{-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -pgmPcpphs -optP --layout -optP --hashes -optP --cpp #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
module Test.Framework.Preprocessor (
transform, progName, preprocessorTests, TransformOptions(..)
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Language.Preprocessor.Cpphs ( runCpphsPass1,
import System.IO ( hPutStrLn, stderr )
#if MIN_VERSION_HUnit(1,4,0)
import Test.HUnit hiding (State)
import Test.HUnit hiding (State, Location)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe
import Test.Framework.Location
_DEBUG_ :: Bool
_DEBUG_ = False
progName :: String
progName = "htfpp"
htfModule :: String
htfModule = "Test.Framework"
mkName varName fullModuleName =
"htf_" ++
map (\c -> if c == '.' then '_' else c)
(fullModuleName ++ "." ++
(case varName of
'h':'t':'f':'_':s -> s
s -> s))
thisModulesTestsFullName :: String -> String
thisModulesTestsFullName = mkName thisModulesTestsName
importedTestListFullName :: String -> String
importedTestListFullName = mkName importedTestListName
thisModulesTestsName :: String
thisModulesTestsName = "htf_thisModulesTests"
importedTestListName :: String
importedTestListName = "htf_importedTests"
nameDefines :: ModuleInfo -> [(String, String)]
nameDefines info =
[(thisModulesTestsName, thisModulesTestsFullName (mi_moduleNameWithDefault info)),
(importedTestListName, importedTestListFullName (mi_moduleNameWithDefault info))]
allAsserts :: [String]
allAsserts =
withGs ["assertBool"
] ++ ["assertThrows"
withGs l =
concatMap (\s -> [s, 'g':s]) l
assertDefines :: Bool -> String -> [(String, String)]
assertDefines hunitBackwardsCompat prefix =
concatMap fun allAsserts ++ [("assertFailure", expansion "assertFailure" "_")]
fun a =
if hunitBackwardsCompat
then [(a, expansion a "Verbose_"), (a ++ "HTF", expansion a "_")]
else [(a, expansion a "_"), (a ++ "Verbose", expansion a "Verbose_")]
expansion a suffix = "(" ++ prefix ++ a ++ suffix ++ " (" ++
prefix ++ "makeLoc __FILE__ __LINE__))"
data ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo { mi_htfPrefix :: String
, mi_htfImports :: [ImportDecl]
, mi_defs :: [Definition]
, mi_moduleName :: Maybe String }
deriving (Show, Eq)
mi_moduleNameWithDefault :: ModuleInfo -> String
mi_moduleNameWithDefault = fromMaybe "Main" . mi_moduleName
data ImportDecl = ImportDecl { imp_moduleName :: Name
, imp_qualified :: Bool
, imp_alias :: Maybe Name
, imp_loc :: Location }
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Definition = TestDef String Location String
| PropDef String Location String
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Name = String
type PMA a = State ModuleInfo a
setModName :: String -> PMA ()
setModName name =
do oldName <- gets mi_moduleName
when (isNothing oldName) $ modify $ \mi -> mi { mi_moduleName = Just name }
addTestDef :: String -> String -> Location -> PMA ()
addTestDef name fullName loc =
modify $ \mi -> mi { mi_defs = (TestDef name loc fullName) : mi_defs mi }
addPropDef :: String -> String -> Location -> PMA ()
