xml-enumerator-0.3.3: Pure-Haskell utilities for dealing with XML with the enumerator package.




This module provides both a native Haskell solution for parsing XML documents into a stream of events, and a set of parser combinators for dealing with a stream of events.

As a simple example, if you have the following XML file:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     <person age="25">Michael</person>
     <person age="2">Eliezer</person>

Then this code:

 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
 import Text.XML.Enumerator.Parse
 import Data.Text.Lazy (Text, unpack)
 data Person = Person { age :: Int, name :: Text }
     deriving Show
 parsePerson = tagName "person" (requireAttr "age") $ \age -> do
     name <- content
     return $ Person (read $ unpack age) name
 parsePeople = tagNoAttr "people" $ many parsePerson
 main = parseFile_ "people.xml" decodeEntities $ force "people required" parsePeople

will produce:

 [Person {age = 25, name = "Michael"},Person {age = 2, name = "Eliezer"}]

Previous versions of this module contained a number of more sophisticated functions written by Aristid Breitkreuz and Dmitry Olshansky. To keep this package simpler, those functions are being moved to a separate package. This note will be updated with the name of the package(s) when available.


Parsing XML files

parseBytes :: Monad m => DecodeEntities -> Enumeratee ByteString Event m aSource

Parses a byte stream into Events. This function is implemented fully in Haskell using attoparsec-text for parsing. The produced error messages do not give line/column information, so you may prefer to stick with the parser provided by libxml-enumerator. However, this has the advantage of not relying on any C libraries.

This relies on detectUtf to determine character encoding, and parseText to do the actual parsing.

parseText :: Monad m => DecodeEntities -> Enumeratee Text Event m aSource

Parses a character stream into Events. This function is implemented fully in Haskell using attoparsec-text for parsing. The produced error messages do not give line/column information, so you may prefer to stick with the parser provided by libxml-enumerator. However, this has the advantage of not relying on any C libraries.

detectUtf :: Monad m => Enumeratee ByteString Text m aSource

Automatically determine which UTF variant is being used. This function first checks for BOMs, removing them as necessary, and then check for the equivalent of <?xml for each of UTF-8, UTF-16LEBE, and UTF-32LEBE. It defaults to assuming UTF-8.

parseFile :: FilePath -> DecodeEntities -> Iteratee Event IO a -> IO (Either SomeException a)Source

A helper function which reads a file from disk using enumFile, detects character encoding using detectUtf, parses the XML using parseBytes, and then hands off control to your supplied parser.

parseFile_ :: FilePath -> DecodeEntities -> Iteratee Event IO a -> IO aSource

The same as parseFile, but throws any exceptions.

parseLBS :: ByteString -> DecodeEntities -> Iteratee Event IO a -> IO (Either SomeException a)Source

Parse an event stream from a lazy ByteString.

parseLBS_ :: ByteString -> DecodeEntities -> Iteratee Event IO a -> IO aSource

Same as parseLBS, but throws exceptions.

Entity decoding

decodeEntities :: DecodeEntitiesSource

Default implementation of DecodeEntities: handles numeric entities and the five standard character entities (lt, gt, amp, quot, apos).

Event parsing

tag :: Monad m => (Name -> Maybe a) -> (a -> AttrParser b) -> (b -> Iteratee Event m c) -> Iteratee Event m (Maybe c)Source

The most generic way to parse a tag. It takes a predicate for checking if this is the correct tag name, an AttrParser for handling attributes, and then a parser for dealing with content.

This function automatically absorbs its balancing closing tag, and will throw an exception if not all of the attributes or child elements are consumed. If you want to allow extra attributes, see ignoreAttrs.

This function automatically ignores comments, instructions and whitespace.

tagPredicate :: Monad m => (Name -> Bool) -> AttrParser a -> (a -> Iteratee Event m b) -> Iteratee Event m (Maybe b)Source

A simplified version of tag which matches against boolean predicates.

tagName :: Monad m => Name -> AttrParser a -> (a -> Iteratee Event m b) -> Iteratee Event m (Maybe b)Source

A simplified version of tag which matches for specific tag names instead of taking a predicate function. This is often sufficient, and when combined with OverloadedStrings and the IsString instance of Name, can prove to be very concise.

tagNoAttr :: Monad m => Name -> Iteratee Event m a -> Iteratee Event m (Maybe a)Source

A further simplified tag parser, which requires that no attributes exist.

content :: Monad m => Iteratee Event m TextSource

Grabs the next piece of content. If none if available, returns empty. This is simply a wrapper around contentMaybe.

contentMaybe :: Monad m => Iteratee Event m (Maybe Text)Source

Grabs the next piece of content if available. This function skips over any comments and instructions and concatenates all content until the next start or end tag.

Attribute parsing

data AttrParser a Source

A monad for parsing attributes. By default, it requires you to deal with all attributes present on an element, and will throw an exception if there are unhandled attributes. Use the requireAttr, optionalAttr et al functions for handling an attribute, and ignoreAttrs if you would like to skip the rest of the attributes on an element.

requireAttr :: Name -> AttrParser TextSource

Require that a certain attribute be present and return its value.

optionalAttr :: Name -> AttrParser (Maybe Text)Source

Return the value for an attribute if present.

ignoreAttrs :: AttrParser ()Source

Skip the remaining attributes on an element. Since this will clear the list of attributes, you must call this after any calls to requireAttr, optionalAttr, etc.


orE :: Monad m => Iteratee Event m (Maybe a) -> Iteratee Event m (Maybe a) -> Iteratee Event m (Maybe a)Source

Get the value of the first parser which returns Just. If no parsers succeed (i.e., return Just), this function returns Nothing.

 orE a b = choose [a, b]

choose :: Monad m => [Iteratee Event m (Maybe a)] -> Iteratee Event m (Maybe a)Source

Get the value of the first parser which returns Just. If no parsers succeed (i.e., return Just), this function returns Nothing.

many :: Monad m => Iteratee Event m (Maybe a) -> Iteratee Event m [a]Source

Keep parsing elements as long as the parser returns Just.



:: Monad m 
=> String

Error message

-> Iteratee Event m (Maybe a) 
-> Iteratee Event m a 

Force an optional parser into a required parser. All of the tag functions, choose and many deal with Maybe parsers. Use this when you want to finally force something to happen.
