HaTeX- The Haskell LaTeX library.

Safe HaskellSafe




This module defines the syntax of a TikZ script.

To generate a TikZ script, first create a TPath using data constructors, or alternatively, use a PathBuilder from the Text.LaTeX.Packages.TikZ.PathBuilder module.

Once a TPath is created, use path to render a picture from it. Use scope to apply some parameters to your picture, such line width or color.



data TPoint Source #

A point in TikZ.

pointAt :: Measure -> Measure -> TPoint Source #

Point using Measures for coordinantes.

pointAtXY :: Double -> Double -> TPoint Source #

Point using numbers as coordinates.

pointAtXYZ :: Double -> Double -> Double -> TPoint Source #

Three-dimensional point.

relPoint :: TPoint -> TPoint Source #

Makes a point relative to the previous.



data TPath Source #

Type for TikZ paths. Every TPath has two fundamental points: the starting point and the last point. The starting point is set using the Start constructor. The last point then is modified by the other constructors. Below a explanation of each one of them. Note that both starting point and last point may coincide. You can use the functions startingPoint and lastPoint to calculate them. After creating a TPath, use path to do something useful with it.


Start TPoint

Let y = Start p.

Operation: Set the starting point of a path.

Last point: The last point of y is p.

Cycle TPath

Let y = Cycle x.

Operation: Close a path with a line from the last point of x to the starting point of x.

Last point: The last point of y is the starting point of x.

Line TPath TPoint

Let y = Line x p.

Operation: Extend the current path from the last point of x in a straight line to p.

Last point: The last point of y is p.

Rectangle TPath TPoint

Let y = Rectangle x p.

Operation: Define a rectangle using the last point of x as one corner and p as the another corner.

Last point: The last point of y is p.

Circle TPath Double

Let y = Circle x r.

Operation: Define a circle with center at the last point of x and radius r.

Last point: The last point of y is the same as the last point of x.

Ellipse TPath Double Double

Let y = Ellipse x r1 r2.

Operation: Define a ellipse with center at the last point of x, width the double of r1 and height the double of r2.

Last point: The last point of y is the same as the last point of x.

Grid TPath [GridOption] TPoint 
Node TPath LaTeX

Let y = Node x l.

Operation: Set a text centered at the last point of x.

Last point: The last point of y is the same as the last point of x.


Critical points

startingPoint :: TPath -> TPoint Source #

Calculate the starting point of a TPath.

lastPoint :: TPath -> TPoint Source #

Calculate the last point of a TPath.


(->-) :: TPath -> TPoint -> TPath Source #

Alias of Line.


data Parameter Source #

Parameters to use in a scope to change how things are rendered within that scope.


TWidth Measure 
TColor TikZColor 
TScale Double 
TRotate Double

Angle is in degrees.

data TikZColor Source #

Color models accepted by TikZ.

data Color Source #

Basic colors.




data Word8 :: * #

8-bit unsigned integer type


Bounded Word8 
Enum Word8 
Eq Word8 


(==) :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool #

(/=) :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool #

Integral Word8 
Num Word8 
Ord Word8 


compare :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Ordering #

(<) :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool #

(<=) :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool #

(>) :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool #

(>=) :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool #

max :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 #

min :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 #

Read Word8 
Real Word8 


toRational :: Word8 -> Rational #

Show Word8 


showsPrec :: Int -> Word8 -> ShowS #

show :: Word8 -> String #

showList :: [Word8] -> ShowS #

Ix Word8 
Lift Word8 


lift :: Word8 -> Q Exp #

Arbitrary Word8 


arbitrary :: Gen Word8 #

shrink :: Word8 -> [Word8] #

CoArbitrary Word8 


coarbitrary :: Word8 -> Gen b -> Gen b #

Bits Word8 
FiniteBits Word8 
Random Word8 


randomR :: RandomGen g => (Word8, Word8) -> g -> (Word8, g) #

random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Word8, g) #

randomRs :: RandomGen g => (Word8, Word8) -> g -> [Word8] #

randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [Word8] #

randomRIO :: (Word8, Word8) -> IO Word8 #

randomIO :: IO Word8 #

Pretty Word8 


pretty :: Word8 -> Doc e #

prettyList :: [Word8] -> Doc e #

Render Word8 Source # 


render :: Word8 -> Text Source #


data TikZ Source #

A TikZ script.


emptytikz :: TikZ Source #

Just an empty script.

path :: [ActionType] -> TPath -> TikZ Source #

A path can be used in different ways.

  • Draw: Just draw the path.
  • Fill: Fill the area inside the path.
  • Clip: Clean everything outside the path.
  • Shade: Shade the area inside the path.

It is possible to stack different effects in the list.

Example of usage:

path [Draw] $ Start (pointAtXY 0 0) ->- pointAtXY 1 1

Most common usages are exported as functions. See draw, fill, clip, shade, filldraw and shadedraw.

scope :: [Parameter] -> TikZ -> TikZ Source #

Applies a scope to a TikZ script.

data ActionType Source #

Different types of actions that can be performed with a TPath. See path for more information.



(->>) :: TikZ -> TikZ -> TikZ Source #

Sequence two TikZ scripts.


draw :: TPath -> TikZ Source #

Equivalent to path [Draw].

fill :: TPath -> TikZ Source #

Equivalent to path [Fill].

clip :: TPath -> TikZ Source #

Equivalent to path [Clip].

shade :: TPath -> TikZ Source #

Equivalent to path [Shade].

filldraw :: TPath -> TikZ Source #

Equivalent to path [Fill,Draw].

shadedraw :: TPath -> TikZ Source #

Equivalent to path [Shade,Draw].