Module      : Language.Grammars.AspectAG.TPrelude
Description : Some type level functions, needed for AspectAG
Copyright   : (c) Juan García Garland, 2018 
License     : LGPL
Maintainer  : jpgarcia@fing.edu.uy
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX


module Language.Grammars.AspectAG.TPrelude where
import Data.Kind
import Data.Type.Equality
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Proxy

data Label l = Label
sndLabel :: Label '(a,b) -> Label b
sndLabel _ = undefined

getProxy :: a -> Proxy a ; getProxy _ = Proxy
getLabel :: a -> Label a ; getLabel _ = Label

proxyFrom :: t a -> Proxy a
proxyFrom _ = Proxy

-- | If construction, purely computed at type level
type family If (cond:: Bool) (thn :: k) (els :: k) :: k where
  If 'True  thn els = thn
  If 'False thn els = els

-- | Or, purely computed at type level
type family Or (l :: Bool)(r :: Bool) :: Bool where
  Or False b = b
  Or True b  = 'True

-- | And, purely computed at type level
type family And (l :: Bool)(r :: Bool) :: Bool where
  And False b = False
  And True b  = b

-- | Not, purely computed at type level
type family Not (l :: Bool) :: Bool where
  Not False = True
  Not True  = False

-- | LabelSet is a predicate over lists of pairs.
--We assume the list represent a (partial) mapping from k1 to k2.
--k1 is a label, k2 possibly a value.
--The first member of each pair must be unique, this is a predicate of
--well formedness
-- class LabelSet (l :: [(k1,k2)])

type family LabelSetF (r :: [(k, k')]) :: Bool where
  LabelSetF '[] = True
  LabelSetF '[ '(l, v)] = True
  LabelSetF ( '(l, v) ': '(l', v') ': r) = And3 (Not (l == l'))
                                                (LabelSetF ( '(l, v)   ': r) )
                                                (LabelSetF ( '(l', v') ': r) )

class LabelSet (r :: [(k, k')]) where {}
instance LabelSetF r ~ True => LabelSet r

type LabelSet r = LabelSetF r ~ True

type family And3 (a1 :: Bool) (a2 :: Bool) (a3 :: Bool) where
  And3 True True True  = True
  And3 _     _   _     = False

-- | Predicate of membership, for lists at type level
type family HMemberT (e::k)(l ::[k]) :: Bool where
  HMemberT k '[] = 'False
  HMemberT k ( k' ': l) = If (k==k') 'True (HMemberT k l)

-- | Predicate of membership, for labels at type level
type family HasLabelT (l::k) (lst :: [(k,Type)]) :: Bool where
  HasLabelT l '[] = 'False
  HasLabelT l ( '(k,v) ': tail) = If (l == k) 'True (HasLabelT l tail)

-- |This is used for type Equality
class HEq (x :: k) (y :: k) (b :: Bool) | x y -> b
type HEqK (x :: k1) (y :: k2) (b :: Bool) = HEq (Proxy x) (Proxy y) b
instance ((Proxy x == Proxy y) ~ b) => HEq x y b

type family HEqKF (a :: k)(b :: k) :: Bool
type instance HEqKF a b = a == b

-- | heterogeneous equality at type level
type family (a :: k1) === (b :: k2) where
  a === b = (Proxy a) == (Proxy b)

type family TPair (a :: k) b where
  TPair a b = '(a, b)

type family LabelsOf (r :: [(k, k')]) :: [k] where
  LabelsOf '[] = '[]
  LabelsOf ( '(k, ks) ': ls) = k ': LabelsOf ls

type family HasLabel (l :: k) (r :: [(k, k')]) :: Bool where
  HasLabel l '[] = False
  HasLabel l ( '(l', v) ': r) = Or (l == l') (HasLabel l r)

type family Equal (a:: k)(b :: k') :: Bool where
--  Equal (f a) (g b) = And (Equal f g) (Equal a b) 
  Equal a a = True
  Equal a b = False