{-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -pgmPcpphs -optP --layout -optP --hashes -optP --cpp #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Test.Framework.HUnitWrapper (
assertBool_, assertBoolVerbose_,
gassertBool_, gassertBoolVerbose_,
assertEqual_, assertEqualVerbose_,
gassertEqual_, gassertEqualVerbose_,
assertEqualPretty_, assertEqualPrettyVerbose_,
gassertEqualPretty_, gassertEqualPrettyVerbose_,
assertEqualNoShow_, assertEqualNoShowVerbose_,
gassertEqualNoShow_, gassertEqualNoShowVerbose_,
assertNotEqual_, assertNotEqualVerbose_,
gassertNotEqual_, gassertNotEqualVerbose_,
assertNotEqualPretty_, assertNotEqualPrettyVerbose_,
gassertNotEqualPretty_, gassertNotEqualPrettyVerbose_,
assertNotEqualNoShow_, assertNotEqualNoShowVerbose_,
gassertNotEqualNoShow_, gassertNotEqualNoShowVerbose_,
assertListsEqualAsSets_, assertListsEqualAsSetsVerbose_,
gassertListsEqualAsSets_, gassertListsEqualAsSetsVerbose_,
assertNotEmpty_, assertNotEmptyVerbose_,
gassertNotEmpty_, gassertNotEmptyVerbose_,
assertEmpty_, assertEmptyVerbose_,
gassertEmpty_, gassertEmptyVerbose_,
assertElem_, assertElemVerbose_,
gassertElem_, gassertElemVerbose_,
assertThrows_, assertThrowsVerbose_,
assertThrowsSome_, assertThrowsSomeVerbose_,
assertThrowsIO_, assertThrowsIOVerbose_,
assertThrowsSomeIO_, assertThrowsSomeIOVerbose_,
assertThrowsM_, assertThrowsMVerbose_,
assertThrowsSomeM_, assertThrowsSomeMVerbose_,
assertLeft_, assertLeftVerbose_,
gassertLeft_, gassertLeftVerbose_,
assertLeftNoShow_, assertLeftNoShowVerbose_,
gassertLeftNoShow_, gassertLeftNoShowVerbose_,
assertRight_, assertRightVerbose_,
gassertRight_, gassertRightVerbose_,
assertRightNoShow_, assertRightNoShowVerbose_,
gassertRightNoShow_, gassertRightNoShowVerbose_,
assertJust_, assertJustVerbose_,
gassertJust_, gassertJustVerbose_,
assertNothing_, assertNothingVerbose_,
gassertNothing_, gassertNothingVerbose_,
assertNothingNoShow_, assertNothingNoShowVerbose_,
gassertNothingNoShow_, gassertNothingNoShowVerbose_,
unitTestPending, unitTestPending',
subAssert_, subAssertVerbose_,
gsubAssert_, gsubAssertVerbose_,
) where
import Control.Exception
import qualified Control.Exception.Lifted as ExL
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Control.Monad.Trans
import qualified Test.HUnit.Lang as HU
#if !MIN_VERSION_HUnit(1,4,0)
import qualified Test.HUnit.Base as HU
import Data.List ( (\\) )
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Test.Framework.TestInterface
import Test.Framework.Location
import Test.Framework.Diff
import Test.Framework.Colors
import Test.Framework.Pretty
import Test.Framework.AssertM
import Test.Framework.PrettyHaskell
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.List as List
gassertFailure_ :: AssertM m => Location -> String -> m a
gassertFailure_ loc s =
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkMsg "assertFailure" ""
("failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++ ": " ++ s))
assertFailure_ :: Location -> String -> IO a
assertFailure_ = gassertFailure_
unitTestPending :: String -> IO a
unitTestPending s =
failHTF (FullTestResult Nothing [] (Just $ noColor s) (Just Pending))
unitTestPending' :: String -> IO a -> IO a
unitTestPending' msg _ = unitTestPending msg
mkMsg :: String -> String -> String -> ColorString
mkMsg s1 s2 s3 = mkColorMsg s1 s2 (noColor s3)
mkColorMsg :: String -> String -> ColorString -> ColorString
