Packages tagged hasql

20 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (19), database (18), postgresql (18), mit (17), streaming (8), bsd3 (3), options (2), program (2), command-line (1), conduit (1), json (1), pipes (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
hasql4222.543An efficient PostgreSQL driver with a flexible mapping API (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql)2024-05-021.7NikitaVolkov
hasql-class150.01Encodable and Decodable classes for hasql (bsd3, database, hasql, library, postgresql)2018-02-
hasql-cursor-query340.01A declarative abstraction over PostgreSQL Cursor (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, streaming)2024-03-150.4.5NikitaVolkov
hasql-cursor-transaction340.01An abstraction for simultaneous fetching from multiple PostgreSQL cursors (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, streaming)2024-03-070.6.5NikitaVolkov
hasql-interpolate260.00QuasiQuoter that supports expression interpolation for hasql (bsd3, database, hasql, library, postgresql)2023-08-, tstat
hasql-notifications1000.03LISTEN/NOTIFY support for Hasql (bsd3, database, hasql, library, postgresql, program)2024-04-
hasql-optparse-applicative960.01"optparse-applicative" parsers for "hasql" (database, hasql, library, mit, options, postgresql)2024-02-270.8NikitaVolkov
hasql-pool2260.010Pool of connections for Hasql (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql)2024-05-021.2NikitaVolkov
hasql-resource-pool180.00A pool of connections for Hasql based on resource-pool. (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql)2023-03-
hasql-streams-conduit60.00Stream Hasql queries with Conduit (conduit, database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, streaming)2022-02-
hasql-streams-core60.04Stream Hasql queries (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, streaming)2022-02-
hasql-streams-example60.00An example program that shows how to use Hasql streams with Rel8 (database, hasql, mit, postgresql, program, streaming)2022-02-
hasql-streams-pipes90.00Stream Hasql queries with Pipes (database, hasql, library, mit, pipes, postgresql, streaming)2022-02-
hasql-streams-streaming50.00Stream Hasql queries with Streaming (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, streaming)2022-02-
hasql-streams-streamly62.00Stream Hasql queries with Streamly (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, streaming, streamly)2022-02-
hasql-th860.01Template Haskell utilities for Hasql (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, template-haskell)2023-12-
hasql-transaction1680.07Composable abstraction over retryable transactions for Hasql (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql)2024-03-
hasql-transaction-io320.05Perform IO actions during transactions for Hasql (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql)2024-03-
json-pointer-hasql70.01JSON Pointer extensions for Hasql (hasql, json, library, mit)2016-04-040.1.1NikitaVolkov
optima-for-hasql120.00Command-line arguments parsing for Hasql (command-line, hasql, library, mit, options)2022-09-010.2NikitaVolkov