Internal module for types and functions dealing with source code locations.
data Location Source #
An abstract type representing locations in a file.
Defined in Test.Framework.JsonOutput
toJSON :: Location -> Value #
toEncoding :: Location -> Encoding #
toJSONList :: [Location] -> Value #
toEncodingList :: [Location] -> Encoding #
omitField :: Location -> Bool #
Defined in Test.Framework.Location
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS Location #
readList :: ReadS [Location] #
readPrec :: ReadPrec Location #
readListPrec :: ReadPrec [Location] #
showsPrec :: Int -> Location -> ShowS #
show :: Location -> String #
showList :: [Location] -> ShowS #
(==) :: Location -> Location -> Bool #
(/=) :: Location -> Location -> Bool #
compare :: Location -> Location -> Ordering #
(<) :: Location -> Location -> Bool #
(<=) :: Location -> Location -> Bool #
(>) :: Location -> Location -> Bool #
(>=) :: Location -> Location -> Bool #
max :: Location -> Location -> Location #
min :: Location -> Location -> Location #
unknownLocation :: Location Source #
The unknown location (file ? and line 0).
fileName :: Location -> String Source #
Extract the file name of a Location.
lineNumber :: Location -> Int Source #
Extract the line number of a Location.
showLoc :: Location -> String Source #
Render a Location as a String.
makeLoc Source #
The file name
The line number
Create a new location.