mkColorMsg fun extraInfo s =
let pref = if null extraInfo
then fun ++ " "
else fun ++ " (" ++ extraInfo ++ ") "
in noColor pref +++ s
#define CreateAssertionsGenericNoGVariant(__name__, __ctx__, __type__, __ret__) \
__name__##Verbose_ :: __ctx__ Location -> String -> __type__ -> __ret__; \
__name__##Verbose_ = _##__name__##_ (#__name__ ++ "Verbose"); \
__name__##_ :: __ctx__ Location -> __type__ -> __ret__; \
__name__##_ loc = _##__name__##_ #__name__ loc ""
#define CreateAssertionsGeneric(__name__, __ctx__, __ctx2__, __type__, __ret__) \
g##__name__##Verbose_ :: __ctx2__ Location -> String -> __type__ -> m __ret__; \
g##__name__##Verbose_ = _##__name__##_ (#__name__ ++ "Verbose"); \
g##__name__##_ :: __ctx2__ Location -> __type__ -> m __ret__; \
g##__name__##_ loc = _##__name__##_ #__name__ loc ""; \
CreateAssertionsGenericNoGVariant(__name__, __ctx__, __type__, IO __ret__)
#define CreateAssertionsCtx(__name__, __ctx__, __ctx2__, __type__) \
CreateAssertionsGeneric(__name__, __ctx__ =>, __ctx2__ =>, __type__, ())
#define CreateAssertionsCtxNoGVariant(__name__, __ctx__, __type__) \
CreateAssertionsGenericNoGVariant(__name__, __ctx__ =>, __type__, IO ())
#define CreateAssertions(__name__, __type__) \
CreateAssertionsGeneric(__name__, , AssertM m =>, __type__, ())
#define CreateAssertionsNoGVariant(__name__, __type__) \
CreateAssertionsGenericNoGVariant(__name__, , __type__, IO ())
#define CreateAssertionsCtxRet(__name__, __ctx__, __ctx2__, __type__, __ret__) \
CreateAssertionsGeneric(__name__, __ctx__ =>, __ctx2__ =>, __type__, __ret__)
#define CreateAssertionsCtxRetNoGVariant(__name__, __ctx__, __type__, __ret__) \
CreateAssertionsGenericNoGVariant(__name__, __ctx__ =>, __type__, IO __ret__)
#define CreateAssertionsRet(__name__, __type__, __ret__) \
CreateAssertionsGeneric(__name__, , AssertM m =>, __type__, __ret__)
#define CreateAssertionsRetNoGVariant(__name__, __type__, __ret__) \
CreateAssertionsGenericNoGVariant(__name__, , __type__, IO __ret__)
#define DocAssertion(__name__, __text__) \
{- | __text__ The 'String' parameter in the @Verbose@ \
variants can be used to provide extra information about the error. The \
variants @g##__name__@ and @g##__name__##Verbose@ are generic assertions: \
they run in the IO monad and can be evaluated to a 'Bool' value. \
Do not use the \
@__name__##_@, @__name__##Verbose_@, @g##__name__##_@, and @g##__name__##Verbose_@ \
functions directly, use the macros @__name__@, @__name__##Verbose@, @g##__name__@, and \
@g##__name__##Verbose@ instead. These macros, provided by the @htfpp@ preprocessor, \
insert the 'Location' parameter automatically. -}
#define DocAssertionNoGVariant(__name__, __text__) \
{- | __text__ The 'String' parameter in the @Verbose@ \
variant can be used to provide extra information about the error. \
Do not use the \
@__name__##_@ and @__name__##Verbose_@ \
functions directly, use the macros @__name__@ and @__name__##Verbose@ \
instead. These macros, provided by the @htfpp@ preprocessor, \
insert the 'Location' parameter automatically. -}
_assertBool_ :: AssertM m => String -> Location -> String -> Bool -> m ()
_assertBool_ name loc s False =
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkMsg name s ("failed at " ++ showLoc loc))
_assertBool_ _ _ _ True = return ()
DocAssertion(assertBool, Fail if the 'Bool' value is 'False'.)
