{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RecursiveDo #-}
module Text.Earley.Mixfix
( Associativity(..)
, Holey
, mixfixExpression
, mixfixExpressionSeparate
) where
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Traversable(sequenceA)
import Data.Either
import Data.Foldable(asum, foldrM)
import Text.Earley
replicateA :: Applicative f => Int -> f a -> f [a]
replicateA n = sequenceA . replicate n
consA :: Applicative f => f a -> f [a] -> f [a]
consA p q = (:) <$> p <*> q
data Associativity
= LeftAssoc
| NonAssoc
| RightAssoc
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Holey a = [Maybe a]
:: [[(Holey (Prod r e t ident), Associativity)]]
-> Prod r e t expr
-> (Holey ident -> [expr] -> expr)
-> Grammar r (Prod r e t expr)
mixfixExpression table atom app = mixfixExpressionSeparate table' atom
table' = [[(holey, assoc, app) | (holey, assoc) <- row] | row <- table]
:: [[(Holey (Prod r e t ident), Associativity, Holey ident -> [expr] -> expr)]]
-> Prod r e t expr
-> Grammar r (Prod r e t expr)
mixfixExpressionSeparate table atom = mdo
expr <- foldrM ($) atom $ map (level expr) table
return expr
level expr idents next = mdo
same <- rule $ asum $ next : map (mixfixIdent same) idents
return same
grp [] = []
grp (Nothing:ps) = case grp ps of
Left n:rest -> (Left $! (n + 1)) : rest
rest -> Left 1 : rest
grp (Just p:ps) = case grp ps of
Right ps':rest -> Right (consA p ps') : rest
rest -> Right (consA p $ pure []) : rest
mixfixIdent same (ps, a, f) = f' <$> go (grp ps)
f' xs = f (concatMap (either (map $ const Nothing) $ map Just) xs)
$ concat $ lefts xs
go ps' = case ps' of
[] -> pure []
[Right p] -> pure . Right <$> p
Left n:rest -> consA
(Left <$> replicateA n (if a == RightAssoc then next
else same))
$ go rest
[Right p, Left n] -> consA
(Right <$> p)
$ pure . Left <$> replicateA n (if a == LeftAssoc then next
else same)
Right p:Left n:rest -> consA (Right <$> p)
$ consA (Left <$> replicateA n expr)
$ go rest
Right _:Right _:_ -> error
$ "Earley.mixfixExpression: The impossible happened. "
++ "Please report this as a bug."