{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, TupleSections, DeriveFunctor #-}
module Math.Combinatorics.GraphAuts (isVertexTransitive, isEdgeTransitive,
isArcTransitive, is2ArcTransitive, is3ArcTransitive, is4ArcTransitive, isnArcTransitive,
graphAuts, incidenceAuts, graphAuts7, graphAuts8, incidenceAuts2,
isGraphAut, isIncidenceAut,
graphIsos, incidenceIsos,
isGraphIso, isIncidenceIso) where
import Data.Either (lefts, rights, partitionEithers)
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Math.Common.ListSet
import Math.Core.Utils (combinationsOf, intersectAsc, pairs, picks, (^-))
import Math.Combinatorics.Graph
import Math.Algebra.Group.PermutationGroup
import Math.Algebra.Group.SchreierSims as SS
isVertexTransitive :: (Ord t) => Graph t -> Bool
isVertexTransitive (G [] []) = True
isVertexTransitive g@(G (v:vs) es) = orbitV auts v == v:vs where
auts = graphAuts g
isEdgeTransitive :: (Ord t) => Graph t -> Bool
isEdgeTransitive (G _ []) = True
isEdgeTransitive g@(G vs (e:es)) = orbitE auts e == e:es where
auts = graphAuts g
arc ->^ g = map (.^ g) arc
isArcTransitive :: (Ord t) => Graph t -> Bool
isArcTransitive (G _ []) = True
isArcTransitive g@(G vs es) = orbit (->^) a auts == a:as where
a:as = L.sort $ es ++ map reverse es
auts = graphAuts g
isArcTransitive' g@(G (v:vs) es) =
orbitP auts v == v:vs &&
orbitP stab n == n:ns
where auts = graphAuts g
stab = filter (\p -> v .^ p == v) auts
n:ns = nbrs g v
findArcs g@(G vs es) x l = map reverse $ dfs [ ([x],0) ] where
dfs ( (z1:z2:zs,l') : nodes)
| l == l' = (z1:z2:zs) : dfs nodes
| otherwise = dfs $ [(w:z1:z2:zs,l'+1) | w <- nbrs g z1, w /= z2] ++ nodes
dfs ( ([z],l') : nodes)
| l == l' = [z] : dfs nodes
| otherwise = dfs $ [([w,z],l'+1) | w <- nbrs g z] ++ nodes
dfs [] = []
isnArcTransitive :: (Ord t) => Int -> Graph t -> Bool
isnArcTransitive _ (G [] []) = True
isnArcTransitive n g@(G (v:vs) es) =
orbitP auts v == v:vs &&
orbit (->^) a stab == a:as
where auts = graphAuts g
stab = filter (\p -> v .^ p == v) auts
a:as = findArcs g v n
is2ArcTransitive :: (Ord t) => Graph t -> Bool
is2ArcTransitive g = isnArcTransitive 2 g
is3ArcTransitive :: (Ord t) => Graph t -> Bool
is3ArcTransitive g = isnArcTransitive 3 g
is4ArcTransitive :: (Ord t) => Graph t -> Bool
is4ArcTransitive g = isnArcTransitive 4 g
isDistanceTransitive :: (Ord t) => Graph t -> Bool
isDistanceTransitive (G [] []) = True
isDistanceTransitive g@(G (v:vs) es)
| isConnected g =
orbitP auts v == v:vs &&
length stabOrbits == diameter g + 1
| otherwise = error "isDistanceTransitive: only implemented for connected graphs"
where auts = graphAuts g
stab = filter (\p -> v .^ p == v) auts
stabOrbits = let os = orbits stab in os ++ map (:[]) ((v:vs) L.\\ concat os)
isGraphAut :: Ord t => Graph t -> Permutation t -> Bool
isGraphAut (G vs es) h = all (`S.member` es') [e -^ h | e <- es]
where es' = S.fromList es
isIncidenceAut :: (Ord p, Ord b) => Graph (Either p b) -> Permutation (Either p b) -> Bool