CreateAssertions(assertBool, Bool)
equalityFailedMessage' :: String -> String -> ColorString
equalityFailedMessage' exp act =
let !diff = unsafePerformIO (diffWithSensibleConfig exp act)
expected_ = colorize firstDiffColor "* expected:"
but_got_ = colorize secondDiffColor "* but got:"
diff_ = colorize diffColor "* diff:"
in ("\n" +++ expected_ +++ " " +++ noColor (withNewline (trim exp)) +++
"\n" +++ but_got_ +++ " " +++ noColor (withNewline (trim act)) +++
"\n" +++ diff_ +++ " " +++ newlineBeforeDiff diff +++ diff +++
(if (exp == act)
then "\nWARNING: strings are equal but actual values differ!"
else ""))
withNewline s =
case lines s of
[] -> s
[_] -> s
_ -> '\n':s
newlineBeforeDiff d =
let f b = case colorStringFind (\c -> c == '\n') d b of
Just _ -> "\n"
Nothing -> ""
in noColor' (f True) (f False)
trim s =
case List.splitAt maxLen s of
(_, []) -> s
(prefix, rest) ->
prefix ++ " (removed " ++ show (length rest) ++ " trailing chars)"
maxLen = 100000
equalityFailedMessage :: (Show a) => a -> a -> ColorString
equalityFailedMessage exp act =
equalityFailedMessage' expP actP
(expP, actP) =
case (prettyHaskell' exp, prettyHaskell' act) of
(Nothing, _) -> (show exp, show act)
(_, Nothing) -> (show exp, show act)
(Just expP, Just actP)
| expP == actP ->
(show exp, show act)
| otherwise -> (expP, actP)
notEqualityFailedMessage :: Show a => a -> String
notEqualityFailedMessage exp =
notEqualityFailedMessage' (prettyHaskell exp)
notEqualityFailedMessage' :: String -> String
notEqualityFailedMessage' exp =
(": Objects are equal\n" ++ exp)
_assertEqual_ :: (Eq a, Show a, AssertM m)
=> String -> Location -> String -> a -> a -> m ()
_assertEqual_ name loc s expected actual =
if expected /= actual
then do let x = equalityFailedMessage expected actual
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkColorMsg name s $
noColor ("failed at " ++ showLoc loc) +++ x)
else return ()
DocAssertion(assertEqual, Fail if the two values of type @a@ are not equal.
The first parameter denotes the expected value. Use these two functions
of @a@ is an instance of 'Show' but not of 'Pretty'.)
CreateAssertionsCtx(assertEqual, (Eq a, Show a), (Eq a, Show a, AssertM m), a -> a)
_assertNotEqual_ :: (Eq a, Show a, AssertM m)
=> String -> Location -> String -> a -> a -> m ()
_assertNotEqual_ name loc s expected actual =
if expected == actual
then do let x = notEqualityFailedMessage expected
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkMsg name s $ "failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++ x)
else return ()
DocAssertion(assertNotEqual, Fail if the two values of type @a@ are equal.
The first parameter denotes the expected value. Use these two functions
of @a@ is an instance of 'Show' but not of 'Pretty'.)
CreateAssertionsCtx(assertNotEqual, (Eq a, Show a), (Eq a, Show a, AssertM m), a -> a)
_assertEqualPretty_ :: (Eq a, Pretty a, AssertM m)
=> String -> Location -> String -> a -> a -> m ()
_assertEqualPretty_ name loc s expected actual =
if expected /= actual
then do let x = equalityFailedMessage' (showPretty expected) (showPretty actual)
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkColorMsg name s
(noColor ("failed at " ++ showLoc loc) +++ x))
else return ()
DocAssertion(assertEqualPretty, Fail if the two values of type @a@ are not equal.
The first parameter denotes the expected value. Use these two functions
of @a@ is an instance of 'Pretty'.)
CreateAssertionsCtx(assertEqualPretty, (Eq a, Pretty a), (Eq a, Pretty a, AssertM m), a -> a)
_assertNotEqualPretty_ :: (Eq a, Pretty a, AssertM m)
=> String -> Location -> String -> a -> a -> m ()
_assertNotEqualPretty_ name loc s expected actual =
if expected == actual
then do let x = notEqualityFailedMessage' (showPretty expected)
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkMsg name s $ "failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++ x)
else return ()
DocAssertion(assertNotEqualPretty, Fail if the two values of type @a@ are equal.
