{- | Description: sorting

Benchmarks for these functions can be found at

See <Data-HList-CommonMain.html#v:hSort>
for the public interface.

module Data.HList.HSort where

import Data.HList.HList
import Data.HList.FakePrelude
import Data.HList.Label3

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 707
import GHC.TypeLits (type (<=?), CmpSymbol)
-- | only in ghc >= 7.7
instance ((x <=? y) ~ b) => HEqBy HLeFn x y b
-- | only in ghc >= 7.7

{- |

>>> let b1 = Proxy :: HEqBy HLeFn "x" "y" b => Proxy b
>>> :t b1
b1 :: Proxy 'True

>>> let b2 = Proxy :: HEqBy HLeFn "x" "x" b => Proxy b
>>> :t b2
b2 :: Proxy 'True

>>> let b3 = Proxy :: HEqBy HLeFn "y" "x" b => Proxy b
>>> :t b3
b3 :: Proxy 'False

instance (HEq (CmpSymbol x y) GT nb, HNot nb ~ b) => HEqBy HLeFn x y b

-- | the \"standard\" '<=' for types. Reuses 'HEqBy'
-- Note that ghc-7.6 is missing instances for Symbol and Nat, so that
-- sorting only works 'HNat' (as used by "Data.HList.Label3").
data HLeFn

instance HEqByFn HLeFn

instance (HLe x y ~ b) => HEqBy HLeFn x y b
instance HEqBy HLeFn x y b => HEqBy HLeFn (Tagged x v) (Tagged y w) b
instance HEqBy HLeFn x y b => HEqBy HLeFn (Label x) (Label y) b
instance HEqBy HLeFn x y b => HEqBy HLeFn (Proxy x) (Proxy y) b

-- | Data.HList.Label3 labels can only be compared if they belong
-- to the same namespace.
instance (HEqBy HLeFn n m b, ns ~ ns')
     => HEqBy HLeFn (Lbl n ns desc) (Lbl m ns' desc') b

-- | analogous to 'Data.Ord.Down'
data HDown a
instance HEqByFn a => HEqByFn (HDown a)
instance HEqBy f y x b => HEqBy (HDown f) x y b

-- | The HEqBy instances for @HNeq HLeFn@ gives '<'
data HNeq le
instance HEqByFn a => HEqByFn (HNeq a)
instance (HEqBy le y x b1, HNot b1 ~ b2) => HEqBy (HNeq le) x y b2

{- | @HIsAscList le xs b@ is analogous to

> b = all (\(x,y) -> x `le` y) (xs `zip` tail xs)

class HEqByFn le => HIsAscList le (xs :: [*]) (b :: Bool) | le xs -> b

instance HEqByFn le => HIsAscList le '[x] True
instance HEqByFn le => HIsAscList le '[] True
instance (HEqBy le x y b1,
         HIsAscList le (y ': ys) b2,
         HAnd b1 b2 ~ b3)  => HIsAscList le (x ': y ': ys) b3

-- | quick sort with a special case for sorted lists
class (SameLength a b, HEqByFn le) => HSortBy le (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]) | le a -> b where
    hSortBy :: Proxy le -> HList a -> HList b

type HSort x y = HSortBy HLeFn x y

hSort :: HSort x y => HList x -> HList y
hSort :: forall (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]). HSort x y => HList x -> HList y
hSort HList x
xs = forall {k} (le :: k) (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]).
HSortBy le a b =>
Proxy le -> HList a -> HList b
hSortBy (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy HLeFn) HList x

instance (SameLength a b,
          HIsAscList le a ok,
          HSortBy1 ok le a b,
          HEqByFn le) => HSortBy le a b where
    hSortBy :: Proxy le -> HList a -> HList b
hSortBy = forall {k} {k} (ok :: k) (le :: k) (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]).
HSortBy1 ok le a b =>
Proxy ok -> Proxy le -> HList a -> HList b
hSortBy1 (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy ok)

instance HSortBy1 True le a a where
    hSortBy1 :: Proxy 'True -> Proxy le -> HList a -> HList a
hSortBy1 Proxy 'True
_ Proxy le
_ HList a
a = HList a
a -- already sorted

instance HQSortBy le a b => HSortBy1 False le a b where
    hSortBy1 :: Proxy 'False -> Proxy le -> HList a -> HList b
hSortBy1 Proxy 'False
_ = forall {k} (le :: k) (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]).
HQSortBy le a b =>
Proxy le -> HList a -> HList b

class HSortBy1 ok le (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]) | ok le a -> b where
    hSortBy1 :: Proxy ok -> Proxy le -> HList a -> HList b

-- * Merge Sort

{- | HMSortBy is roughly a transcription of this merge sort

> msort [] = []
> msort [x] = [x]
> msort [x,y] = hSort2 x y
> msort xs = case splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs of
>              (a,b) -> msort a `merge` msort b

> hSort2 x y
>     | x <= y    = [x,y]
>     | otherwise = [y,x]

