unm-hip- A Library for the manipulation of images

Safe HaskellNone




Binary Images

class BinaryPixel px whereSource

A BinaryPixel can be in one of two states, on or off.


toBinary :: px -> BoolSource

off :: pxSource

on :: pxSource

toBinaryImage :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img)) => (Pixel img -> Bool) -> img -> imgSource

Given a function of a pixel to a boolean and an image, returns the Binary version of that image.

>>> stop <- readColorImage "images/stop.ppm"
>>> let binaryStop = toBinaryImage (\(RGB (r, g, b)) -> r > 196 && g > 0 && b > 0) stop



(<.) :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Ord (Pixel img), Pixel img ~ a) => a -> img -> imgSource

Given a Pixel p and an image img, return a Binary image where the pixel at (i, j) is on if p is less than the corresponding pixel in img at (i,j) and off otherwise.

>>> frog <. 50
< Image 225x242 >


(.<) :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Ord (Pixel img), Pixel img ~ a) => img -> a -> imgSource

Given an image, img, and a Pixel p, return a Binary image where the pixel at (i, j) is on if the corresponding pixel in img at (i,j) is less than p and off otherwise.

>>> frog <- readImage "images/frog.pgm"
>>> frog .< 50
< Image 225x242 >


(>.) :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Ord (Pixel img), Pixel img ~ a) => a -> img -> imgSource

Given a Pixel p and an image img, return a Binary image where the pixel at (i, j) is on if p is greater than the corresponding pixel in img at (i,j) and off otherwise.

>>> 50 >. frog
< Image 225x242 >


(.>) :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Ord (Pixel img), Pixel img ~ a) => img -> a -> imgSource

Given an image, img, and a Pixel p, return a Binary image where the pixel at (i, j) is on if the corresponding pixel in img at (i,j) is greater than p and off otherwise.

>>> 50 <. frog
< Image 225x242 >


(==.) :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Eq (Pixel img), Pixel img ~ a) => a -> img -> imgSource

Given a Pixel p and an image img, return a Binary image where the pixel at (i, j) is on if the corresponding pixel in img at (i,j) is equal to p and off otherwise.

>>> 50 ==. frog
< Image 225x242 >


(.==) :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Eq (Pixel img), Pixel img ~ a) => img -> a -> imgSource

Given an image, img, and a Pixel p, return a Binary image where the pixel at (i, j) is on if the corresponding pixel in img at (i,j) is equal to p and off otherwise.

>>> frog .== 50
< Image 225x242 >


(/=.) :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Eq (Pixel img), Pixel img ~ a) => a -> img -> imgSource

Given a Pixel p and an image img, return a Binary image where the pixel at (i, j) is on if the corresponding pixel in img at (i,j) is equal to p and off otherwise.

>>> 50 /=. frog
< Image 225x242 >


(./=) :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Eq (Pixel img), Pixel img ~ a) => img -> a -> imgSource

Given an image, img, and a Pixel p, return a Binary image where the pixel at (i, j) is on if the corresponding pixel in img at (i,j) is equal to p and off otherwise.

>>> frog ./= 50
< Image 225x242 >


compareImage :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Ord (Pixel img)) => (Pixel img -> Pixel img -> Bool) -> img -> img -> imgSource

Given a function of two pixels to a boolean pred and two images X and Y, return a binary image that for each pixel (i,j) is on if the pixel pred X(i,j) Y(i,j) return True and off otherwise.

>>> let fade = makeImage 225 242 (\ r _ -> fromIntegral r) :: GrayImage
>>> let fademask = compareImage (>) frog fade



(.<.) :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Ord (Pixel img)) => img -> img -> imgSource

Given two images X and Y, return a binary image that for each pixel (i, j) is on if X(i,j) < Y(i,j) and off otherwise.

>>> let fademask2 = frog .<. fade


(.>.) :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Ord (Pixel img)) => img -> img -> imgSource

Given two images X and Y, return a binary image that for each pixel (i, j) is on if X(i,j) > Y(i,j) and off otherwise.

>>> let fademask = frog .>. fade


(.==.) :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Eq (Pixel img)) => img -> img -> imgSource

Given two images X and Y, return a binray image that for each pixel (i, j) is on if X(i,j) == Y(i,j) and off otherwise.

>>> let fademask3 = frog .==. fade


(./=.) :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Eq (Pixel img)) => img -> img -> imgSource

Given two images X and Y, return a bniry image that for each pixel (i, j) is on if X(i,j) == Y(i,j) and off otherwise.

>>> let fademask4 = frog ./=. fade


applyMask :: (Image img, Monoid (Pixel img), Image mask, BinaryPixel (Pixel mask)) => mask -> img -> imgSource

Given a binary image to use as a mask and an image to mask, mask applies the mask to the image.

>>> let fmask = frog .< 150
>>> applyMask fmask frog
< Image 225x242 >

https://raw.github.com/jcollard/unm-hip/master/examples/fmask.jpg https://raw.github.com/jcollard/unm-hip/master/examples/applyMask.jpg

Binary Morphology

erode :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Num (Pixel img), Eq (Pixel img)) => [[Pixel img]] -> img -> imgSource

Given a 2D list consisting solely of pixels representing a structuring element, and a binary image, erode returns the morphological erosion of the image with the structuring element.