The first parameter denotes the expected value. Use these two functions
of @a@ is an instance of 'Pretty'.)
CreateAssertionsCtx(assertNotEqualPretty, (Eq a, Pretty a), (Eq a, Pretty a, AssertM m), a -> a)
_assertEqualNoShow_ :: (Eq a, AssertM m)
=> String -> Location -> String -> a -> a -> m ()
_assertEqualNoShow_ name loc s expected actual =
if expected /= actual
then genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkMsg name s ("failed at " ++ showLoc loc))
else return ()
DocAssertion(assertEqualNoShow, Fail if the two values of type @a@ are not equal.
The first parameter denotes the expected value. Use these two functions
of @a@ is neither an instance of 'Show' nor 'Pretty'. Be aware that in this
case the generated error message might not be very helpful.)
CreateAssertionsCtx(assertEqualNoShow, Eq a, (Eq a, AssertM m), a -> a)
_assertNotEqualNoShow_ :: (Eq a, AssertM m)
=> String -> Location -> String -> a -> a -> m ()
_assertNotEqualNoShow_ name loc s expected actual =
if expected == actual
then genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkMsg name s ("failed at " ++ showLoc loc))
else return ()
DocAssertion(assertNotEqualNoShow, Fail if the two values of type @a@ are equal.
The first parameter denotes the expected value. Use these two functions
of @a@ is neither an instance of 'Show' nor 'Pretty'. Be aware that in this
case the generated error message might not be very helpful.)
CreateAssertionsCtx(assertNotEqualNoShow, Eq a, (Eq a, AssertM m), a -> a)
_assertListsEqualAsSets_ :: (Eq a, Show a, AssertM m)
=> String -> Location -> String -> [a] -> [a] -> m ()
_assertListsEqualAsSets_ name loc s expected actual =
let ne = length expected
na = length actual
in case () of
_| ne /= na ->
do let x = equalityFailedMessage expected actual
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkColorMsg name s
("failed at " ++ showLoc loc
++ "\n expected length: " ++ show ne
++ "\n actual length: " ++ show na) +++
(if maxLength x < 5000
then x else emptyColorString)))
| not (unorderedEq expected actual) ->
do let x = equalityFailedMessage expected actual
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkColorMsg "assertSetEqual" s
(noColor ("failed at " ++ showLoc loc) +++ x))
| otherwise -> return ()
where unorderedEq l1 l2 =
null (l1 \\ l2) && null (l2 \\ l1)
DocAssertion(assertListsEqualAsSets, Fail if the two given lists are not equal
when considered as sets. The first list parameter
denotes the expected value.)
CreateAssertionsCtx(assertListsEqualAsSets, (Eq a, Show a), (Eq a, Show a, AssertM m), [a] -> [a])
_assertNotEmpty_ :: AssertM m => String -> Location -> String -> [a] -> m ()
_assertNotEmpty_ name loc s [] =
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkMsg name s ("failed at " ++ showLoc loc))
_assertNotEmpty_ _ _ _ (_:_) = return ()
DocAssertion(assertNotEmpty, Fail if the given list is empty.)
CreateAssertions(assertNotEmpty, [a])
_assertEmpty_ :: AssertM m => String -> Location -> String -> [a] -> m ()
_assertEmpty_ name loc s (_:_) =
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkMsg name s ("failed at " ++ showLoc loc))
_assertEmpty_ _ _ _ [] = return ()
DocAssertion(assertEmpty, Fail if the given list is a non-empty list.)
CreateAssertions(assertEmpty, [a])
_assertElem_ :: (Eq a, Show a, AssertM m) => String -> Location -> String -> a -> [a] -> m ()
_assertElem_ name loc s x l =
if x `elem` l
then return ()
else genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkMsg name s
("failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++
"\n element: " ++ show x ++
"\n list: " ++ show l))
DocAssertion(assertElem, Fail if the given element is not in the list.)
