{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs (
) where
import Prelude ()
import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
import Distribution.Compat.Environment (lookupEnv)
import Distribution.Pretty
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.System
import Distribution.Compiler
import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs.Internal
import System.Directory (getAppUserDataDirectory)
import System.FilePath
( (</>), isPathSeparator
, pathSeparator, dropDrive
, takeDirectory )
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
import qualified Prelude
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
data InstallDirs dir = InstallDirs {
prefix :: dir,
bindir :: dir,
libdir :: dir,
libsubdir :: dir,
dynlibdir :: dir,
flibdir :: dir,
libexecdir :: dir,
libexecsubdir:: dir,
includedir :: dir,
datadir :: dir,
datasubdir :: dir,
docdir :: dir,
mandir :: dir,
htmldir :: dir,
haddockdir :: dir,
sysconfdir :: dir
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Functor, Generic, Typeable)
instance Binary dir => Binary (InstallDirs dir)
instance Structured dir => Structured (InstallDirs dir)
instance (Semigroup dir, Monoid dir) => Monoid (InstallDirs dir) where
mempty = gmempty
mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup dir => Semigroup (InstallDirs dir) where
(<>) = gmappend
combineInstallDirs :: (a -> b -> c)
-> InstallDirs a
-> InstallDirs b
-> InstallDirs c
combineInstallDirs combine a b = InstallDirs {
prefix = prefix a `combine` prefix b,
bindir = bindir a `combine` bindir b,
libdir = libdir a `combine` libdir b,
libsubdir = libsubdir a `combine` libsubdir b,
dynlibdir = dynlibdir a `combine` dynlibdir b,
flibdir = flibdir a `combine` flibdir b,
libexecdir = libexecdir a `combine` libexecdir b,
libexecsubdir= libexecsubdir a `combine` libexecsubdir b,
includedir = includedir a `combine` includedir b,
datadir = datadir a `combine` datadir b,
datasubdir = datasubdir a `combine` datasubdir b,
docdir = docdir a `combine` docdir b,
mandir = mandir a `combine` mandir b,
htmldir = htmldir a `combine` htmldir b,
haddockdir = haddockdir a `combine` haddockdir b,
sysconfdir = sysconfdir a `combine` sysconfdir b
appendSubdirs :: (a -> a -> a) -> InstallDirs a -> InstallDirs a
appendSubdirs append dirs = dirs {
libdir = libdir dirs `append` libsubdir dirs,
libexecdir = libexecdir dirs `append` libexecsubdir dirs,
datadir = datadir dirs `append` datasubdir dirs,
libsubdir = error "internal error InstallDirs.libsubdir",
libexecsubdir = error "internal error InstallDirs.libexecsubdir",
datasubdir = error "internal error InstallDirs.datasubdir"
type InstallDirTemplates = InstallDirs PathTemplate
defaultInstallDirs :: CompilerFlavor -> Bool -> Bool -> IO InstallDirTemplates
defaultInstallDirs = defaultInstallDirs' False
defaultInstallDirs' :: Bool
-> CompilerFlavor -> Bool -> Bool -> IO InstallDirTemplates
defaultInstallDirs' True comp userInstall hasLibs = do
dflt <- defaultInstallDirs' False comp userInstall hasLibs
return dflt { datasubdir = toPathTemplate $ "$abi" </> "$libname",
docdir = toPathTemplate $ "$datadir" </> "doc" </> "$abi" </> "$libname"
defaultInstallDirs' False comp userInstall _hasLibs = do
installPrefix <-
if userInstall
then do
mDir <- lookupEnv "CABAL_DIR"
case mDir of
Nothing -> getAppUserDataDirectory "cabal"
Just dir -> return dir
else case buildOS of
Windows -> do windowsProgramFilesDir <- getWindowsProgramFilesDir
return (windowsProgramFilesDir </> "Haskell")
_ -> return "/usr/local"
installLibDir <-
case buildOS of
Windows -> return "$prefix"
_ -> return ("$prefix" </> "lib")
return $ fmap toPathTemplate $ InstallDirs {
prefix = installPrefix,
bindir = "$prefix" </> "bin",
