typelits-witnesses- Existential witnesses, singletons, and classes for operations on GHC TypeLits

Copyright(c) Justin Le 2016
Safe HaskellNone




This module provides the ability to refine given KnownNat instances using GHC.TypeLits's comparison API, and also the ability to prove inequalities and upper/lower limits.

If a library function requires 1 <= n constraint, but only KnownNat n is available:

foo :: (KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => Proxy n -> Int

bar :: KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Int
bar n = case (Proxy :: Proxy 1) %<=? n of
          LE  Refl -> foo n
          NLE _    -> 0

foo requires that 1 <= n, but bar has to handle all cases of n. %<=? lets you compare the KnownNats in two Proxys and returns a :<=?, which has two constructors, LE and NLE.

If you pattern match on the result, in the LE branch, the constraint 1 <= n will be satisfied according to GHC, so bar can safely call foo, and GHC will recognize that 1 <= n.

In the NLE branch, the constraint that 1 > n is satisfied, so any functions that require that constraint would be callable.

For convenience, isLE and isNLE are also offered:

bar :: KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Int
bar n = case isLE (Proxy :: Proxy 1) n of
          Just Refl -> foo n
          Nothing   -> 0

Similarly, if a library function requires something involving CmpNat, you can use cmpNat and the SCmpNat type:

foo1 :: (KnownNat n, CmpNat 5 n ~ LT) => Proxy n -> Int
foo2 :: (KnownNat n, CmpNat 5 n ~ GT) => Proxy n -> Int

bar :: KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Int
bar n = case cmpNat (Proxy :: Proxy 5) n of
          CLT Refl -> foo1 n
          CEQ Refl -> 0
          CGT Refl -> foo2 n

You can use the Refl that cmpNat gives you with flipCmpNat and cmpNatLE to "flip" the inequality or turn it into something compatible with <=? (useful for when you have to work with libraries that mix the two methods) or cmpNatEq and eqCmpNat to get to/from witnesses for equality of the two Nats.


<= and <=?

data (:<=?) :: Nat -> Nat -> * where Source #


LE :: ((m <=? n) :~: True) -> m :<=? n 
NLE :: ((m <=? n) :~: False) -> ((n <=? m) :~: True) -> m :<=? n 

(%<=?) :: (KnownNat m, KnownNat n) => p m -> p n -> m :<=? n Source #

Convenience functions

isLE :: (KnownNat m, KnownNat n) => p m -> p n -> Maybe ((m <=? n) :~: True) Source #

isNLE :: (KnownNat m, KnownNat n) => p m -> p n -> Maybe ((m <=? n) :~: False) Source #


data SCmpNat :: Nat -> Nat -> * where Source #


CLT :: (CmpNat m n :~: LT) -> SCmpNat m n 
CEQ :: (CmpNat m n :~: EQ) -> (m :~: n) -> SCmpNat m n 
CGT :: (CmpNat m n :~: GT) -> SCmpNat m n 

cmpNat :: (KnownNat m, KnownNat n) => p m -> p n -> SCmpNat m n Source #

Manipulating witnesses

cmpNatEq :: (CmpNat m n :~: EQ) -> m :~: n Source #

eqCmpNat :: (m :~: n) -> CmpNat m n :~: EQ Source #

reflCmpNat :: (m :~: n) -> SCmpNat m n Source #

Interfacing with <=?

cmpNatLE :: SCmpNat m n -> m :<=? n Source #