isIncidenceAut (G vs es) h = all (`S.member` es') [e ->^ h | e <- es]
where es' = S.fromList es
adjLists (G vs es) = adjLists' M.empty es
where adjLists' nbrs ([u,v]:es) =
adjLists' (M.insertWith (flip (++)) v [u] $ M.insertWith (flip (++)) u [v] nbrs) es
adjLists' nbrs [] = nbrs
data SearchTree a = T Bool a [SearchTree a] deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor)
leftDepth (T _ _ []) = 1
leftDepth (T _ _ (t:ts)) = 1 + leftDepth t
leftWidths (T _ _ []) = []
leftWidths (T _ _ ts@(t:_)) = length ts : leftWidths t
graphAutsEdgeSearchTree (G vs es) = dfs [] vs vs where
dfs xys (x:xs) yys = T False xys [dfs ((x,y):xys) xs ys | (y,ys) <- picks yys, isCompatible xys (x,y)]
dfs xys [] [] = T True xys []
isCompatible xys (x',y') = and [([x,x'] `S.member` es') == (L.sort [y,y'] `S.member` es') | (x,y) <- xys]
es' = S.fromList es
graphAuts1 = map fromPairs . terminals . graphAutsEdgeSearchTree
terminals (T False _ ts) = concatMap terminals ts
terminals (T True xys _) = [xys]
transversalTerminals (T False _ (t:ts)) = concatMap (take 1 . transversalTerminals) ts ++ transversalTerminals t
transversalTerminals (T True xys _) = [xys]
transversalTerminals _ = []
graphAuts2 = filter (/=1) . map fromPairs . transversalTerminals . graphAutsEdgeSearchTree
isSingleton [_] = True
isSingleton _ = False
intersectCells p1 p2 = concat [ [c1 `intersectAsc` c2 | c2 <- p2] | c1 <- p1]
graphAutsDistancePartitionSearchTree g@(G vs es) = dfs [] ([vs],[vs]) where
dfs xys (srcPart,trgPart)
| all isSingleton srcPart =
let xys' = zip (concat srcPart) (concat trgPart)
in T (isCompatible xys') (xys++xys') []
| otherwise = let (x:xs):srcCells = srcPart
yys :trgCells = trgPart
srcPart' = intersectCells (xs : srcCells) (dps M.! x)
in T False xys
[dfs ((x,y):xys) ((unzip . L.sort) (zip (filter (not . null) srcPart') (filter (not . null) trgPart')))
| (y,ys) <- picks yys,
let trgPart' = intersectCells (ys : trgCells) (dps M.! y),
map length srcPart' == map length trgPart']
isCompatible xys = and [([x,x'] `S.member` es') == (L.sort [y,y'] `S.member` es') | (x,y) <- xys, (x',y') <- xys, x < x']
es' = S.fromList es
dps = M.fromAscList [(v, distancePartitionS vs es' v) | v <- vs]
graphAuts3 = filter (/=1) . map fromPairs . transversalTerminals . graphAutsDistancePartitionSearchTree
strongTerminals = strongTerminals' [] where
strongTerminals' gs (T False xys ts) =
case listToMaybe $ reverse $ filter (\(x,y) -> x /= y) xys of
Nothing -> L.foldl' (\hs t -> strongTerminals' hs t) gs ts
Just (x,y) -> if y `elem` (x .^^ gs)
then gs
else find1New gs ts
strongTerminals' gs (T True xys []) = fromPairs xys : gs
find1New gs (t:ts) = let hs = strongTerminals' gs t
in if take 1 gs /= take 1 hs
then hs
else find1New gs ts
find1New gs [] = gs
graphAuts :: (Ord a) => Graph a -> [Permutation a]
graphAuts = filter (/=1) . strongTerminals . graphAutsDistancePartitionSearchTree
graphAutsDistanceColouringSearchTree g@(G vs es) = dfs [] unitCol unitCol where