libdir = installLibDir,
libsubdir = case comp of
UHC -> "$pkgid"
_other -> "$abi" </> "$libname",
dynlibdir = "$libdir" </> case comp of
UHC -> "$pkgid"
_other -> "$abi",
libexecsubdir= "$abi" </> "$pkgid",
flibdir = "$libdir",
libexecdir = case buildOS of
Windows -> "$prefix" </> "$libname"
_other -> "$prefix" </> "libexec",
includedir = "$libdir" </> "$libsubdir" </> "include",
datadir = case buildOS of
Windows -> "$prefix"
_other -> "$prefix" </> "share",
datasubdir = "$abi" </> "$pkgid",
docdir = "$datadir" </> "doc" </> "$abi" </> "$pkgid",
mandir = "$datadir" </> "man",
htmldir = "$docdir" </> "html",
haddockdir = "$htmldir",
sysconfdir = "$prefix" </> "etc"
substituteInstallDirTemplates :: PathTemplateEnv
-> InstallDirTemplates -> InstallDirTemplates
substituteInstallDirTemplates env dirs = dirs'
dirs' = InstallDirs {
prefix = subst prefix [],
bindir = subst bindir [prefixVar],
libdir = subst libdir [prefixVar, bindirVar],
libsubdir = subst libsubdir [],
dynlibdir = subst dynlibdir [prefixVar, bindirVar, libdirVar],
flibdir = subst flibdir [prefixVar, bindirVar, libdirVar],
libexecdir = subst libexecdir prefixBinLibVars,
libexecsubdir = subst libexecsubdir [],
includedir = subst includedir prefixBinLibVars,
datadir = subst datadir prefixBinLibVars,
datasubdir = subst datasubdir [],
docdir = subst docdir prefixBinLibDataVars,
mandir = subst mandir (prefixBinLibDataVars ++ [docdirVar]),
htmldir = subst htmldir (prefixBinLibDataVars ++ [docdirVar]),
haddockdir = subst haddockdir (prefixBinLibDataVars ++
[docdirVar, htmldirVar]),
sysconfdir = subst sysconfdir prefixBinLibVars
subst dir env' = substPathTemplate (env'++env) (dir dirs)
prefixVar = (PrefixVar, prefix dirs')
bindirVar = (BindirVar, bindir dirs')
libdirVar = (LibdirVar, libdir dirs')
libsubdirVar = (LibsubdirVar, libsubdir dirs')
datadirVar = (DatadirVar, datadir dirs')
datasubdirVar = (DatasubdirVar, datasubdir dirs')
docdirVar = (DocdirVar, docdir dirs')
htmldirVar = (HtmldirVar, htmldir dirs')
prefixBinLibVars = [prefixVar, bindirVar, libdirVar, libsubdirVar]
prefixBinLibDataVars = prefixBinLibVars ++ [datadirVar, datasubdirVar]
absoluteInstallDirs :: PackageIdentifier
-> UnitId
-> CompilerInfo
-> CopyDest
-> Platform
-> InstallDirs PathTemplate
-> InstallDirs FilePath
absoluteInstallDirs pkgId libname compilerId copydest platform dirs =
(case copydest of
CopyTo destdir -> fmap ((destdir </>) . dropDrive)
CopyToDb dbdir -> fmap (substPrefix "${pkgroot}" (takeDirectory dbdir))
_ -> id)
. appendSubdirs (</>)
. fmap fromPathTemplate
$ substituteInstallDirTemplates env dirs
env = initialPathTemplateEnv pkgId libname compilerId platform
substPrefix pre root path
| pre `isPrefixOf` path = root ++ drop (length pre) path
| otherwise = path
data CopyDest
= NoCopyDest
| CopyTo FilePath
| CopyToDb FilePath
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Binary CopyDest
prefixRelativeInstallDirs :: PackageIdentifier
-> UnitId
-> CompilerInfo
-> Platform
-> InstallDirTemplates
-> InstallDirs (Maybe FilePath)
prefixRelativeInstallDirs pkgId libname compilerId platform dirs =
fmap relative
. appendSubdirs combinePathTemplate
substituteInstallDirTemplates env dirs {
prefix = PathTemplate [Variable PrefixVar]
env = initialPathTemplateEnv pkgId libname compilerId platform
relative dir = case dir of
PathTemplate cs -> fmap (fromPathTemplate . PathTemplate) (relative' cs)
relative' (Variable PrefixVar : Ordinary (s:rest) : rest')
| isPathSeparator s = Just (Ordinary rest : rest')
relative' (Variable PrefixVar : rest) = Just rest
relative' _ = Nothing
newtype PathTemplate = PathTemplate [PathComponent]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable)
