Agda- A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred





getAwakeConstraints :: ReadTCState m => m Constraints Source #

Get the awake constraints

takeConstraints :: MonadConstraint m => (ProblemConstraint -> Bool) -> m Constraints Source #

Takes out all constraints matching given filter. Danger! The taken constraints need to be solved or put back at some point.

holdConstraints :: (ConstraintStatus -> ProblemConstraint -> Bool) -> TCM a -> TCM a Source #

Suspend constraints matching the predicate during the execution of the second argument. Caution: held sleeping constraints will not be woken up by events that would normally trigger a wakeup call.

class (MonadTCEnv m, ReadTCState m, MonadError TCErr m, MonadBlock m, HasOptions m, MonadDebug m) => MonadConstraint m where Source #

Monad service class containing methods for adding and solving constraints


addConstraint :: Blocker -> Constraint -> m () Source #

Unconditionally add the constraint.

addAwakeConstraint :: Blocker -> Constraint -> m () Source #

Add constraint as awake constraint.

solveConstraint :: Constraint -> m () Source #

solveSomeAwakeConstraints :: (ProblemConstraint -> Bool) -> Bool -> m () Source #

Solve awake constraints matching the predicate. If the second argument is True solve constraints even if already isSolvingConstraints.

wakeConstraints :: (ProblemConstraint -> WakeUp) -> m () Source #

stealConstraints :: ProblemId -> m () Source #

modifyAwakeConstraints :: (Constraints -> Constraints) -> m () Source #

modifySleepingConstraints :: (Constraints -> Constraints) -> m () Source #


Instances details
MonadConstraint TCM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Agda.TypeChecking.Constraints

(PureTCM m, MonadBlock m) => MonadConstraint (PureConversionT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Agda.TypeChecking.Conversion.Pure

MonadConstraint m => MonadConstraint (ReaderT e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Constraints

addConstraint' :: Blocker -> Constraint -> TCM () Source #

Add new a constraint

isBlockingConstraint :: Constraint -> Bool Source #

A problem is considered solved if there are no unsolved blocking constraints belonging to it. There's no really good principle for what constraints are blocking and which are not, but the general idea is that nothing bad should happen if you assume a non-blocking constraint is solvable, but it turns out it isn't. For instance, assuming an equality constraint between two types that turns out to be false can lead to ill typed terms in places where we don't expect them.

nowSolvingConstraints :: MonadTCEnv m => m a -> m a Source #

Start solving constraints

catchConstraint :: MonadConstraint m => Constraint -> m () -> m () Source #

Add constraint if the action raises a pattern violation

wakeConstraints' :: MonadConstraint m => (ProblemConstraint -> WakeUp) -> m () Source #

Wake constraints matching the given predicate (and aren't instance constraints if shouldPostponeInstanceSearch).