unitCol = (M.fromList $ map (,[]) vs, M.singleton [] vs)
dfs xys srcColouring@(srcVmap,srcCmap) trgColouring@(trgVmap,trgCmap)
| all isSingleton (M.elems srcCmap) =
let xys' = zip (concat $ M.elems srcCmap) (concat $ M.elems trgCmap)
in T (isCompatible xys') (reverse xys'++xys) []
| otherwise = let (x,c) = M.findMin srcVmap
(xVmap,xCmap) = dcs M.! x
ys = trgCmap M.! c
srcVmap' = M.delete x (intersectColouring srcVmap xVmap)
srcCmap' = colourPartition srcVmap'
in T False xys
[dfs ((x,y):xys) (srcVmap',srcCmap') (trgVmap',trgCmap')
| y <- ys,
let (yVmap,yCmap) = dcs M.! y,
let trgVmap' = M.delete y (intersectColouring trgVmap yVmap),
let trgCmap' = colourPartition trgVmap',
M.map length srcCmap' == M.map length trgCmap' ]
isCompatible xys = and [([x,x'] `S.member` es') == (L.sort [y,y'] `S.member` es') | (x,y) <- xys, (x',y') <- xys, x < x']
es' = S.fromList es
dcs = M.fromAscList [(v, distanceColouring v) | v <- vs]
distanceColouring u = let dp = distancePartitionS vs es' u
vmap = M.fromList [(v,[c]) | (cell,c) <- zip dp [0..], v <- cell]
cmap = M.fromList $ zip (map (:[]) [0..]) dp
in (vmap, cmap)
distanceColouring (G vs es) u = M.fromList [(v,[c]) | (cell,c) <- zip (distancePartitionS vs es' u) [0..], v <- cell]
where es' = S.fromList es
intersectColouring c1 c2 = M.intersectionWith (++) c1 c2
colourPartition c = L.foldr (\(k,v) m -> M.insertWith (++) v [k] m) M.empty (M.assocs c)
equitableRefinement g@(G vs es) p = equitableRefinement' (S.fromList es) p
equitableRefinement' edgeset partition = go partition where
go cells = let splits = L.zip (L.inits cells) (L.tails cells)
shatterPairs = [(L.zip ci counts,ls,rs) | (ls,ci:rs) <- splits, cj <- cells,
let counts = map (nbrCount cj) ci, isShatter counts]
in case shatterPairs of
[] -> cells
(vcs,ls,rs):_ -> let fragments = shatter vcs
in go (ls ++ fragments ++ rs)
isShatter (c:cs) = any (/= c) cs
shatter vcs = map (map fst) $ L.groupBy (\x y -> snd x == snd y) $ L.sortBy (comparing snd) $ vcs
nbrCount cell vertex = length (filter (isEdge vertex) cell)
isEdge u v = L.sort [u,v] `S.member` edgeset
equitablePartitionSearchTree g@(G vs es) p = dfs [] p where
dfs bs p = let p' = equitableRefinement' es' p in
if all isSingleton p'
then T True (p',bs) []
else T False (p',bs) [dfs (b:bs) p'' | (b,p'') <- splits [] p']
splits ls (r:rs) | isSingleton r = splits (r:ls) rs
| otherwise = let ls' = reverse ls in [(x, ls' ++ [x]:xs:rs) | (x,xs) <- picks r]
es' = S.fromList es
equitablePartitionSearchTree2 g@(G vs es) p = dfs [] ([],p) where
dfs bs (ss,cs) = let (ss',cs') = L.partition isSingleton $ equitableRefinement' es' cs
ss'' = ss++ss'
in case cs' of
[] -> T True (ss'',bs) []
c:cs'' -> T False (cs'++ss'',bs) [dfs (x:bs) (ss'',[x]:xs:cs'') | (x,xs) <- picks c]
es' = S.fromList es
equitableDistancePartitionSearchTree g@(G vs es) p = dfs [] p where
dfs bs p = let p' = equitableRefinement' es' p in
if all isSingleton p'
then T True (p',bs) []
else T False (p',bs) [dfs (b:bs) p'' | (b,p'') <- splits [] p']