CreateAssertionsCtx(assertElem, (Eq a, Show a), (Eq a, Show a, AssertM m), a -> [a])
_assertThrowsIO_ :: Exception e
=> String -> Location -> String -> IO a -> (e -> Bool) -> IO ()
_assertThrowsIO_ name loc s x f =
_assertThrowsM_ name loc s x f
DocAssertionNoGVariant(assertThrowsIO, Fail if executing the 'IO' action does not
throw an exception satisfying the given predicate @(e -> Bool)@.)
CreateAssertionsCtxNoGVariant(assertThrowsIO, Exception e, IO a -> (e -> Bool))
_assertThrowsSomeIO_ :: String -> Location -> String -> IO a -> IO ()
_assertThrowsSomeIO_ name loc s x = _assertThrowsIO_ name loc s x (\ (_e::SomeException) -> True)
DocAssertionNoGVariant(assertThrowsSomeIO, Fail if executing the 'IO' action does not
throw an exception.)
CreateAssertionsNoGVariant(assertThrowsSomeIO, IO a)
_assertThrowsM_ :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m, Exception e)
=> String -> Location -> String -> m a -> (e -> Bool) -> m ()
_assertThrowsM_ name loc s x f =
do res <- ExL.try x
case res of
Right _ -> liftIO $
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkMsg name s
("failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++
": no exception was thrown"))
Left e -> if f e then return ()
else liftIO $
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkMsg name s
("failed at " ++
showLoc loc ++
": wrong exception was thrown: " ++
show e))
DocAssertionNoGVariant(assertThrowsM, Fail if executing the 'm' action does not
throw an exception satisfying the given predicate @(e -> Bool)@.)
CreateAssertionsGenericNoGVariant(assertThrowsM, (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m, Exception e) =>,
m a -> (e -> Bool), m ())
_assertThrowsSomeM_ :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
=> String -> Location -> String -> m a -> m ()
_assertThrowsSomeM_ name loc s x = _assertThrowsM_ name loc s x (\ (_e::SomeException) -> True)
DocAssertionNoGVariant(assertThrowsSomeM, Fail if executing the 'm' action does not
throw an exception.)
CreateAssertionsGenericNoGVariant(assertThrowsSomeM, (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m) =>, m a, m ())
_assertThrows_ :: Exception e
=> String -> Location -> String -> a -> (e -> Bool) -> IO ()
_assertThrows_ name loc s x f = _assertThrowsIO_ name loc s (evaluate x) f
DocAssertionNoGVariant(assertThrows, Fail if evaluating the expression of type @a@ does not
throw an exception satisfying the given predicate @(e -> Bool)@.)
CreateAssertionsCtxNoGVariant(assertThrows, Exception e, a -> (e -> Bool))
_assertThrowsSome_ :: String -> Location -> String -> a -> IO ()
_assertThrowsSome_ name loc s x =
_assertThrows_ name loc s x (\ (_e::SomeException) -> True)
DocAssertionNoGVariant(assertThrowsSome, Fail if evaluating the expression of type @a@ does not
throw an exception.)
CreateAssertionsNoGVariant(assertThrowsSome, a)
_assertLeft_ :: forall a b m . (AssertM m, Show b)
=> String -> Location -> String -> Either a b -> m a
_assertLeft_ _ _ _ (Left x) = return x
_assertLeft_ name loc s (Right x) =
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkMsg name s
("failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++
": expected a Left value, given " ++
show (Right x :: Either b b)))
DocAssertion(assertLeft, Fail if the given @Either a b@ value is a 'Right'.
Use this function if @b@ is an instance of 'Show')
CreateAssertionsCtxRet(assertLeft, Show b, (Show b, AssertM m), Either a b, a)
_assertLeftNoShow_ :: AssertM m => String -> Location -> String -> Either a b -> m a
_assertLeftNoShow_ _ _ _ (Left x) = return x
_assertLeftNoShow_ name loc s (Right _) =
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkMsg name s
("failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++
": expected a Left value, given a Right value"))
DocAssertion(assertLeftNoShow, Fail if the given @Either a b@ value is a 'Right'.)
