module Network.StreamDebugger
( StreamDebugger
, debugStream
, debugByteStream
) where
import Network.Stream (Stream(..))
import System.IO
( Handle, hFlush, hPutStrLn, IOMode(AppendMode), hClose, openFile,
hSetBuffering, BufferMode(NoBuffering)
import Network.TCP ( HandleStream, HStream,
StreamHooks(..), setStreamHooks, getStreamHooks )
data StreamDebugger x
= Dbg Handle x
instance (Stream x) => Stream (StreamDebugger x) where
readBlock (Dbg h x) n =
do val <- readBlock x n
hPutStrLn h ("--readBlock " ++ show n)
hPutStrLn h (show val)
return val
readLine (Dbg h x) =
do val <- readLine x
hPutStrLn h ("--readLine")
hPutStrLn h (show val)
return val
writeBlock (Dbg h x) str =
do val <- writeBlock x str
hPutStrLn h ("--writeBlock" ++ show str)
hPutStrLn h (show val)
return val
close (Dbg h x) =
do hPutStrLn h "--closing..."
hFlush h
close x
hPutStrLn h "--closed."
hClose h
closeOnEnd (Dbg h x) f =
do hPutStrLn h ("--close-on-end.." ++ show f)
hFlush h
closeOnEnd x f
debugStream :: (Stream a) => FilePath -> a -> IO (StreamDebugger a)
debugStream file stream =
do h <- openFile file AppendMode
hPutStrLn h ("File \"" ++ file ++ "\" opened for appending.")
return (Dbg h stream)
debugByteStream :: HStream ty => FilePath -> HandleStream ty -> IO (HandleStream ty)
debugByteStream file stream = do
sh <- getStreamHooks stream
case sh of
Just h
| hook_name h == file -> return stream
_ -> do
h <- openFile file AppendMode
hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
hPutStrLn h ("File \"" ++ file ++ "\" opened for appending.")
setStreamHooks stream (debugStreamHooks h file)
return stream
debugStreamHooks :: HStream ty => Handle -> String -> StreamHooks ty
debugStreamHooks h nm =
{ hook_readBlock = \ toStr n val -> do
let eval = case val of { Left e -> Left e ; Right v -> Right $ toStr v}
hPutStrLn h ("--readBlock " ++ show n)
hPutStrLn h (either show show eval)
, hook_readLine = \ toStr val -> do
let eval = case val of { Left e -> Left e ; Right v -> Right $ toStr v}
hPutStrLn h ("--readLine")
hPutStrLn h (either show show eval)
, hook_writeBlock = \ toStr str val -> do
hPutStrLn h ("--writeBlock " ++ show val)
hPutStrLn h (toStr str)
, hook_close = do
hPutStrLn h "--closing..."
hFlush h
hClose h
, hook_name = nm