vivid- Sound synthesis with SuperCollider
Safe HaskellNone



  • *Note:** The argument format for these is a little rough, and is likely to change in the future


adsrGen :: (Args '[] '["peakLevel", "bias", "gate", "doneAction"] as, ToSig attackTime (SDBodyArgs as), ToSig decayTime (SDBodyArgs as), ToSig sustainLevel (SDBodyArgs as), ToSig releaseTime (SDBodyArgs as)) => attackTime -> decayTime -> sustainLevel -> releaseTime -> EnvCurve -> as -> SDBody as Signal Source #

Defaults to AR

envGate :: Subset '["gate", "fadeSecs"] a => SDBody' a Signal Source #

envGen_wGate :: (ToSig gate a, ToSig timeScale a) => gate -> timeScale -> EnvLiterally a -> DoneAction -> SDBody' a Signal Source #

line :: Args '[] '["start", "end", "duration", "doneAction"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

"Generates a line from the start value to the end value."

Note this won't change after it's created, so if you'd like to e.g. be able to change the "freq" in

line (start_ 0, end_ (V::V "freq"))

you should write

(V::V "freq") ~* line (start_ 0, end_ 1)


Defaults to KR

linen :: Args '[] '["gate", "attackSecs", "susLevel", "releaseSecs", "doneAction"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

"Simple linear envelope generator"

Can't change after it's created -- see the note about line if you want it to

Only computes at KR

percGen :: Args '[] '["attackSecs", "releaseSecs", "level", "curve", "doneAction", "gate", "fadeSecs"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

Percussive hit

doneAction is currently 2 but may either be 0 or 2 in future versions

xLine :: Args '[] '["start", "end", "duration", "doneAction"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

"Generates an exponential curve from the start value to the end value. Both the start and end values must be non-zero and have the same sign."

Defaults to KR