CreateAssertionsRet(assertLeftNoShow, Either a b, a)
_assertRight_ :: forall a b m . (Show a, AssertM m)
=> String -> Location -> String -> Either a b -> m b
_assertRight_ _ _ _ (Right x) = return x
_assertRight_ name loc s (Left x) =
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkMsg name s
("failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++
": expected a Right value, given " ++
show (Left x :: Either a a)))
DocAssertion(assertRight, Fail if the given @Either a b@ value is a 'Left'.
Use this function if @a@ is an instance of 'Show')
CreateAssertionsCtxRet(assertRight, Show a, (Show a, AssertM m), Either a b, b)
_assertRightNoShow_ :: AssertM m => String -> Location -> String -> Either a b -> m b
_assertRightNoShow_ _ _ _ (Right x) = return x
_assertRightNoShow_ name loc s (Left _) =
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkMsg name s
("failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++
": expected a Right value, given a Left value"))
DocAssertion(assertRightNoShow, Fail if the given @Either a b@ value is a 'Left'.)
CreateAssertionsRet(assertRightNoShow, Either a b, b)
_assertJust_ :: AssertM m => String -> Location -> String -> Maybe a -> m a
_assertJust_ _ _ _ (Just x) = return x
_assertJust_ name loc s Nothing =
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkMsg name s
("failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++
": expected a Just value, given Nothing"))
DocAssertion(assertJust, Fail is the given @Maybe a@ value is a 'Nothing'.)
CreateAssertionsRet(assertJust, Maybe a, a)
_assertNothing_ :: (Show a, AssertM m)
=> String -> Location -> String -> Maybe a -> m ()
_assertNothing_ _ _ _ Nothing = return ()
_assertNothing_ name loc s jx =
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkMsg name s
("failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++
": expected Nothing, given " ++ show jx))
DocAssertion(assertNothing, Fail is the given @Maybe a@ value is a 'Just'.
Use this function if @a@ is an instance of 'Show'.)
CreateAssertionsCtx(assertNothing, Show a, (Show a, AssertM m), Maybe a)
_assertNothingNoShow_ :: AssertM m => String -> Location -> String -> Maybe a -> m ()
_assertNothingNoShow_ _ _ _ Nothing = return ()
_assertNothingNoShow_ name loc s _ =
genericAssertFailure__ loc (mkMsg name s
("failed at " ++ showLoc loc ++
": expected Nothing, given a Just value"))
DocAssertion(assertNothingNoShow, Fail is the given @Maybe a@ value is a 'Just'.)
CreateAssertions(assertNothingNoShow, Maybe a)
subAssert_ :: MonadBaseControl IO m => Location -> m a -> m a
subAssert_ loc ass = subAssertHTF loc Nothing ass
gsubAssert_ :: AssertM m => Location -> m a -> m a
gsubAssert_ loc ass = genericSubAssert loc Nothing ass
subAssertVerbose_ :: MonadBaseControl IO m => Location -> String -> m a -> m a
subAssertVerbose_ loc msg ass = subAssertHTF loc (Just msg) ass
gsubAssertVerbose_ :: AssertM m => Location -> String -> m a -> m a
gsubAssertVerbose_ loc msg ass = genericSubAssert loc (Just msg) ass
testEqualityFailedMessage1 :: IO ()
testEqualityFailedMessage1 =
let msg = T.unpack $ renderColorString (equalityFailedMessage [1,2,3] [1,2,3,4]) False
in HU.assertEqual "error" msg exp
exp = "\n* expected: [1, 2, 3]\n* but got: [1, 2, 3, 4]\n* " ++
"diff: \nC <...[1, 2, 3...>C \nS , 4\nC ]<......>C "
testEqualityFailedMessage2 :: IO ()
testEqualityFailedMessage2 =
let msg = T.unpack $ renderColorString (equalityFailedMessage [1,2,3] [1,2,3]) False
in HU.assertEqual "error" msg exp
exp = "\n* expected: [1,2,3]\n* but got: [1,2,3]\n* " ++
"diff: \nWARNING: strings are equal but actual values differ!"
hunitWrapperTests =
[("testEqualityFailedMessage1", testEqualityFailedMessage1)
,("testEqualityFailedMessage2", testEqualityFailedMessage2)]