addPropDef name fullName loc =
modify $ \mi -> mi { mi_defs = (PropDef name loc fullName) : mi_defs mi }
addHtfImport :: ImportDecl -> PMA ()
addHtfImport decl =
modify $ \mi -> mi { mi_htfImports = decl : mi_htfImports mi }
setTestFrameworkImport :: String -> PMA ()
setTestFrameworkImport name =
modify $ \mi -> mi { mi_htfPrefix = name }
data Tok
= TokModule
| TokQname Location String
| TokName Location Bool String
| TokHtfImport Location
| TokImport Location
transWordStyles :: [WordStyle] -> [Tok]
transWordStyles styles = loop styles True
loop styles startOfLine =
case styles of
[] -> []
Ident pos name : rest ->
case name of
"module" -> TokModule : loop rest False
"import" ->
case dropWhite rest of
Other "{-@ HTF_TESTS @-}" : rest2 ->
TokHtfImport (posToLocation pos) : loop rest2 False
_ ->
TokImport (posToLocation pos) : loop rest False
_ ->
case parseQname rest of
([], rest2) ->
TokName (posToLocation pos) startOfLine name : loop rest2 False
(nameParts, rest2) ->
TokQname (posToLocation pos) (List.intercalate "." (name:nameParts)) : loop rest2 False
Other str : rest ->
let startOfLine =
case reverse str of
'\n':_ -> True
_ -> False
in loop rest startOfLine
Cmd _ : rest -> loop rest False
dropWhite styles =
case styles of
Other str : rest ->
case dropWhile isSpace str of
[] -> dropWhite rest
str' -> Other str' : rest
_ -> styles
parseQname styles =
case styles of
Other "." : Ident _ name : rest ->
let (restParts, rest2) = parseQname rest
in (name:restParts, rest2)
_ -> ([], styles)
posToLocation pos = makeLoc (filename pos) (lineno pos)
poorManAnalyzeTokens :: [WordStyle] -> ModuleInfo
poorManAnalyzeTokens styles =
let toks = transWordStyles styles
revRes =
execState (loop toks) $
ModuleInfo { mi_htfPrefix = htfModule ++ "."
, mi_htfImports = []
, mi_defs = []
, mi_moduleName = Nothing }
in ModuleInfo { mi_htfPrefix = mi_htfPrefix revRes
, mi_htfImports = reverse (mi_htfImports revRes)
, mi_defs = reverse $ List.nubBy defEqByName (mi_defs revRes)
, mi_moduleName = mi_moduleName revRes
defEqByName (TestDef n1 _ _) (TestDef n2 _ _) = n1 == n2
defEqByName (PropDef n1 _ _) (PropDef n2 _ _) = n1 == n2
defEqByName _ _ = False
loop toks =
case toks of
TokModule : TokQname _ name : rest ->
do setModName name
loop rest
TokModule : TokName _ _ name : rest ->
do setModName name
loop rest
TokName loc startOfLine name : rest
| startOfLine ->
case name of
't':'e':'s':'t':'_':shortName ->
do addTestDef shortName name loc
loop rest
'p':'r':'o':'p':'_':shortName ->
do addPropDef shortName name loc
loop rest
_ -> loop rest
| otherwise -> loop rest
TokHtfImport loc : rest ->
case parseImport loc rest of
Just (imp, rest2) ->
do addHtfImport imp
loop rest2
Nothing -> loop rest
TokImport loc : rest ->
do case parseImport loc rest of
Nothing -> loop rest
Just (imp, rest2) ->
do when (imp_moduleName imp == htfModule) $
let prefix = case (imp_alias imp, imp_qualified imp) of
(Just alias, True) -> alias
(Nothing, True) -> imp_moduleName imp
_ -> ""
in setTestFrameworkImport
(if null prefix then prefix else prefix ++ ".")
