{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {- | The HList library (C) 2004, Oleg Kiselyov, Ralf Laemmel, Keean Schupke Declarations for various classes and functions that apply for the whole range of heterogeneous collections (HList, TIP, records, etc). -} module Data.HList.HListPrelude where import Data.HList.FakePrelude class HExtend e l where type HExtendR e l (.*.) :: e -> l -> HExtendR e l infixr 2 .*. -- | to keep types shorter, '.*.' used with Proxy avoids -- producing a @Proxy :: Proxy '[Label x,Label y,Label z]@ -- if @Proxy :: Proxy '[x,y,z]@ is not a kind error (as it -- is when mixing Label6 and Label3 labels). -- -- ghc-7.6 does not accept @Proxy ('[] :: [k])@ so for now -- require @k ~ *@ instance HExtend (Label x) (Proxy ('[] :: [*])) where type HExtendR (Label x) (Proxy ('[] :: [*])) = Proxy '[x] .*. :: Label x -> Proxy '[] -> HExtendR (Label x) (Proxy '[]) (.*.) Label x _ Proxy '[] _ = Proxy '[x] HExtendR (Label x) (Proxy '[]) forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t Proxy -- | similar to 'emptyRecord', 'emptyTIP', emptyHList (actually called 'HNil'), -- except emptyProxy is the rightmost argument to '.*.' emptyProxy :: Proxy '[] emptyProxy = Proxy '[] forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t Proxy :: Proxy ('[] :: [*]) -- Poly-kinded class SubType l l' -- subType :: SubType l l' => l -> l' -> () -- subType _ _ = () class HAppend l1 l2 where hAppend :: l1 -> l2 -> HAppendR l1 l2 -- | poly-kinded, but 'hAppend' only works in cases where the kind variable -- `k` is `*` type family HAppendR (l1::k) (l2::k) :: k -- class HMember e1 l (b :: Bool) | e1 l -> b -- One occurrence and nothing is left class HOccurs e l where hOccurs :: l -> e -- Class to test that a type is "free" in a type sequence -- polykinded class HOccursNot (e :: k) (l :: [k]) class HProject l l' where hProject :: l -> l' -- | Map a type (key) to a natural (index) within the collection -- This is a purely type-level computation class HType2HNat (e :: k) (l :: [k]) (n :: HNat) | e l -> n -- | and lift to the list of types class HTypes2HNats es l (ns :: [HNat]) | es l -> ns -- | Delete all elements with the type-level key e from the -- collection l. Since the key is type-level, it is represented -- by a Proxy. -- (polykinded) class HDeleteMany e l l' | e l -> l' where hDeleteMany :: Proxy e -> l -> l' class HDeleteAtLabel (r :: [*] -> *) (l :: k) v v' | l v -> v' where hDeleteAtLabel :: Label l -> r v -> r v' -- | 'unzip' class SameLengths [x,y,xy] => HUnzip (r :: [*] -> *) x y xy | x y -> xy, xy -> x y where hUnzip :: r xy -> (r x, r y) -- | 'zip'. Variant supports hUnzip, but not hZip ('hZipVariant' returns a Maybe) class HUnzip r x y xy => HZip (r :: [*] -> *) x y xy where hZip :: r x -> r y -> r xy #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ != 706 instance (lv ~ Tagged l v, HUnzip Proxy ls vs lvs) => HUnzip Proxy (Label l ': ls) (v ': vs) (lv ': lvs) where hUnzip :: Proxy (lv : lvs) -> (Proxy (Label l : ls), Proxy (v : vs)) hUnzip Proxy (lv : lvs) _ = (Proxy (Label l : ls) forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t Proxy, Proxy (v : vs) forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t Proxy) instance HUnzip Proxy '[] '[] '[] where hUnzip :: Proxy '[] -> (Proxy '[], Proxy '[]) hUnzip Proxy '[] _ = (Proxy '[] forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t Proxy, Proxy '[] forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t Proxy) {- | Missing from GHC-7.6.3 due to a bug: > let r = hEnd $ hBuild 1 2 3 > *Data.HList> hZipList r r > H[(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)] > *Data.HList> hZip r r > > <interactive>:30:1: > Couldn't match type `Label k l' with `Integer' > When using functional dependencies to combine > HUnzip > (Proxy [*]) ((':) * (Label k l) ls) ((':) * v vs) ((':) * lv lvs), > arising from the dependency `xy -> x y' > in the instance declaration at Data/HList/HListPrelude.hs:96:10 > HUnzip > HList > ((':) * Integer ((':) * Integer ((':) * Integer ('[] *)))) > ((':) * Integer ((':) * Integer ((':) * Integer ('[] *)))) > ((':) > * > (Integer, Integer) > ((':) * (Integer, Integer) ((':) * (Integer, Integer) ('[] *)))), > arising from a use of `hZip' at <interactive>:30:1-4 > In the expression: hZip r r > In an equation for `it': it = hZip r r -} instance HUnzip Proxy ls vs lvs => HZip Proxy ls vs lvs where hZip :: Proxy ls -> Proxy vs -> Proxy lvs hZip Proxy ls _ Proxy vs _ = Proxy lvs forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t Proxy #endif