werewolf- A game engine for playing werewolf within a chat client

Copyright(c) Henry J. Wylde, 2016
Safe HaskellNone




A game is not quite as simple as players! Roughly speaking though, this engine is stateful. The game state only changes when a command is issued (see Game.Werewolf.Command). Thus, this module defines the Game data structure and any fields required to keep track of the current state.

It also has a few additional functions for manipulating and querying the game state.



data Game Source

There are a few key pieces of information that a game always needs to hold. These are:

Any further fields on the game are specific to one or more roles (and their respective turns!). Some of the additional fields are reset each round (e.g., the Seer's see) while others are kept around for the whole game (e.g., the Wild-child's roleModel).

In order to advance a game's state, a Command from a user needs to be received. Afterwards the following steps should be performed:

  1. apply the Command.
  2. run checkStage.
  3. run checkGameOver.

checkStage will perform any additional checks and manipulations to the game state before advancing the game's stage. It also runs any relevant events. checkGameOver will check to see if any of the win conditions are met and if so, advance the game's stage to GameOver.

data Stage Source

Most of these are fairly self-sufficient (the turn stages). Sunrise and Sunset are provided as meaningful breaks between the day and night as, for example, a VillagesTurn may not always be available (curse that retched Scapegoat).

Once the game reaches a turn stage, it requires a Command to help push it past. Often only certain roles and commands may be performed at any given stage.

allStages :: [Stage] Source

All of the Stages in the order that they should occur.

stageCycle :: [Stage] Source

An infinite cycle of all Stages in the order that they should occur.

stageAvailable :: Game -> Stage -> Bool Source

Checks whether the stage is available for the given Game. Most often this just involves checking if there is an applicable role alive, but sometimes it is more complex.

One of the more complex checks here is for the VillagesTurn. If the Angel is in play, then the VillagesTurn is available on the first day rather than only after the first night.

data Event Source

Events occur after a Stage is advanced. This is automatically handled in checkStage, while an event's specific behaviour is defined by eventAvailable and applyEvent.

For the most part events are used to allow something to happen on a Stage different to when it was triggered. E.g., the DeovurEvent occurs after the village wakes up rather than when the Werewolves' vote, this gives the Witch a chance to heal the victim.


DevourEvent Text



Protector, Werewolves and Witch

PoisonEvent Text


newGame :: [Player] -> Game Source

Creates a new Game with the given players. No validations are performed here, those are left to startGame.


killPlayer :: Text -> Game -> Game Source

Kills the given player! This function should be used carefully as it doesn't clear any state that the player's role may use. If you're after just removing a player from a game for a test, try using a quitCommand instead.


getAllowedVoters :: Game -> [Player] Source

Gets all the allowedVoters in a game (which is names only) and maps them to their player.

getPendingVoters :: Game -> [Player] Source

Gets all Alive players that have yet to vote.

getVoteResult :: Game -> [Player] Source

Gets all players that had the highest vote count. This could be 1 or more players depending on whether the votes were in conflict.


isFirstRound :: Game -> Bool Source

isFirstRound game = game ^. round == 0

doesPlayerExist :: Text -> Game -> Bool Source

Queries whether the player is in the game.

hasAnyoneWon :: Game -> Bool Source

Queries whether anyone has won.

hasAngelWon :: Game -> Bool Source

Queries whether the Angel has won. The Angel wins if they manage to get themselves killed on the first round.

N.B., we check that the Angel isn't a villager as the Angel's role is altered if they don't win.

hasVillagersWon :: Game -> Bool Source

Queries whether the Villagers have won. The Villagers win if they are the only players surviving.

hasWerewolvesWon :: Game -> Bool Source

Queries whether the Werewolves have won. The Werewolves win if they are the only players surviving.