valida-0.1.0: Simple applicative validation for product types, batteries included!
Copyright(c) TotallyNotChase 2021
Safe HaskellSafe



This module is re-exported by Valida. You probably don't need to import this.

This module exports the primitive, as well as utility, ValidationRule combinators. As well as the orElse, andAlso, satisfyAny, and satisfyAll functions, and some more utilities.


Primitive NonEmpty combinators

failureIf :: (a -> Bool) -> e -> ValidationRule (NonEmpty e) a Source #

Build a rule that fails with given error if the given predicate succeeds.

failureIf predc = failureUnless (not . predc)


>>> runValidator (validate (failureIf (>0) "Positive")) 5
Failure ("Positive" :| [])
>>> runValidator (validate (failureIf (>0) "Positive")) 0
Success 0
>>> runValidator (validate (failureIf (>0) "Positive")) (-1)
Success (-1)

failureUnless :: (a -> Bool) -> e -> ValidationRule (NonEmpty e) a Source #

Build a rule that fails with given error unless the given predicate succeeds.

failureUnless predc = failureIf (not . predc)


>>> runValidator (validate (failureUnless (>0) "NonPositive")) 5
Success 5
>>> runValidator (validate (failureUnless (>0) "NonPositive")) 0
Failure ("NonPositive" :| [])
>>> runValidator (validate (failureUnless (>0) "NonPositive")) (-1)
Failure ("NonPositive" :| [])

Primitive Unit combinators

failureIf' :: (a -> Bool) -> ValidationRule () a Source #

Like failureIf but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

failureIf' predc = failureUnless' (not . predc)
label (const (err :| [])) (failureIf' predc) = failureIf predc err


>>> runValidator (validate (failureIf' (>0))) 5
Failure ()
>>> runValidator (validate (failureIf' (>0))) 0
Success 0
>>> runValidator (validate (failureIf' (>0))) (-1)
Success (-1)

failureUnless' :: (a -> Bool) -> ValidationRule () a Source #

Like failureUnless but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

failureUnless' predc = failureIf' (not . predc)
label (const (err :| [])) (failureUnless' predc) = failureUnless predc err


>>> runValidator (validate (failureUnless' (>0))) 5
Success 5
>>> runValidator (validate (failureUnless' (>0))) 0
Failure ()
>>> runValidator (validate (failureUnless' (>0))) (-1)
Failure ()

Negating ValidationRule

negateRule :: e -> ValidationRule e1 a -> ValidationRule e a Source #

Build a rule that succeeds if given rule fails and vice versa.


>>> let rule = negateRule "NonPositive" (failureIf (>0) "Positive")
>>> runValidator (validate rule) 5
Success 5
>>> runValidator (validate rule) 0
Failure "NonPositive"
>>> runValidator (validate rule) (-1)
Failure "NonPositive"

negateRule' :: ValidationRule e a -> ValidationRule () a Source #

Like negateRule but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

Combining ValidationRules

andAlso :: ValidationRule e a -> ValidationRule e a -> ValidationRule e a Source #

Build a rule that only succeeds if both of the given rules succeed. The very first failure is yielded.

This is the same as the semigroup operation (i.e (<>)) on ValidationRule.

rule1 `andAlso` (rule2 `andAlso` rule3) = (rule1 `andAlso` rule2) `andAlso` rule3
mempty `andAlso` rule = rule
rule `andAlso` mempty = rule


>>> let rule = failureIf (>0) "Positive" `andAlso` failureIf even "Even"
>>> runValidator (validate rule) 5
Failure ("Positive" :| [])
>>> runValidator (validate rule) (-2)
Failure ("Even" :| [])
>>> runValidator (validate rule) (-1)
Success (-1)

falseRule :: Monoid e => ValidationRule e a Source #

A ValidationRule that always fails with supplied error. This is the identity of orElse (i.e (</>)).

falseRule `orElse` rule = rule
rule `orElse` falseRule = rule


>>> runValidator (validate falseRule) 42
Failure ()

orElse :: Semigroup e => ValidationRule e a -> ValidationRule e a -> ValidationRule e a Source #

Build a rule that succeeds if either of the given rules succeed. If both fail, the errors are combined.

rule1 `orElse` (rule2 `orElse` rule3) = (rule1 `orElse` rule2) `orElse` rule3
falseRule e `orElse` rule = rule
rule `orElse` falseRule e = rule


>>> let rule = failureIf (>0) "Positive" `orElse` failureIf even "Even"
>>> runValidator (validate rule) 5
Success 5
>>> runValidator (validate rule) 4
Failure ("Positive" :| ["Even"])
>>> runValidator (validate rule) 0
Success 0
>>> runValidator (validate rule) (-1)
Success (-1)

satisfyAll :: Foldable t => t (ValidationRule e a) -> ValidationRule e a Source #

Build a rule that only succeeds if all of the given rules succeed. The very first failure is yielded.

satisfyAll = fold
satisfyAll = foldl1 andAlso
satisfyAll = foldr1 andAlso
satisfyAll = foldl andAlso mempty
satisfyAll = foldr andAlso mempty

satisfyAny :: (Foldable t, Semigroup e) => t (ValidationRule e a) -> ValidationRule e a Source #

Build a rule that succeeds if any of the given rules succeed. If all fail, the errors are combined.

satisfyAny = foldl1 orElse
satisfyAny = foldr1 orElse
satisfyAny = foldl orElse falseRule
satisfyAny = foldr orElse falseRule

(</>) :: Semigroup e => ValidationRule e a -> ValidationRule e a -> ValidationRule e a infixr 5 Source #

A synonym for orElse. Satisfies associativity law and hence forms a semigroup.

