varying- FRP through value streams and monadic splines.

Copyright(c) 2015 Schell Scivally
MaintainerSchell Scivally <>
Safe HaskellNone




Tweening is a technique of generating intermediate samples of a type between a start and end value. By sampling a running tween each frame we get a smooth animation of a value over time.

At first release varying is only capable of tweening numerical values of type (Fractional t, Ord t) => t that match the type of time you use. At some point it would be great to be able to tween arbitrary types, and possibly tween one type into another (pipe dreams).


Creating tweens

The most direct route toward tweening values is to use tween along with an interpolation function such as easeInExpo. For example, tween easeInExpo 0 100 10, this will create a spline that produces a number interpolated from 0 to 100 over 10 seconds. At the end of the tween the spline will return the result value.

tween :: (Applicative m, Monad m, Num t, Fractional f, Ord f) => Easing t f -> t -> t -> f -> SplineT f t m t Source

Creates a spline that produces a value interpolated between a start and end value using an easing equation (Easing) over a duration. The resulting spline will take a time delta as input. For example:

testWhile_ isEvent (deltaUTC >>> v)
   where v :: VarT IO a (Event Double)
         v = execSpline 0 $ tween easeOutExpo 0 100 5

Keep in mind tween must be fed time deltas, not absolute time or duration. This is mentioned because the author has made that mistake more than once ;)

tween_ :: (Applicative m, Monad m, Num t, Fractional f, Ord f) => Easing t f -> t -> t -> f -> SplineT f t m () Source

A version of tween that discards the result. It is simply

tween f a b c >> return ()

constant :: (Applicative m, Monad m, Num t, Ord t) => a -> t -> SplineT t a m a Source

Creates a tween that performs no interpolation over the duration.

timeAsPercentageOf :: (Applicative m, Monad m, Ord t, Num t, Fractional t) => t -> VarT m t t Source

VarTies 0.0 to 1.0 linearly for duration t and 1.0 after t.

Interpolation functions

These pure functions take a c (total change in value, ie end - start), t (percent of duration completion) and b (start value) and result in and interpolation of a value. To see what these look like please check out

linear :: (Floating t, Real f) => Easing t f Source

Ease linear.

easeInCirc :: (Floating t, Real f, Floating f) => Easing t f Source

Ease in circular.

easeOutCirc :: (Floating t, Real f) => Easing t f Source

Ease out circular.

easeInExpo :: (Floating t, Real f) => Easing t f Source

Ease in exponential.

easeOutExpo :: (Floating t, Real f) => Easing t f Source

Ease out exponential.

easeInSine :: (Floating t, Real f) => Easing t f Source

Ease in sinusoidal.

easeOutSine :: (Floating t, Real f) => Easing t f Source

Ease out sinusoidal.

easeInOutSine :: (Floating t, Real f) => Easing t f Source

Ease in and out sinusoidal.

easeInPow :: (Num t, Fractional t, Real f) => Int -> Easing t f Source

Ease in by some power.

easeOutPow :: (Num t, Fractional t, Real f) => Int -> Easing t f Source

Ease out by some power.

easeInCubic :: (Num t, Fractional t, Real f) => Easing t f Source

Ease in cubic.

easeOutCubic :: (Num t, Fractional t, Real f) => Easing t f Source

Ease out cubic.

easeInQuad :: (Num t, Fractional t, Real f) => Easing t f Source

Ease in quadratic.

easeOutQuad :: (Num t, Fractional t, Real f) => Easing t f Source

Ease out quadratic.

Writing your own tweens

To create your own tweens just write a function that takes a start value, end value and a duration and return an event stream.

tweenInOutExpo s e d = execSpline s $ do
    x <- tween easeInExpo s e (d/2)
    tween easeOutExpo x e (d/2)

type Tween m t f = t -> t -> f -> VarT m f (Event t) Source

A linear interpolation between two values over some duration. A Tween takes three values - a start value, an end value and a duration.

type Easing t f = t -> f -> t -> t Source

An easing function. The parameters or often named c, t and b, where c is the total change in value over the complete duration (endValue - startValue), t is the current percentage of the duration that has elapsed and b is the start value.

To make things simple only numerical values can be tweened and the type of time deltas much match the tween's value type. This may change in the future :)