splits ls (r:rs) | isSingleton r = splits (r:ls) rs
| otherwise = [(x, p'') | let ls' = reverse ls,
(x,xs) <- picks r,
let p' = ls' ++ [x]:xs:rs,
let p'' = filter (not . null) (intersectCells p' (dps M.! x))]
es' = S.fromList es
dps = M.fromAscList [(v, distancePartitionS vs es' v) | v <- vs]
trace1 p = map (\xs@(x:_) -> (x, length xs)) $ L.group $ L.sort $ map length p
equitablePartitionGraphSearchTree g@(G vs es) = equitablePartitionSearchTree g unitPartition
where unitPartition = [vs]
equitablePartitionIncidenceSearchTree g@(G vs es) = equitablePartitionSearchTree g lrPartition
where (lefts, rights) = partitionEithers vs
lrPartition = [map Left lefts, map Right rights]
leftLeaf (T False _ (t:ts)) = leftLeaf t
leftLeaf (T True (p,bs) []) = (concat p, reverse bs)
allLeaves (T False _ ts) = concatMap allLeaves ts
allLeaves (T True (p,bs) []) = [(concat p, reverse bs)]
partitionBSGS0 g@(G vs es) t = (bs, findLevels t) where
(p1,bs) = leftLeaf t
g1 = fromPairs $ zip p1 vs
g1' = g1^-1
es1 = S.fromList $ edges $ fmap (.^ g1) g
findLevels (T True (partition,_) []) = []
findLevels (T False (partition,_) (t:ts)) =
let hs = findLevels t
cell@(v:vs) = head $ filter (not . isSingleton) partition
in findLevel v hs (zip vs ts)
findLevel v hs ((v',t'):vts) = if v' `elem` v .^^ hs
then findLevel v hs vts
else let h = find1New t' in findLevel v (h++hs) vts
findLevel _ hs [] = hs
find1New (T False _ ts) = take 1 $ concatMap find1New ts
find1New (T True (partition,_) []) = let h = fromPairs $ zip (concat partition) vs
g' = fmap (.^ h) g
in if all (`S.member` es1) (edges g') then [h*g1'] else []
partitionBSGS g@(G vs es) t = (bs, findLevels t) where
(canonical,bs) = leftLeaf t
findLevels (T True (partition,_) []) = []
findLevels (T False (partition,_) (t:ts)) =
let hs = findLevels t
cell@(v:vs) = head $ filter (not . isSingleton) partition
in findLevel v hs (zip vs ts)
findLevel v hs ((v',t'):vts) = if v' `elem` v .^^ hs
then findLevel v hs vts
else let h = find1New t' in findLevel v (h++hs) vts
findLevel _ hs [] = hs
find1New (T False _ ts) = take 1 $ concatMap find1New ts
find1New (T True (partition,_) []) = let h = fromPairs $ zip canonical (concat partition)
in filter isAut [h]
isAut h = all (`S.member` es') [e -^ h | e <- es]
es' = S.fromList es
partitionBSGS3 g@(G vs es) t = (bs, findLevels t) where
(p1,bs) = leftLeaf t
findLevels (T True (partition,_) []) = []
findLevels (T False (partition,_) (t:ts)) =
let hs = findLevels t
cell@(v:vs) = head $ filter (not . isSingleton) partition
in findLevel v hs (zip vs ts)
findLevel v hs ((v',t'):vts) = if v' `elem` v .^^ rights hs
then findLevel v hs vts
else let h = find1New t' in findLevel v (h++hs) vts
findLevel _ hs [] = hs
find1New (T False _ ts) = take 1 $ concatMap find1New ts
find1New (T True (partition,_) []) = let h = fromPairs $ zip p1 (concat partition)
in if isAut h then [Right h] else [Left h]
isAut h = all (`S.member` es') [e -^ h | e <- es]
