HNumeric- Haskell Numeric Library with pure functionality, R & MATLAB Syntax.
type Header = [String] Source #
Type Aliases for convenience
data DataFrame a Source #
DataFrame structure to write csv
fmap :: (a -> b) -> DataFrame a -> DataFrame b #
(<$) :: a -> DataFrame b -> DataFrame a #
toString :: Show a => DataFrame a -> String Source #
write :: Show a => String -> DataFrame a -> IO () Source #
(==) :: DataFrame a -> DataFrame a -> Bool #
(/=) :: DataFrame a -> DataFrame a -> Bool #
showsPrec :: Int -> DataFrame a -> ShowS #
show :: DataFrame a -> String #
showList :: [DataFrame a] -> ShowS #
dataframe :: Header -> Matrix a -> DataFrame a Source #
dataframe constructor
fromVectors :: Header -> [Vector a] -> DataFrame a Source #
dataframe from vectors
class Functor f => CSVtize f where Source #
Class to write csv file
Minimal complete definition
toString, write
toString :: Show a => f a -> String Source #
write :: Show a => String -> f a -> IO () Source #
toString :: Show a => Matrix a -> String Source #
write :: Show a => String -> Matrix a -> IO () Source #
toString :: Show a => Vector a -> String Source #
write :: Show a => String -> Vector a -> IO () Source #
cm :: [String] -> String Source #