> merge (x : xs) (y : ys)
>   | x > y     = y : merge (x : xs) ys
>   | otherwise = x : merge xs (y : ys)

class HEqByFn le => HMSortBy le (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]) | le a -> b where
    hMSortBy :: Proxy le -> HList a -> HList b

instance HEqByFn le => HMSortBy le '[] '[] where hMSortBy :: Proxy le -> HList '[] -> HList '[]
hMSortBy Proxy le
_ HList '[]
x = HList '[]
instance HEqByFn le => HMSortBy le '[x] '[x] where hMSortBy :: Proxy le -> HList '[x] -> HList '[x]
hMSortBy Proxy le
_ HList '[x]
x = HList '[x]
instance (HSort2 b x y ab, HEqBy le x y b, HEqByFn le) =>
    HMSortBy le '[x,y] ab where
      hMSortBy :: Proxy le -> HList '[x, y] -> HList ab
hMSortBy Proxy le
_ (x
a `HCons` y
b `HCons` HList '[]
HNil) = forall {k} (b :: k) x y (ab :: [*]).
HSort2 b x y ab =>
Proxy b -> x -> y -> HList ab
hSort2 (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy b) x
a y

class HSort2 b x y ab | b x y -> ab where
    hSort2 :: Proxy b -> x -> y -> HList ab

instance HSort2 True x y '[x,y] where
    hSort2 :: Proxy 'True -> x -> y -> HList '[x, y]
hSort2 Proxy 'True
_ x
x y
y = x
x forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` y
y forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList '[]

instance HSort2 False x y '[y,x] where
    hSort2 :: Proxy 'False -> x -> y -> HList '[y, x]
hSort2 Proxy 'False
_ x
x y
y = y
y forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` x
x forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList '[]

instance (HMerge le xs' ys' sorted,
          HMSortBy le ys ys',
          HMSortBy le xs xs',
          HLengthEq (a ': b ': c ': cs) n2,
          HDiv2 n2 ~ n,
          HSplitAt n (a ': b ': c ': cs) xs ys)
  => HMSortBy le (a ': b ': c ': cs) sorted where
  hMSortBy :: Proxy le -> HList (a : b : c : cs) -> HList sorted
hMSortBy Proxy le
le HList (a : b : c : cs)
abbs = case forall (n :: HNat) (xsys :: [*]) (xs :: [*]) (ys :: [*]).
HSplitAt n xsys xs ys =>
Proxy n -> HList xsys -> (HList xs, HList ys)
hSplitAt (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy n) HList (a : b : c : cs)
abbs of
      (HList xs
xs, HList ys
ys) -> forall {k} (le :: k) (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]) (xy :: [*]).
HMerge le x y xy =>
Proxy le -> HList x -> HList y -> HList xy
hMerge Proxy le
le (forall {k} (le :: k) (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]).
HMSortBy le a b =>
Proxy le -> HList a -> HList b
hMSortBy Proxy le
le HList xs
xs) (forall {k} (le :: k) (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]).
HMSortBy le a b =>
Proxy le -> HList a -> HList b
hMSortBy Proxy le
le HList ys

class HMerge le x y xy | le x y -> xy where
    hMerge :: Proxy le -> HList x -> HList y -> HList xy

instance HMerge le '[] '[] '[] where hMerge :: Proxy le -> HList '[] -> HList '[] -> HList '[]
hMerge Proxy le
_ HList '[]
_ HList '[]
_ = HList '[]
instance HMerge le (x ': xs) '[] (x ': xs) where hMerge :: Proxy le -> HList (x : xs) -> HList '[] -> HList (x : xs)
hMerge Proxy le
_ HList (x : xs)
x HList '[]
_ = HList (x : xs)
instance HMerge le '[] (x ': xs) (x ': xs) where hMerge :: Proxy le -> HList '[] -> HList (x : xs) -> HList (x : xs)
hMerge Proxy le
_ HList '[]
_ HList (x : xs)
x = HList (x : xs)

instance (HEqBy le x y b,
          HMerge1 b (x ': xs) (y ': ys) (l ': ls) hhs,
          HMerge le ls hhs srt)
    => HMerge le (x ': xs) (y ': ys) (l ': srt) where
  hMerge :: Proxy le -> HList (x : xs) -> HList (y : ys) -> HList (l : srt)
hMerge Proxy le
le HList (x : xs)
xxs HList (y : ys)
yys = case forall {t :: Bool} {y} {x} {a} {b}.
(HCond t y x a, HCond t x y b) =>
Proxy t -> y -> x -> (a, b)
hMerge1 (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy b) HList (x : xs)
xxs HList (y : ys)
yys of
        (HCons l
l HList ls
ls, HList hhs
hhs) -> l
l forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` forall {k} (le :: k) (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]) (xy :: [*]).
HMerge le x y xy =>
Proxy le -> HList x -> HList y -> HList xy
hMerge Proxy le
le HList ls
ls HList hhs

type HMerge1 b x y min max = (HCond b (HList x) (HList y) (HList min),
                              HCond b (HList y) (HList x) (HList max))
hMerge1 :: Proxy t -> y -> x -> (a, b)
hMerge1 Proxy t
b y
x x
y = (forall (t :: Bool) x y z. HCond t x y z => Proxy t -> x -> y -> z
hCond Proxy t
b y
x x
y, forall (t :: Bool) x y z. HCond t x y z => Proxy t -> x -> y -> z
hCond Proxy t
b x
y y