es' = S.fromList es
partitionBSGS2 g@(G vs es) t = (bs, findLevels t') where
t' = fmap (\(p,bs) -> (p,bs,trace1 p)) t
trace1 = length
(canonical,bs) = leftLeaf t
findLevels (T True (partition,_,_) []) = []
findLevels (T False (partition,_,_) (t:ts)) =
let (T _ (_,_,trace) _) = t
hs = findLevels t
cell@(v:vs) = head $ filter (not . isSingleton) partition
vts = filter (\(_,T _ (_,_,trace') _) -> trace == trace') $ zip vs ts
in findLevel v hs vts
findLevel v hs ((v',t'):vts) = if v' `elem` v .^^ hs
then findLevel v hs vts
else let h = find1New t' in findLevel v (h++hs) vts
findLevel _ hs [] = hs
find1New (T False _ ts) = take 1 $ concatMap find1New ts
find1New (T True (partition,_,_) []) = let h = fromPairs $ zip canonical (concat partition)
in filter isAut [h]
isAut h = all (`S.member` es') [e -^ h | e <- es]
es' = S.fromList es
graphAuts7 g = (partitionBSGS g) (equitablePartitionGraphSearchTree g)
graphAuts8 g = (partitionBSGS g) (equitableDistancePartitionSearchTree g [vertices g])
g1 = G [1..10] [[1,2],[1,3],[1,9],[2,4],[2,10],[3,4],[3,9],[4,10],[5,6],[5,8],[5,9],[6,7],[6,10],[7,8],[7,9],[8,10]]
g1' = nf $ fmap (\x -> if x <= 4 then x+4 else if x <= 8 then x-4 else x) g1
g2 = G [1..12] [[1,2],[1,4],[1,11],[2,3],[2,12],[3,4],[3,11],[4,12],[5,6],[5,8],[5,11],[6,9],[6,12],[7,8],[7,10],[7,11],[8,12],[9,10],[9,11],[10,12]]
maybeGraphIso g1 g2 = let (vs1,_) = (leftLeaf . equitablePartitionGraphSearchTree) g1
(vs2,_) = (leftLeaf . equitablePartitionGraphSearchTree) g2
f = M.fromList (zip vs1 vs2)
in if length vs1 == length vs2 && (nf . fmap (f M.!)) g1 == g2 then Just f else Nothing
incidenceAutsDistancePartitionSearchTree g@(G vs es) = dfs [] (lrPart, lrPart) where
dfs xys (srcPart,trgPart)
| all isSingleton srcPart =
let xys' = zip (concat srcPart) (concat trgPart)
in T (isCompatible xys') (unLeft $ xys++xys') []
| otherwise = let (x:xs):srcCells = srcPart
yys :trgCells = trgPart
srcPart' = intersectCells (xs : srcCells) (dps M.! x)
in T False (unLeft xys)
[dfs ((x,y):xys) ((unzip . L.sort) (zip (filter (not . null) srcPart') (filter (not . null) trgPart')))
| (y,ys) <- picks yys,
let trgPart' = intersectCells (ys : trgCells) (dps M.! y),
map length srcPart' == map length trgPart']
isCompatible xys = and [([x,x'] `S.member` es') == (L.sort [y,y'] `S.member` es') | (x,y) <- xys, (x',y') <- xys, x < x']
(lefts, rights) = partitionEithers vs
lrPart = [map Left lefts, map Right rights]
unLeft xys = [(x,y) | (Left x, Left y) <- xys]
es' = S.fromList es
dps = M.fromList [(v, distancePartitionS vs es' v) | v <- vs]
incidenceAuts :: (Ord p, Ord b) => Graph (Either p b) -> [Permutation p]
incidenceAuts = filter (/= p []) . strongTerminals . incidenceAutsDistancePartitionSearchTree
incidenceAuts2 g = (partitionBSGS g) (equitablePartitionIncidenceSearchTree g)
where unLeft (Left x) = x
graphIsos g1 g2
| length cs1 /= length cs2 = []
| otherwise = graphIsos' cs1 cs2
where cs1 = map (inducedSubgraph g1) (components g1)
