GPipe-GLFW4: GLFW OpenGL context creation for GPipe

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GPipe-GLFW is a utility library to enable the use of GLFW as the OpenGL window and context handler for GPipe. GPipe is a typesafe functional API based on the conceptual model of OpenGL. This version uses OpenGL Core profile 4.5 and uses GPipe-Core instead of GPipe.


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Versions [RSS] 2.0.0
Change log
Dependencies async (>=2.1 && <2.3), base (>=4.7 && <5), containers (>=0.5 && <0.7), exception-transformers, GLFW-b (>=3.2 && <3.4), GPipe-Core (>=0.2.3 && <0.3), GPipe-GLFW4, lens, stm (>=2.4 && <3), transformers [details]
License MIT
Copyright Patrick Redmond
Author Patrick Redmond
Maintainer Patrick Redmond
Category Graphics
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Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by pippijn at 2021-04-11T20:17:50Z
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