module Graphics.PDF.Typesetting.Vertical (
, vglue
, defaultVerState
, ParagraphStyle(..)
, VerState(..)
, fillContainer
, mkContainer
, VBox(..)
) where
import Graphics.PDF.LowLevel.Types
import Graphics.PDF.Typesetting.Breaking
import Graphics.PDF.Typesetting.Horizontal(horizontalPostProcess,HBox)
import Graphics.PDF.Draw
import Graphics.PDF.Typesetting.Box
import Data.List(foldl')
import Graphics.PDF.Typesetting.Layout
defaultVerState :: s -> VerState s
defaultVerState s = VerState { baselineskip = (12,0.17,0.0)
, lineskip = (3.0,0.33,0.0)
, lineskiplimit = 2
, currentParagraphStyle = s
mkVboxWithRatio :: PDFFloat
-> [VBox ps s]
-> VBox ps s
mkVboxWithRatio _ [] = error "Cannot make an empty vbox"
mkVboxWithRatio r l =
let w = foldl' (\x y -> x + glueSizeWithRatio y r) 0.0 l
h = maximum . map boxHeight $ l
d = maximum . map boxDescent $ l
addBox (VGlue gw gh gdelta (Just(y,z)) s) (VBox w' h' d' l' s') = VBox w' h' d' (VGlue (glueSize gw y z r) gh gdelta Nothing s:l') s'
addBox a (VBox w' h' d' l' s') = VBox w' h' d' (a:l') s'
addBox _ _ = error "We can add boxes only to an horizontal list"
foldr addBox (VBox w h d [] Nothing) l
dilateVboxes :: PDFFloat -> VBox ps s -> VBox ps s
dilateVboxes r g@(VGlue _ w l (Just(_,_)) s) =
let h' = glueSizeWithRatio g r
VGlue h' w l Nothing s
dilateVboxes _ g@(VGlue _ _ _ Nothing _) = g
dilateVboxes _ a = a
drawContainer :: ParagraphStyle ps s => Container ps s
-> Draw ()
drawContainer (Container px py _ maxh h y z _ oldl) =
let l' = reverse oldl
r = min (dilatationRatio maxh h y z) 2.0
l'' = map (dilateVboxes r) l'
strokeVBoxes l'' px py
createPara :: Int
-> Maybe ps
-> BRState
-> [Letter s]
-> [VBox ps s]
createPara _ _ _ [] = []
createPara lineOffset style paraSettings l = [Paragraph lineOffset (simplify l) style paraSettings]
addParaLine :: (ParagraphStyle ps s, ComparableStyle ps) => VerState ps
-> Maybe ps
-> BRState
-> Container ps s
-> [((HBox s,[Letter s]),Int)]
-> Either (Draw (),Container ps s,[VBox ps s]) (Container ps s)
addParaLine _ _ _ c [] = Right c
addParaLine verstate style paraSettings c (((line,remainingPar),lineNb):l) =
let c' = addTo verstate (toVBoxes style (containerWidth c) line lineNb) c
if isOverfull c'
Left (drawContainer c,c,createPara lineNb style paraSettings remainingPar)
addParaLine verstate style paraSettings c' l
fillContainer :: (ParagraphStyle ps s, ComparableStyle ps) => VerState ps
-> Container ps s
-> [VBox ps s]
-> (Draw(),Container ps s,[VBox ps s])
fillContainer _ c [] = (drawContainer c,c,[])
fillContainer verstate c para@(Paragraph lineOffset l style paraSettings:l') =
if containerContentHeight c > containerHeight c - containerParaTolerance c
(drawContainer c,c,para)
let (fl,newStyle) = case style of
Nothing -> (formatList paraSettings (const $ containerWidth c) l,Nothing)
Just aStyle -> let (style',nl) = paragraphChange aStyle lineOffset l
(formatList paraSettings (\nb -> (lineWidth style') (containerWidth c) (nb+lineOffset) ) nl,Just style')
newLines = horizontalPostProcess fl
r = addParaLine verstate newStyle paraSettings c (zip newLines [1..])
case r of
Left (d,c',remPara) -> (d,c',remPara ++ l')
Right c' -> fillContainer verstate c' l'
fillContainer verstate c oldl@(a:l) =
let c' = addTo verstate a c
if isOverfull c'
(drawContainer c,c,oldl)
fillContainer verstate c' l
toVBoxes :: (ParagraphStyle ps s) => Maybe ps
-> PDFFloat
-> HBox s
-> Int
-> VBox ps s
toVBoxes Nothing _ a _ = SomeVBox 0.0 (boxWidth a,boxHeight a,boxDescent a) (AnyBox a) Nothing
toVBoxes s@(Just style) w a nb =
let delta = (linePosition style) w nb in
SomeVBox delta (boxWidth a,boxHeight a,boxDescent a) (AnyBox a) s