loop rest2
_ : rest -> loop rest
[] -> return ()
parseImport loc toks =
do let (qualified, toks2) =
case toks of
TokName _ _ "qualified" : rest -> (True, rest)
_ -> (False, toks)
(name, toks3) <-
case toks2 of
TokName _ _ name : rest -> return (name, rest)
TokQname _ name : rest -> return (name, rest)
_ -> fail "no import"
let (mAlias, toks4) =
case toks3 of
TokName _ _ "as" : TokName _ _ alias : rest -> (Just alias, rest)
_ -> (Nothing, toks3)
decl = ImportDecl { imp_moduleName = name
, imp_qualified = qualified
, imp_alias = mAlias
, imp_loc = loc }
return (decl, toks4)
analyze :: FilePath -> String -> IO (ModuleInfo, [WordStyle], [(Posn,String)])
analyze originalFileName input =
do xs <- runCpphsPass1 cpphsOptions originalFileName input
let bopts = boolopts cpphsOptions
toks = tokenise (stripEol bopts) (stripC89 bopts) (ansi bopts) (lang bopts) ((newfile "preDefined",""):xs)
mi = poorManAnalyzeTokens toks
return (mi, toks, xs)
analyzeTests =
[(unlines ["module FOO where"
,"import Test.Framework"
,"import {-@ HTF_TESTS @-} qualified Foo as Bar"
,"import {-@ HTF_TESTS @-} qualified Foo.X as Egg"
,"import {-@ HTF_TESTS @-} Foo.Y as Spam"
,"import {-@ HTF_TESTS @-} Foo.Z"
,"import {-@ HTF_TESTS @-} Baz"
,"deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''T"
,"$(deriveSafeCopy 2 'extension ''T)"
,"test_blub test_foo = 1"
,"test_blah test_foo = '\''"
,"prop_abc prop_foo = 2"
,"prop_xyz = True"]
,ModuleInfo { mi_htfPrefix = ""
, mi_htfImports =
[ImportDecl { imp_moduleName = "Foo"
, imp_qualified = True
, imp_alias = Just "Bar"
, imp_loc = makeLoc "<input>" 3}
,ImportDecl { imp_moduleName = "Foo.X"
, imp_qualified = True
, imp_alias = Just "Egg"
, imp_loc = makeLoc "<input>" 4}
,ImportDecl { imp_moduleName = "Foo.Y"
, imp_qualified = False
, imp_alias = Just "Spam"
, imp_loc = makeLoc "<input>" 5}
,ImportDecl { imp_moduleName = "Foo.Z"
, imp_qualified = False
, imp_alias = Nothing
, imp_loc = makeLoc "<input>" 6}
,ImportDecl { imp_moduleName = "Baz"
, imp_qualified = False
, imp_alias = Nothing
, imp_loc = makeLoc "<input>" 7}]
, mi_moduleName = Just "FOO"
, mi_defs = [TestDef "blub" (makeLoc "<input>" 10) "test_blub"
,TestDef "blah" (makeLoc "<input>" 11) "test_blah"
,PropDef "abc" (makeLoc "<input>" 12) "prop_abc"
,PropDef "xyz" (makeLoc "<input>" 13) "prop_xyz"]
,(unlines ["module Foo.Bar where"
,"import Test.Framework as Blub"
,"prop_xyz = True"]
,ModuleInfo { mi_htfPrefix = ""
, mi_htfImports = []
, mi_moduleName = Just "Foo.Bar"
, mi_defs = [PropDef "xyz" (makeLoc "<input>" 3) "prop_xyz"]
,(unlines ["module Foo.Bar where"
,"import qualified Test.Framework as Blub"
,"prop_xyz = True"]
,ModuleInfo { mi_htfPrefix = "Blub."
, mi_htfImports = []
, mi_moduleName = Just "Foo.Bar"
, mi_defs = [PropDef "xyz" (makeLoc "<input>" 3) "prop_xyz"]
,(unlines ["module Foo.Bar where"
,"import qualified Test.Framework"
,"prop_xyz = True"]
,ModuleInfo { mi_htfPrefix = "Test.Framework."
