unix-time-0.3.4: Unix time parser/formatter and utilities

Safe HaskellNone




Data structure

data UnixTime Source

Data structure for Unix time.

Please note that this uses GHC-derived Eq and Ord instances. Notably

>>> UnixTime 1 0 > UnixTime 0 999999999

You should instead use UnixDiffTime along with its helpers such as microSecondsToUnixDiffTime which will ensure that such unusual values are never created.




utSeconds :: !CTime

Seconds from 1st Jan 1970

utMicroSeconds :: !Int32

Micro seconds (i.e. 10^(-6))

Getting time

Parsing and formatting time

parseUnixTime :: Format -> ByteString -> UnixTime Source

Parsing ByteString to UnixTime interpreting as localtime. This is a wrapper for strptime_l(). Many implementations of strptime_l() do not support %Z and some implementations of strptime_l() do not support %z, either.

parseUnixTimeGMT :: Format -> ByteString -> UnixTime Source

Parsing ByteString to UnixTime interpreting as GMT. This is a wrapper for strptime_l().

>>> parseUnixTimeGMT webDateFormat "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"
UnixTime {utSeconds = 0, utMicroSeconds = 0}

formatUnixTime :: Format -> UnixTime -> IO ByteString Source

Formatting UnixTime to ByteString in local time. This is a wrapper for strftime_l().

formatUnixTimeGMT :: Format -> UnixTime -> ByteString Source

Formatting UnixTime to ByteString in GMT. This is a wrapper for strftime_l().

>>> formatUnixTimeGMT webDateFormat $ UnixTime 0 0
"Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"


type Format = ByteString Source

Format of the strptime()/strftime() style.

webDateFormat :: Format Source

Format for web (RFC 2616). The value is "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT". This should be used with formatUnixTimeGMT and parseUnixTimeGMT.

mailDateFormat :: Format Source

Format for e-mail (RFC 5322). The value is "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z". This should be used with formatUnixTime and parseUnixTime.

Difference time

data UnixDiffTime Source

Data structure for UnixTime diff.

>>> (3 :: UnixDiffTime) + 2
UnixDiffTime {udtSeconds = 5, udtMicroSeconds = 0}
>>> (2 :: UnixDiffTime) - 5
UnixDiffTime {udtSeconds = -3, udtMicroSeconds = 0}
>>> (3 :: UnixDiffTime) * 2
UnixDiffTime {udtSeconds = 6, udtMicroSeconds = 0}

It is up to the user to ensure that udtMicroSeconds < 1000000. Helpers such as microSecondsToUnixDiffTime can help you to create valid values. For example, it's a mistake to use addUnixDiffTime with a value UnixDiffTime 0 9999999 as it will produce an incorrect value back. You should instead use functions such as microSecondsToUnixDiffTime to create values that are in-range. This avoids any gotchas when then doing comparisons.




udtSeconds :: !CTime

Seconds from 1st Jan 1970

udtMicroSeconds :: !Int32

Micro seconds (i.e. 10^(-6))


Eq UnixDiffTime 
Num UnixDiffTime

Arithmetic operations where (1::UnixDiffTime) means 1 second.

Ord UnixDiffTime 
Real UnixDiffTime 
Show UnixDiffTime 

diffUnixTime :: UnixTime -> UnixTime -> UnixDiffTime Source

Calculating difference between two UnixTime.

>>> UnixTime 100 2000 `diffUnixTime` UnixTime 98 2100
UnixDiffTime {udtSeconds = 1, udtMicroSeconds = 999900}

addUnixDiffTime :: UnixTime -> UnixDiffTime -> UnixTime Source

Adding difference to UnixTime.

>>> UnixTime 100 2000 `addUnixDiffTime` microSecondsToUnixDiffTime (-1003000)
UnixTime {utSeconds = 98, utMicroSeconds = 999000}

secondsToUnixDiffTime :: Integral a => a -> UnixDiffTime Source

Creating difference from seconds.

>>> secondsToUnixDiffTime 100
UnixDiffTime {udtSeconds = 100, udtMicroSeconds = 0}

microSecondsToUnixDiffTime :: Integral a => a -> UnixDiffTime Source

Creating difference from micro seconds.

>>> microSecondsToUnixDiffTime 12345678
UnixDiffTime {udtSeconds = 12, udtMicroSeconds = 345678}
>>> microSecondsToUnixDiffTime (-12345678)
UnixDiffTime {udtSeconds = -12, udtMicroSeconds = -345678}

Translating time