Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
This module contains fuctions and templates for building up and breaking down packed bit structures. It's something like Erlang's bit-syntax (or, actually, more like Python's struct module).
This code uses Data.ByteString which is included in GHC 6.5 and you can get it for 6.4 at
- data BitBlock
- makeBits :: [BitBlock] -> ByteString
- data ReadType
- bitSyn :: [ReadType] -> Q Exp
- decodeU8 :: ByteString -> Word8
- decodeU16 :: ByteString -> Word16
- decodeU32 :: ByteString -> Word32
- decodeU16LE :: ByteString -> Word16
- decodeU32LE :: ByteString -> Word32
Building bit structures
The core function here is makeBits, which is a perfectly normal function.
Here's an example which makes a SOCKS4a request header:
makeBits [U8 4, U8 1, U16 80, U32 10, NullTerminated "username",
NullTerminated ""]
U8 Int | Unsigned 8-bit int |
U16 Int | Unsigned 16-bit int |
U32 Int | Unsigned 32-bit int |
U16LE Int | Little-endian, unsigned 16-bit int |
U32LE Int | Little-endian, unsigned 32-bit int |
NullTerminated String | Appends the string with a trailing NUL byte |
RawString String | Appends the string without any terminator |
RawByteString ByteString | Appends a ByteString |
PackBits [(Int, Int)] | Packs a series of bit fields together. The argument is a list of pairs where the first element is the size (in bits) and the second is the value. The sum of the sizes for a given PackBits must be a multiple of 8 |
makeBits :: [BitBlock] -> ByteString Source #
Make a binary string from the list of elements given
Breaking up bit structures
The main function for this is bitSyn, which is a template function and
so you'll need to run with -fth
to enable template haskell
To expand the function you use the splice command:
$(bitSyn [...])
The expanded function has type ByteString -> (...)
where the elements of
the tuple depend of the argument to bitSyn (that's why it has to be a template
Heres an example, translated from the Erlang manual, which parses an IP header:
decodeOptions bs ([_, hlen], _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) | hlen > 5 = return $ BS.splitAt (fromIntegral ((hlen - 5) * 4)) bs | otherwise = return (BS.empty, bs)
ipDecode = $(bitSyn [PackedBits [4, 4], Unsigned 1, Unsigned 2, Unsigned 2, PackedBits [3, 13], Unsigned 1, Unsigned 1, Unsigned 2, Fixed 4, Fixed 4, Context 'decodeOptions, Rest])
ipPacket = BS.pack [0x45, 0, 0, 0x34, 0xd8, 0xd2, 0x40, 0, 0x40, 0x06, 0xa0, 0xca, 0xac, 0x12, 0x68, 0x4d, 0xac, 0x18, 0x00, 0xaf]
This function has several weaknesses compared to the Erlang version: The elements of the bit structure are not named in place, instead you have to do a pattern match on the resulting tuple and match up the indexes. The type system helps in this, but it's still not quite as nice.
Unsigned Integer | An unsigned number of some number of bytes. Valid arguments are 1, 2 and 4 |
UnsignedLE Integer | An unsigned, little-endian integer of some number of bytes. Valid arguments are 2 and 4 |
Variable Name | A variable length element to be decoded by a custom
function. The function's name is given as the single
argument and should have type
Skip Integer | Skip some number of bytes |
Fixed Integer | A fixed size field, the result of which is a ByteString of that length. |
Ignore ReadType | Decode a value and ignore it (the result will not be part of the returned tuple) |
Context Name | Like variable, but the decoding function is passed the
entire result tuple so far. Thus the function whose name
passed has type
LengthPrefixed | Takes the most recent element of the result tuple and interprets it as the length of this field. Results in a ByteString |
PackedBits [Integer] | Decode a series of bit fields, results in a list of Integers. Each element of the argument is the length of the bit field. The sums of the lengths must be a multiple of 8 |
Rest | Results in a ByteString containing the undecoded bytes so far. Generally used at the end to return the trailing body of a structure, it can actually be used at any point in the decoding to return the trailing part at that point. |
bitSyn :: [ReadType] -> Q Exp Source #
Example usage:
parsePascalString :: Monad m => ByteString -> m (Word16, ByteString) parsePascalString bs = $( bitSyn [UnsignedLE 2, LengthPrefixed] ) bs
decodeU8 :: ByteString -> Word8 Source #
First byte of a ByteString
decodeU16 :: ByteString -> Word16 Source #
Convert little-endian ByteString
to big-endian Word16
decodeU32 :: ByteString -> Word32 Source #
Convert little-endian ByteString
to big-endian Word32
decodeU16LE :: ByteString -> Word16 Source #
Convert little-endian ByteString
to little-endian Word16
decodeU32LE :: ByteString -> Word32 Source #
Convert little-endian ByteString
to little-endian Word32