>>> stop <- readColorImage "images/stop.ppm"
>>> let binaryStop = toBinaryImage (\(RGB (r, g, b)) -> r > 196 && g > 0 && b > 0) stop
>>> let erosion = erode [[1,1],[1,1]] binaryStop
>>> binaryStop - erosion
< Image 86x159 >





erode' :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Num (Pixel img), Eq (Pixel img)) => img -> imgSource

For convenience erode' = erode [[1,1],[1,1]]

>>> erode' binaryStop
< Image 86x159 >


dilate :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Num (Pixel img), Eq (Pixel img)) => [[Pixel img]] -> img -> imgSource

Given a 2D list consisting solely of pixels representing a structuring element, and a binary image, dilate returns the morphological dilation of the image with the structuring element.

>>> let dilated = dilate [[1,1],[1,1]] binaryStop
>>> dilate - binaryStop
< Image 86x159 >



dilate' :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Num (Pixel img), Eq (Pixel img)) => img -> imgSource

For convenience dilate' = dilate [[1,1],[1,1]]

>>> dilate' binaryStop
< Image 86x159 >


open :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Num (Pixel img), Eq (Pixel img)) => [[Pixel img]] -> img -> imgSource

Given a 2D list consisting solely of pixels representing a structuring element, and a binary image, dilate returns the morphological opening of the image with the structuring element.

>>> noise <- readColorImage "images/noise.ppm"
>>> let noisyStop = binaryStop ./=. noise
>>> open noisyStop
< Image 86x159 >




open' :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Num (Pixel img), Eq (Pixel img)) => img -> imgSource

For convenience open' = open [[1,1],[1,1]]

>>> open' noisyStop
< Image 86x159 >


close :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Num (Pixel img), Eq (Pixel img)) => [[Pixel img]] -> img -> imgSource

Given a 2D list consisting solely of pixels representing a structuring element, and a binary image, dilate returns the morphological closing of the image with the structuring element.

>>> close [[1,1],[1,1]] noisyStop


close' :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Num (Pixel img), Eq (Pixel img)) => img -> imgSource

For convenience close' = close [[1,1],[1,1]]

>>> close' noisyStop


Functions on Binary Images

label :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Image img', Pixel img' ~ Double) => img -> img'Source

Given a binary image, label returns an image where pixels in distinct connected components (based on 4-neighbor connectivity) have distinct integer values. These values range from 1 to n where n is the number of connected components in image.

>>> label binaryStop
< Image 86x159 >


areas :: (Image img, MaxMin (Pixel img), RealFrac (Pixel img)) => img -> Vector DoubleSource

Given an image, areas returns a vector where the n-th component equals the number of pixels with value n. If image is the result of applying label to a binary image, then the vector represents the areas of the connected-components of the binary-image. If not, areas returns the histogram of the image.

>>> areas . label $ binaryStop
fromList [9241.0,1149.0,1323.0,809.0,1144.0]

perimeters :: (Image img, MaxMin (Pixel img), Pixel img ~ Double) => img -> Vector DoubleSource

Given an image, perimeters returns a vector where the n-th component equals the number of pixels with value n which are adjacent to pixels of value 0 and the 0-th component equals the sum of the other components. If image is the result of applying label to a binary image, then the vector represents the perimeters of the connected-components of the binary-image.

>>> perimeters . label $ binaryStop
fromList [1082.0,312.0,326.0,184.0,260.0]

boundingBoxes :: (Image img, MaxMin (Pixel img), Pixel img ~ Double) => img -> [(Int, Int, Int, Int)]Source

Given an image, the result of applying label to a binary-image, boundingBoxes returns a vector where the n-th component is a four element tuple representing the minimum and maximum row and column indices of pixels of the n-th connected-component of the image.

>>> boundingBoxes . label $ binaryStop

centersOfMass :: (Image img, MaxMin (Pixel img), Pixel img ~ Double) => img -> [(Double, Double)]Source

Given an image, the result of applying label to a binary-image, centersOfMass returns a vector where the n-th component is a tuple representing the average row and column indices of pixels of the n-th connected-component of the image.

>>> centersOfMass . label $ binaryStop

distanceTransform :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Image img', Pixel img' ~ Double) => img -> img'Source

Given a binary image, distanceTransform returns an image representing the 2D distance transform of the image. The distance transform is accurate to within a 2% error for euclidean distance.

>>> distanceTransform binaryStop :: GrayImage
< Image 86x159 >


outline :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Eq (Pixel img)) => img -> imgSource

Given an image, outline returns an image where edge pixels are set to the value on and non-edge pixels are set to the value off. Pixel (i, j) is an edge pixel iff its value is different than the value of either pixel (i, j+1) or pixel (i+1, j).

>>> outline binaryStop
< Image 86x159 >


outline' :: (Image img, BinaryPixel (Pixel img), Eq (Pixel img)) => Pixel img -> Pixel img -> img -> imgSource

Given two doubles nonEdge and edge, and an image, outline' returns an image where edge pixels are set to the value edge and non-edge pixels are set to the value nonEdge. Pixel (i, j) is an edge pixel iff its value is different than the value of either pixel (i, j+1) or pixel (i+1, j).

>>> outline' (RGB (255, 255, 255)) (RGB (0, 0, 255)) binaryStop
< Image 86x159 >
