{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Distribution.Types.Condition (
) where
import Prelude ()
import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
data Condition c = Var c
| Lit Bool
| CNot (Condition c)
| COr (Condition c) (Condition c)
| CAnd (Condition c) (Condition c)
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable, Data, Generic)
cNot :: Condition a -> Condition a
cNot (Lit b) = Lit (not b)
cNot (CNot c) = c
cNot c = CNot c
cAnd :: Condition a -> Condition a -> Condition a
cAnd (Lit False) _ = Lit False
cAnd _ (Lit False) = Lit False
cAnd (Lit True) x = x
cAnd x (Lit True) = x
cAnd x y = CAnd x y
cOr :: Eq v => Condition v -> Condition v -> Condition v
cOr (Lit True) _ = Lit True
cOr _ (Lit True) = Lit True
cOr (Lit False) x = x
cOr x (Lit False) = x
cOr c (CNot d)
| c == d = Lit True
cOr (CNot c) d
| c == d = Lit True
cOr x y = COr x y
instance Functor Condition where
f `fmap` Var c = Var (f c)
_ `fmap` Lit c = Lit c
f `fmap` CNot c = CNot (fmap f c)
f `fmap` COr c d = COr (fmap f c) (fmap f d)
f `fmap` CAnd c d = CAnd (fmap f c) (fmap f d)
instance Foldable Condition where
f `foldMap` Var c = f c
_ `foldMap` Lit _ = mempty
f `foldMap` CNot c = foldMap f c
f `foldMap` COr c d = foldMap f c `mappend` foldMap f d
f `foldMap` CAnd c d = foldMap f c `mappend` foldMap f d
instance Traversable Condition where
f `traverse` Var c = Var `fmap` f c
_ `traverse` Lit c = pure $ Lit c
f `traverse` CNot c = CNot `fmap` traverse f c
f `traverse` COr c d = COr `fmap` traverse f c <*> traverse f d
f `traverse` CAnd c d = CAnd `fmap` traverse f c <*> traverse f d
instance Applicative Condition where
pure = Var
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad Condition where
return = pure
(>>=) (Lit x) _ = Lit x
(>>=) (Var x) f = f x
(>>=) (CNot x ) f = CNot (x >>= f)
(>>=) (COr x y) f = COr (x >>= f) (y >>= f)
(>>=) (CAnd x y) f = CAnd (x >>= f) (y >>= f)
instance Monoid (Condition a) where
mempty = Lit False
mappend = (<>)
instance Semigroup (Condition a) where
(<>) = COr
instance Alternative Condition where
empty = mempty
(<|>) = mappend
instance MonadPlus Condition where
mzero = mempty
mplus = mappend
instance Binary c => Binary (Condition c)
instance Structured c => Structured (Condition c)
instance NFData c => NFData (Condition c) where rnf = genericRnf
simplifyCondition :: Condition c
-> (c -> Either d Bool)
-> (Condition d, [d])
simplifyCondition cond i = fv . walk $ cond
walk cnd = case cnd of
Var v -> either Var Lit (i v)
Lit b -> Lit b
CNot c -> case walk c of
Lit True -> Lit False
Lit False -> Lit True
c' -> CNot c'
COr c d -> case (walk c, walk d) of
(Lit False, d') -> d'
(Lit True, _) -> Lit True
(c', Lit False) -> c'
(_, Lit True) -> Lit True
(c',d') -> COr c' d'
CAnd c d -> case (walk c, walk d) of
(Lit False, _) -> Lit False
(Lit True, d') -> d'
(_, Lit False) -> Lit False
(c', Lit True) -> c'
(c',d') -> CAnd c' d'
fv c = (c, fv' c)
fv' c = case c of
Var v -> [v]
Lit _ -> []
CNot c' -> fv' c'
COr c1 c2 -> fv' c1 ++ fv' c2
CAnd c1 c2 -> fv' c1 ++ fv' c2