cs2 = map (inducedSubgraph g2) (components g2)
graphIsos' (ci:cis) cjs =
[iso ++ iso' | (cj,cjs') <- picks cjs,
iso <- graphIsosCon ci cj,
iso' <- graphIsos' cis cjs']
graphIsos' [] [] = [[]]
graphIsosCon g1 g2
| isConnected g1 && isConnected g2
= concat [dfs [] (distancePartition g1 v1) (distancePartition g2 v2)
| v1 <- take 1 (vertices g1), v2 <- vertices g2]
| otherwise = error "graphIsosCon: either or both graphs are not connected"
where dfs xys p1 p2
| map length p1 /= map length p2 = []
| otherwise =
let p1' = filter (not . null) p1
p2' = filter (not . null) p2
in if all isSingleton p1'
then let xys' = xys ++ zip (concat p1') (concat p2')
in if isCompatible xys' then [xys'] else []
else let (x:xs):p1'' = p1'
ys:p2'' = p2'
in concat [dfs ((x,y):xys)
(intersectCells (xs : p1'') (dps1 M.! x))
(intersectCells (ys': p2'') (dps2 M.! y))
| (y,ys') <- picks ys]
isCompatible xys = and [([x,x'] `S.member` es1) == (L.sort [y,y'] `S.member` es2) | (x,y) <- xys, (x',y') <- xys, x < x']
dps1 = M.fromAscList [(v, distancePartitionS vs1 es1 v) | v <- vs1]
dps2 = M.fromAscList [(v, distancePartitionS vs2 es2 v) | v <- vs2]
vs1 = vertices g1
vs2 = vertices g2
es1 = S.fromList $ edges g1
es2 = S.fromList $ edges g2
isGraphIso :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Graph a -> Graph b -> Bool
isGraphIso g1 g2 = (not . null) (graphIsos g1 g2)
incidenceIsos g1 g2
| length cs1 /= length cs2 = []
| otherwise = incidenceIsos' cs1 cs2
where cs1 = map (inducedSubgraph g1) (filter (not . null . lefts) $ components g1)
cs2 = map (inducedSubgraph g2) (filter (not . null . lefts) $ components g2)
incidenceIsos' (ci:cis) cjs =
[iso ++ iso' | (cj,cjs') <- picks cjs,
iso <- incidenceIsosCon ci cj,
iso' <- incidenceIsos' cis cjs']
incidenceIsos' [] [] = [[]]
incidenceIsosCon g1 g2
| isConnected g1 && isConnected g2
= concat [dfs [] (distancePartition g1 v1) (distancePartition g2 v2)
| v1@(Left _) <- take 1 (vertices g1), v2@(Left _) <- vertices g2]
| otherwise = error "incidenceIsos: one or both graphs not connected"
where dfs xys p1 p2
| map length p1 /= map length p2 = []
| otherwise =
let p1' = filter (not . null) p1
p2' = filter (not . null) p2
in if all isSingleton p1'
then let xys' = xys ++ zip (concat p1') (concat p2')
in if isCompatible xys' then [[(x,y) | (Left x, Left y) <- xys']] else []
else let (x:xs):p1'' = p1'
ys:p2'' = p2'
in concat [dfs ((x,y):xys)
(intersectCells (xs : p1'') (dps1 M.! x))
(intersectCells (ys': p2'') (dps2 M.! y))
| (y,ys') <- picks ys]
isCompatible xys = and [([x,x'] `S.member` es1) == (L.sort [y,y'] `S.member` es2) | (x,y) <- xys, (x',y') <- xys, x < x']
dps1 = M.fromList [(v, distancePartition g1 v) | v <- vertices g1]
dps2 = M.fromList [(v, distancePartition g2 v) | v <- vertices g2]
es1 = S.fromList $ edges g1
es2 = S.fromList $ edges g2
isIncidenceIso :: (Ord p1, Ord b1, Ord p2, Ord b2) =>
Graph (Either p1 b1) -> Graph (Either p2 b2) -> Bool
isIncidenceIso g1 g2 = (not . null) (incidenceIsos g1 g2)