-- * Quick sort
{- | HQSortBy is this algorithm

> qsort (x : xs @ (_ : _)) = case partition (<= x) xs of
>                  (le, gt) -> qsort le ++ x : qsort gt
> qsort xs = xs

on random inputs that are not pathological (ie. not already sorted or reverse
sorted) this turns out to be faster than HMSortBy, so it is used by default.

class HQSortBy le (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]) | le a -> b where
    hQSortBy :: Proxy le -> HList a -> HList b

instance HQSortBy le '[] '[] where hQSortBy :: Proxy le -> HList '[] -> HList '[]
hQSortBy Proxy le
_ HList '[]
x = HList '[]
instance HQSortBy le '[x] '[x] where hQSortBy :: Proxy le -> HList '[x] -> HList '[x]
hQSortBy Proxy le
_ HList '[x]
x = HList '[x]
instance (HPartitionEq le a (b ': bs) bGeq bLt,
        HQSortBy le bLt  sortedLt,
        HQSortBy le bGeq sortedGeq,
        HAppendListR sortedLt (a ': sortedGeq) ~ sorted,
        HAppendList sortedLt (a ': sortedGeq)) =>
    HQSortBy le (a ': b ': bs) sorted where
    hQSortBy :: Proxy le -> HList (a : b : bs) -> HList sorted
hQSortBy Proxy le
le (a
a `HCons` HList (b : bs)
xs) = case forall {k} {k1} (f :: k) (x1 :: k1) (xs :: [*]) (xi :: [*])
       (xo :: [*]).
HPartitionEq f x1 xs xi xo =>
Proxy f -> Proxy x1 -> HList xs -> (HList xi, HList xo)
hPartitionEq Proxy le
le (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy a) HList (b : bs)
xs of
                      (HList bGeq
g,HList bLt
l) -> forall {k} (le :: k) (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]).
HQSortBy le a b =>
Proxy le -> HList a -> HList b
hQSortBy Proxy le
le HList bLt
l forall (l1 :: [*]) (l2 :: [*]).
HAppendList l1 l2 =>
HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList (HAppendListR l1 l2)
`hAppendList` (a
a forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` forall {k} (le :: k) (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]).
HQSortBy le a b =>
Proxy le -> HList a -> HList b
hQSortBy Proxy le
le HList bGeq

-- * More efficient HRLabelSet / HLabelSet
{- | Provided the labels involved have an appropriate instance of HEqByFn,
it would be possible to use the following definitions:

> type HRLabelSet = HSet
> type HLabelSet  = HSet

class HEqByFn lt => HSetBy lt (ps :: [*])
instance (HEqByFn lt, HSortBy lt ps ps', HAscList lt ps') => HSetBy lt ps

class HSetBy (HNeq HLeFn) ps => HSet (ps :: [*])
instance HSetBy (HNeq HLeFn) ps => HSet ps

{- |

>>> let xx = Proxy :: HIsSet [Label "x", Label "x"] b => Proxy b
>>> :t xx
xx :: Proxy 'False

>>> let xy = Proxy :: HIsSet [Label "x", Label "y"] b => Proxy b
>>> :t xy
xy :: Proxy 'True

class HIsSet (ps :: [*]) (b :: Bool) | ps -> b
instance HIsSetBy (HNeq HLeFn) ps b => HIsSet ps b

class HEqByFn lt => HIsSetBy lt (ps :: [*]) (b :: Bool) | lt ps -> b
instance (HEqByFn lt, HSortBy lt ps ps', HIsAscList lt ps' b) => HIsSetBy lt ps b

-- | @HAscList le xs@ confirms that xs is in ascending order,
-- and reports which element is duplicated otherwise.
class HEqByFn le => HAscList le (ps :: [*])

instance (HEqByFn le, HAscList0 le ps ps) => HAscList le ps

class HEqByFn le => HAscList0 le (ps :: [*]) (ps0 :: [*])

class HEqByFn le => HAscList1 le (b :: Bool) (ps :: [*]) (ps0 :: [*])
instance (HAscList1 le b (y ': ys) ps0, HEqBy le x y b)
  => HAscList0 le (x ': y ': ys) ps0
instance HEqByFn le => HAscList0 le '[] ps0
instance HEqByFn le => HAscList0 le '[x] ps0

instance ( Fail '("Duplicated element", y, "using le", le, "in", ys0), HEqByFn le )
    => HAscList1 le False (y ': ys) ys0
instance HAscList0 le ys ys0 => HAscList1 le True ys ys0

{- $setup

>>> import Data.HList.TypeEqO
