Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- connectIMAP :: String -> IO IMAPConnection
- connectIMAPPort :: String -> PortNumber -> IO IMAPConnection
- connectStream :: BSStream -> IO IMAPConnection
- noop :: IMAPConnection -> IO ()
- capability :: IMAPConnection -> IO [String]
- logout :: IMAPConnection -> IO ()
- login :: IMAPConnection -> UserName -> Password -> IO ()
- authenticate :: IMAPConnection -> AuthType -> UserName -> Password -> IO ()
- select :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> IO ()
- examine :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> IO ()
- create :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> IO ()
- delete :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> IO ()
- rename :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> MailboxName -> IO ()
- subscribe :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> IO ()
- unsubscribe :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> IO ()
- list :: IMAPConnection -> IO [([Attribute], MailboxName)]
- lsub :: IMAPConnection -> IO [([Attribute], MailboxName)]
- status :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> [MailboxStatus] -> IO [(MailboxStatus, Integer)]
- append :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> ByteString -> IO ()
- appendFull :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> ByteString -> Maybe [Flag] -> Maybe CalendarTime -> IO ()
- check :: IMAPConnection -> IO ()
- close :: IMAPConnection -> IO ()
- expunge :: IMAPConnection -> IO [Integer]
- search :: IMAPConnection -> [SearchQuery] -> IO [UID]
- store :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> FlagsQuery -> IO ()
- copy :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> MailboxName -> IO ()
- idle :: IMAPConnection -> Int -> IO ()
- fetch :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> IO ByteString
- fetchHeader :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> IO ByteString
- fetchSize :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> IO Int
- fetchHeaderFields :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> [String] -> IO ByteString
- fetchHeaderFieldsNot :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> [String] -> IO ByteString
- fetchFlags :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> IO [Flag]
- fetchR :: IMAPConnection -> (UID, UID) -> IO [(UID, ByteString)]
- fetchByString :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> String -> IO [(String, String)]
- fetchByStringR :: IMAPConnection -> (UID, UID) -> String -> IO [(UID, [(String, String)])]
- data Flag
- data Attribute
- data MailboxStatus
- data SearchQuery
- = ALLs
- | FLAG Flag
- | UNFLAG Flag
- | BCCs String
- | BEFOREs CalendarTime
- | BODYs String
- | CCs String
- | FROMs String
- | HEADERs String String
- | LARGERs Integer
- | NEWs
- | NOTs SearchQuery
- | OLDs
- | ONs CalendarTime
- | ORs SearchQuery SearchQuery
- | SENTBEFOREs CalendarTime
- | SENTONs CalendarTime
- | SENTSINCEs CalendarTime
- | SINCEs CalendarTime
- | SMALLERs Integer
- | SUBJECTs String
- | TEXTs String
- | TOs String
- | XGMRAW String
- | UIDs [UID]
- data FlagsQuery
- data AuthType
connectIMAP :: String -> IO IMAPConnection Source #
connectIMAPPort :: String -> PortNumber -> IO IMAPConnection Source #
connectStream :: BSStream -> IO IMAPConnection Source #
IMAP commands
any state commands
noop :: IMAPConnection -> IO () Source #
capability :: IMAPConnection -> IO [String] Source #
logout :: IMAPConnection -> IO () Source #
not authenticated state commands
authenticate :: IMAPConnection -> AuthType -> UserName -> Password -> IO () Source #
autenticated state commands
select :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> IO () Source #
examine :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> IO () Source #
create :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> IO () Source #
delete :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> IO () Source #
rename :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> MailboxName -> IO () Source #
subscribe :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> IO () Source #
unsubscribe :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> IO () Source #
list :: IMAPConnection -> IO [([Attribute], MailboxName)] Source #
lsub :: IMAPConnection -> IO [([Attribute], MailboxName)] Source #
status :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> [MailboxStatus] -> IO [(MailboxStatus, Integer)] Source #
append :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> ByteString -> IO () Source #
appendFull :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> ByteString -> Maybe [Flag] -> Maybe CalendarTime -> IO () Source #
selected state commands
check :: IMAPConnection -> IO () Source #
close :: IMAPConnection -> IO () Source #
search :: IMAPConnection -> [SearchQuery] -> IO [UID] Source #
store :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> FlagsQuery -> IO () Source #
copy :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> MailboxName -> IO () Source #
fetch commands
fetch :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> IO ByteString Source #
fetchHeader :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> IO ByteString Source #
fetchHeaderFields :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> [String] -> IO ByteString Source #
fetchHeaderFieldsNot :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> [String] -> IO ByteString Source #
fetchFlags :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> IO [Flag] Source #
fetchR :: IMAPConnection -> (UID, UID) -> IO [(UID, ByteString)] Source #
fetchByString :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> String -> IO [(String, String)] Source #
other types
data MailboxStatus Source #
the query data type for the status command
MESSAGES | the number of messages in the mailbox |
RECENT | the number of messages with the Recent flag set |
UIDNEXT | the next unique identifier value of the mailbox |
UIDVALIDITY | the unique identifier validity value of the mailbox |
UNSEEN | the number of messages with the Unseen flag set |
Read MailboxStatus Source # | |
Defined in Network.HaskellNet.IMAP.Types Methods readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS MailboxStatus # readList :: ReadS [MailboxStatus] # | |
Show MailboxStatus Source # | |
Defined in Network.HaskellNet.IMAP.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> MailboxStatus -> ShowS # show :: MailboxStatus -> String # showList :: [MailboxStatus] -> ShowS # | |
Eq MailboxStatus Source # | |
Defined in Network.HaskellNet.IMAP.Types Methods (==) :: MailboxStatus -> MailboxStatus -> Bool # (/=) :: MailboxStatus -> MailboxStatus -> Bool # |
data SearchQuery Source #
Show SearchQuery Source # | |
Defined in Network.HaskellNet.IMAP Methods showsPrec :: Int -> SearchQuery -> ShowS # show :: SearchQuery -> String # showList :: [SearchQuery] -> ShowS # |
data FlagsQuery Source #
ReplaceFlags [Flag] | |
PlusFlags [Flag] | |
MinusFlags [Flag] | |
ReplaceGmailLabels [GmailLabel] | |
PlusGmailLabels [GmailLabel] | |
MinusGmailLabels [GmailLabel] |