instance Binary PathTemplate
instance Structured PathTemplate
type PathTemplateEnv = [(PathTemplateVariable, PathTemplate)]
toPathTemplate :: FilePath -> PathTemplate
toPathTemplate fp = PathTemplate
. fromMaybe (error $ "panic! toPathTemplate " ++ show fp)
. readMaybe
$ fp
fromPathTemplate :: PathTemplate -> FilePath
fromPathTemplate (PathTemplate template) = show template
combinePathTemplate :: PathTemplate -> PathTemplate -> PathTemplate
combinePathTemplate (PathTemplate t1) (PathTemplate t2) =
PathTemplate (t1 ++ [Ordinary [pathSeparator]] ++ t2)
substPathTemplate :: PathTemplateEnv -> PathTemplate -> PathTemplate
substPathTemplate environment (PathTemplate template) =
PathTemplate (concatMap subst template)
where subst component@(Ordinary _) = [component]
subst component@(Variable variable) =
case lookup variable environment of
Just (PathTemplate components) -> components
Nothing -> [component]
initialPathTemplateEnv :: PackageIdentifier
-> UnitId
-> CompilerInfo
-> Platform
-> PathTemplateEnv
initialPathTemplateEnv pkgId libname compiler platform =
packageTemplateEnv pkgId libname
++ compilerTemplateEnv compiler
++ platformTemplateEnv platform
++ abiTemplateEnv compiler platform
packageTemplateEnv :: PackageIdentifier -> UnitId -> PathTemplateEnv
packageTemplateEnv pkgId uid =
[(PkgNameVar, PathTemplate [Ordinary $ prettyShow (packageName pkgId)])
,(PkgVerVar, PathTemplate [Ordinary $ prettyShow (packageVersion pkgId)])
,(LibNameVar, PathTemplate [Ordinary $ prettyShow uid])
,(PkgIdVar, PathTemplate [Ordinary $ prettyShow pkgId])
compilerTemplateEnv :: CompilerInfo -> PathTemplateEnv
compilerTemplateEnv compiler =
[(CompilerVar, PathTemplate [Ordinary $ prettyShow (compilerInfoId compiler)])
platformTemplateEnv :: Platform -> PathTemplateEnv
platformTemplateEnv (Platform arch os) =
[(OSVar, PathTemplate [Ordinary $ prettyShow os])
,(ArchVar, PathTemplate [Ordinary $ prettyShow arch])
abiTemplateEnv :: CompilerInfo -> Platform -> PathTemplateEnv
abiTemplateEnv compiler (Platform arch os) =
[(AbiVar, PathTemplate [Ordinary $ prettyShow arch ++ '-':prettyShow os ++
'-':prettyShow (compilerInfoId compiler) ++
case compilerInfoAbiTag compiler of
NoAbiTag -> ""
AbiTag tag -> '-':tag])
,(AbiTagVar, PathTemplate [Ordinary $ abiTagString (compilerInfoAbiTag compiler)])
installDirsTemplateEnv :: InstallDirs PathTemplate -> PathTemplateEnv
installDirsTemplateEnv dirs =
[(PrefixVar, prefix dirs)
,(BindirVar, bindir dirs)
,(LibdirVar, libdir dirs)
,(LibsubdirVar, libsubdir dirs)
,(DynlibdirVar, dynlibdir dirs)
,(DatadirVar, datadir dirs)
,(DatasubdirVar, datasubdir dirs)
,(DocdirVar, docdir dirs)
,(HtmldirVar, htmldir dirs)
instance Show PathTemplate where
show (PathTemplate template) = show (show template)
instance Read PathTemplate where
readsPrec p s = [ (PathTemplate template, s')
| (path, s') <- readsPrec p s
, (template, "") <- reads path ]
getWindowsProgramFilesDir :: NoCallStackIO FilePath
getWindowsProgramFilesDir = do
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
m <- shGetFolderPath csidl_PROGRAM_FILES
let m = Nothing
return (fromMaybe "C:\\Program Files" m)
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
shGetFolderPath :: CInt -> NoCallStackIO (Maybe FilePath)
shGetFolderPath n =
allocaArray long_path_size $ \pPath -> do
r <- c_SHGetFolderPath nullPtr n nullPtr 0 pPath
if (r /= 0)
then return Nothing
else do s <- peekCWString pPath; return (Just s)
long_path_size = 1024
csidl_PROGRAM_FILES = 0x0026
#ifdef x86_64_HOST_ARCH
#define CALLCONV ccall
#define CALLCONV stdcall
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "shlobj.h SHGetFolderPathW"
c_SHGetFolderPath :: Ptr ()
-> CInt
-> Ptr ()
-> CInt
-> CWString
-> Prelude.IO CInt