vcache-0.2.4: semi-transparent persistence for Haskell using LMDB, STM

Safe HaskellNone




data VCacheStats Source

Miscellaneous statistics for a VCache instance. These are not necessarily consistent, current, or useful. But they can say a a bit about the liveliness and health of a VCache system.




vcstat_file_size :: !Int

estimated database file size (in bytes)

vcstat_vref_count :: !Int

number of immutable values in the database

vcstat_pvar_count :: !Int

number of mutable PVars in the database

vcstat_root_count :: !Int

number of named roots (a subset of PVars)

vcstat_mem_vrefs :: !Int

number of VRefs in Haskell process memory

vcstat_mem_pvars :: !Int

number of PVars in Haskell process memory

vcstat_eph_count :: !Int

number of addresses with zero references

vcstat_alloc_pos :: !Address

address to next be used by allocator

vcstat_alloc_count :: !Int

number of allocations by this process

vcstat_cache_limit :: !Int

target cache size in bytes

vcstat_cache_size :: !Int

estimated cache size in bytes

vcstat_gc_count :: !Int

number of addresses GC'd by this process

vcstat_write_pvars :: !Int

number of PVar updates to disk (after batching)

vcstat_write_sync :: !Int

number of sync requests (~ durable transactions)

vcstat_write_frames :: !Int

number of LMDB-layer transactions by this process

vcacheStats :: VSpace -> IO VCacheStats Source

Compute some miscellaneous statistics for a VCache instance at runtime. These aren't really useful for anything, except to gain some confidence about activity or comprehension of performance.