol.

Can be considered a form of a Traversal' SomeSymbol SomeSymbols.

traverseSymbolList' :: forall f. Applicative f => (SomeSymbol -> f SomeSymbol) -> SomeSymbols -> f SomeSymbols Source

Like traverseSymbolList, but literally actually a Traversal' SomeSymbol SomeSymbols, so is usable with lens-library machinery.

traverseSymbolList_ :: forall f ns. Applicative f => (forall n a. KnownSymbol n => Proxy n -> f a) -> SymbolList ns -> f () Source

Utility function for traversing over all of the Proxy ns in a SymbolList, each with the corresponding KnownSymbol instance available. Results are ignored.

mapSymbolList :: (forall n. KnownSymbol n => Proxy n -> SomeSymbol) -> SymbolList ns -> SomeSymbols Source

Utility function for "mapping" over each of the Symbols in the SymbolList.