, mi_htfImports = []
, mi_moduleName = Just "Foo.Bar"
, mi_defs = [PropDef "xyz" (makeLoc "<input>" 3) "prop_xyz"]
testAnalyze =
do mapM_ runTest (zip [1..] analyzeTests)
runTest (i, (src, mi)) =
do (givenMi, _, _) <- analyze "<input>" src
if givenMi == mi
then return ()
else assertFailure ("Error in test " ++ show i ++
", expected:\n" ++ show mi ++
"\nGiven:\n" ++ show givenMi ++
"\nSrc:\n" ++ src)
cpphsOptions :: CpphsOptions
cpphsOptions =
defaultCpphsOptions {
boolopts = (boolopts defaultCpphsOptions) { lang = True }
data TransformOptions = TransformOptions { hunitBackwardsCompat :: Bool
, debug :: Bool
, literateTex :: Bool }
transform :: TransformOptions -> FilePath -> String -> IO String
transform (TransformOptions hunitBackwardsCompat debug literateTex) originalFileName input =
do (info, toks, pass1) <- analyze originalFileName fixedInput
preprocess info toks pass1
preprocess info toks pass1 =
do when debug $
do hPutStrLn stderr ("Tokens: " ++ show toks)
hPutStrLn stderr ("Module info:\n" ++ show info)
let opts = mkOptionsForModule info
preProcessedInput <-
runCpphsPass2 (boolopts opts) (defines opts) originalFileName pass1
return $ preProcessedInput ++ "\n\n" ++ possiblyWrap literateTex (additionalCode info) ++ "\n"
fixedInput :: String
fixedInput = (unlines . map fixLine . lines) input
fixLine s =
case parseCppLineInfoOut s of
Just (line, fileName) -> "#line " ++ line ++ " " ++ fileName
_ -> s
mkOptionsForModule :: ModuleInfo -> CpphsOptions
mkOptionsForModule info =
defaultCpphsOptions { defines =
defines defaultCpphsOptions ++
assertDefines hunitBackwardsCompat (mi_htfPrefix info) ++
nameDefines info
, boolopts = (boolopts defaultCpphsOptions) { lang = True }
possiblyWrap :: Bool -> String -> String
possiblyWrap b s = if b then "\\begin{code}\n" ++ s ++ "\\end{code}" else s
additionalCode :: ModuleInfo -> String
additionalCode info =
thisModulesTestsFullName (mi_moduleNameWithDefault info) ++ " :: " ++
mi_htfPrefix info ++ "TestSuite\n" ++
thisModulesTestsFullName (mi_moduleNameWithDefault info) ++ " = " ++
mi_htfPrefix info ++ "makeTestSuite" ++
" " ++ show (mi_moduleNameWithDefault info) ++
" [\n" ++ List.intercalate ",\n"
(map (codeForDef (mi_htfPrefix info)) (mi_defs info))
++ "\n ]\n" ++ importedTestListCode info
codeForDef :: String -> Definition -> String
codeForDef pref (TestDef s loc name) =
locPragma loc ++ pref ++ "makeUnitTest " ++ (show s) ++ " " ++ codeForLoc pref loc ++
" " ++ name
codeForDef pref (PropDef s loc name) =
locPragma loc ++ pref ++ "makeQuickCheckTest " ++ (show s) ++ " " ++
codeForLoc pref loc ++ " (" ++ pref ++ "qcAssertion " ++ name ++ ")"
locPragma :: Location -> String
locPragma loc =
"{-# LINE " ++ show (lineNumber loc) ++ " " ++ show (fileName loc) ++ " #-}\n "
codeForLoc :: String -> Location -> String
codeForLoc pref loc = "(" ++ pref ++ "makeLoc " ++ show (fileName loc) ++
" " ++ show (lineNumber loc) ++ ")"
importedTestListCode :: ModuleInfo -> String
importedTestListCode info =
let l = mi_htfImports info
in case l of
[] -> ""
_ -> (importedTestListFullName (mi_moduleNameWithDefault info)
++ " :: [" ++ mi_htfPrefix info ++ "TestSuite]\n" ++
importedTestListFullName (mi_moduleNameWithDefault info)
++ " = [\n " ++
List.intercalate ",\n " (map htfTestsInModule l) ++
"\n ]\n")
htfTestsInModule :: ImportDecl -> String
htfTestsInModule imp = qualify imp (thisModulesTestsFullName (imp_moduleName imp))
qualify :: ImportDecl -> String -> String
qualify imp name =
case (imp_qualified imp, imp_alias imp) of
(False, _) -> name
(True, Just alias) -> alias ++ "." ++ name
(True, _) -> imp_moduleName imp ++ "." ++ name
parseCppLineInfoOut :: String -> Maybe (String, String)
parseCppLineInfoOut line =
case line of
'#':' ':c:rest
| isDigit c ->
case List.span isDigit rest of
(restDigits, ' ' : '"' : rest) ->
case dropWhile (/= '"') (reverse rest) of
'"' : fileNameRev ->
let line = (c:restDigits)
file = "\"" ++ reverse fileNameRev ++ "\""
in Just (line, file)
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
preprocessorTests =
[("testAnalyze", testAnalyze)]