Common derivates of primitive NonEmpty combinators

atleastContains :: Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> e -> ValidationRule (NonEmpty e) (t a) Source #

Build an any rule.

atleastContains x = failureUnless (any x)

lengthAbove :: Foldable t => Int -> e -> ValidationRule (NonEmpty e) (t a) Source #

Build a minimum length (inclusive) rule.

lengthAbove x = minLengthOf (x + 1)
lengthAbove x = failureUnless ((>n) . length)

lengthBelow :: Foldable t => Int -> e -> ValidationRule (NonEmpty e) (t a) Source #

Build a maximum length (inclusive) rule.

lengthBelow x = maxLengthOf (x - 1)
lengthBelow x = failureUnless ((<n) . length)

lengthWithin :: Foldable t => (Int, Int) -> e -> ValidationRule (NonEmpty e) (t a) Source #

Build an inRange rule for length.

lengthWithin (min, max) = minLengthOf min `andAlso` maxLengthOf max
lengthWithin r = failureUnless (inRange r . length)

maxLengthOf :: Foldable t => Int -> e -> ValidationRule (NonEmpty e) (t a) Source #

Build a maximum length (inclusive) rule.

maxLengthOf n = failureUnless ((<=n) . length)

maxValueOf :: Ord a => a -> e -> ValidationRule (NonEmpty e) a Source #

Build a maximum value (inclusive) rule.

maxValueOf x = failureUnless (<=x)

minLengthOf :: Foldable t => Int -> e -> ValidationRule (NonEmpty e) (t a) Source #

Build a minimum length (inclusive) rule.

minLengthOf x = failureUnless ((>=n) . length)

minValueOf :: Ord a => a -> e -> ValidationRule (NonEmpty e) a Source #

Build a minimum value (inclusive) rule.

minValueOf x = failureUnless (>=x)

mustBe :: Eq a => a -> e -> ValidationRule (NonEmpty e) a Source #

Build an equality rule for value.

mustBe x = failureUnless (==x)

mustContain :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => a -> e -> ValidationRule (NonEmpty e) (t a) Source #

Build an elem rule.

mustContain x = atleastContains (==x)
mustContain x = failureUnless (elem x)

notEmpty :: Foldable t => e -> ValidationRule (NonEmpty e) (t a) Source #

Build a maximum length rule.

notEmpty = minLengthOf 1
notEmpty = failureIf null

ofLength :: Foldable t => Int -> e -> ValidationRule (NonEmpty e) (t a) Source #

Build an equality rule for length.

ofLength x = failureUnless ((==x) . length)

onlyContains :: Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> e -> ValidationRule (NonEmpty e) (t a) Source #

Build an all rule.

onlyContains x = failureUnless (all x)

valueAbove :: Ord a => a -> e -> ValidationRule (NonEmpty e) a Source #

Build a minimum value (exclusive) rule.

valueAbove x = minValueOf (x + 1)
valueAbove x = failureUnless (>x)

valueBelow :: Ord a => a -> e -> ValidationRule (NonEmpty e) a Source #

Build a maximum value (exclusive) rule.

valueBelow x = minValueOf (x - 1)
valueBelow x = failureUnless (<x)

valueWithin :: Ord a => (a, a) -> e -> ValidationRule (NonEmpty e) a Source #

Build an inRange rule for value.

valueWithin (m, n) = minValueOf m `andAlso` maxValueOf n
valueWithin (m, n) = failureUnless (x -> m <= x && x <= n)

Common derivates of primitive Unit combinators

atleastContains' :: Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> ValidationRule () (t a) Source #

Like atleastContains but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

lengthAbove' :: Foldable t => Int -> ValidationRule () (t a) Source #

Like lengthAbove but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

lengthBelow' :: Foldable t => Int -> ValidationRule () (t a) Source #

Like lengthBelow but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

lengthWithin' :: Foldable t => (Int, Int) -> ValidationRule () (t a) Source #

Like lengthWithin but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

maxLengthOf' :: Foldable t => Int -> ValidationRule () (t a) Source #

Like maxLengthOf but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

maxValueOf' :: Ord a => a -> ValidationRule () a Source #

Like maxValueOf but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

minLengthOf' :: Foldable t => Int -> ValidationRule () (t a) Source #

Like minLengthOf but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

minValueOf' :: Ord a => a -> ValidationRule () a Source #

Like minValueOf but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

mustBe' :: Eq a => a -> ValidationRule () a Source #

Like mustBe but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

mustContain' :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => a -> ValidationRule () (t a) Source #

Like mustContain but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

notEmpty' :: Foldable t => ValidationRule () (t a) Source #

Like notEmpty but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

ofLength' :: Foldable t => Int -> ValidationRule () (t a) Source #

Like ofLength but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

onlyContains' :: Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> ValidationRule () (t a) Source #

Like onlyContains but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

valueAbove' :: Ord a => a -> ValidationRule () a Source #

Like valueAbove but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

valueBelow' :: Ord a => a -> ValidationRule () a Source #

Like valueBelow but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

valueWithin' :: Ord a => (a, a) -> ValidationRule () a Source #

Like valueWithin but uses Unit as the ValidationRule error type.

Type specific ValidationRules

optionally :: ValidationRule e a -> ValidationRule e (Maybe a) Source #

Build a rule that runs given rule only if input is Just.

Yields Success when input is Nothing.


>>> runValidator (validate (optionally (failureIf even "Even"))) (Just 5)
Success (Just 5)
>>> runValidator (validate (optionally (failureIf even "Even"))) (Just 6)
Failure ("Even" :| [])
>>> runValidator (validate (optionally (failureIf even "Even"))) Nothing
Success Nothing