{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
module Data.YAML.Event.Writer
( writeEvents
, writeEventsText
) where
import Data.YAML.Event.Internal
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS.L
import qualified Data.Char as C
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Printf (printf)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T.L
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as T.B
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as T.L
import Util
writeEvents :: Encoding -> [Event] -> BS.L.ByteString
writeEvents UTF8 = T.L.encodeUtf8 . writeEventsText
writeEvents UTF16LE = T.L.encodeUtf16LE . T.L.cons '\xfeff' . writeEventsText
writeEvents UTF16BE = T.L.encodeUtf16BE . T.L.cons '\xfeff' . writeEventsText
writeEvents UTF32LE = T.L.encodeUtf32LE . T.L.cons '\xfeff' . writeEventsText
writeEvents UTF32BE = T.L.encodeUtf32BE . T.L.cons '\xfeff' . writeEventsText
writeEventsText :: [Event] -> T.L.Text
writeEventsText [] = mempty
writeEventsText (StreamStart:xs) = T.B.toLazyText $ goStream xs (error "writeEvents: internal error")
goStream [StreamEnd] _ = mempty
goStream (StreamEnd : _ : _ ) _cont = error "writeEvents: events after StreamEnd"
goStream (Comment com: rest) cont = goComment (0 :: Int) True BlockIn com (goStream rest cont)
goStream (DocumentStart marker : rest) cont
= case marker of
NoDirEndMarker -> putNode False rest (\zs -> goDoc zs cont)
DirEndMarkerNoVersion -> "---" <> putNode True rest (\zs -> goDoc zs cont)
DirEndMarkerVersion mi -> "%YAML 1." <> (T.B.fromString (show mi)) <> "\n---" <> putNode True rest (\zs -> goDoc zs cont)
goStream (x:_) _cont = error ("writeEvents: unexpected " ++ show x ++ " (expected DocumentStart or StreamEnd)")
goStream [] _cont = error ("writeEvents: unexpected end of stream (expected DocumentStart or StreamEnd)")
goDoc (DocumentEnd marker : rest) cont
= (if marker then "...\n" else mempty) <> goStream rest cont
goDoc (Comment com: rest) cont = goComment (0 :: Int) True BlockIn com (goDoc rest cont)
goDoc ys _ = error (show ys)
writeEventsText (x:_) = error ("writeEvents: unexpected " ++ show x ++ " (expected StreamStart)")
data Context = BlockOut
| BlockIn
| BlockKey
| FlowOut
| FlowIn
| FlowKey
deriving (Eq,Show)
goComment :: Int -> Bool -> Context -> T.Text -> T.B.Builder -> T.B.Builder
goComment !n !sol c comment cont = doSol <> "#" <> (T.B.fromText comment) <> doEol <> doIndent <> cont
| not sol && n == 0 = mempty
| sol && FlowIn == c = mempty
| otherwise = eol
| not sol && (BlockOut == c || FlowOut == c) = ws
| sol = mkInd n'
| otherwise = eol <> mkInd n'
| BlockOut <- c = max 0 (n - 1)
| FlowOut <- c = n + 1
| otherwise = n
| BlockOut <- c = mkInd n'
| FlowOut <- c = mkInd n'
| otherwise = mempty
putNode :: Bool -> [Event] -> ([Event] -> T.B.Builder) -> T.B.Builder
putNode = \docMarker -> go (-1 :: Int) (not docMarker) BlockIn
go :: Int -> Bool -> Context -> [Event] -> ([Event] -> T.B.Builder) -> T.B.Builder
go _ _ _ [] _cont = error ("putNode: expected node-start event instead of end-of-stream")
go !n !sol c (t : rest) cont = case t of
Scalar anc tag sty t' -> goStr (n+1) sol c anc tag sty t' (cont rest)
SequenceStart anc tag sty -> goSeq (n+1) sol (chn sty) anc tag sty rest cont
MappingStart anc tag sty -> goMap (n+1) sol (chn sty) anc tag sty rest cont
Alias a -> pfx <> goAlias c a (cont rest)
Comment com -> goComment (n+1) sol c com (go n sol c rest cont)
_ -> error ("putNode: expected node-start event instead of " ++ show t)
pfx | sol = mempty
| BlockKey <- c = mempty
| FlowKey <- c = mempty
| otherwise = T.B.singleton ' '
chn sty
| Flow <-sty, (BlockIn == c || BlockOut == c) = FlowOut
| otherwise = c
goMap _ sol _ anc tag _ (MappingEnd : rest) cont = pfx $ "{}\n" <> cont rest
pfx cont' = wsSol sol <> anchorTag'' (Right ws) anc tag cont'
goMap n sol c anc tag Block xs cont = case c of
BlockIn | not (not sol && n == 0)
-> wsSol sol <> anchorTag'' (Right (eol <> mkInd n)) anc tag
(putKey xs putValue')
_ -> anchorTag'' (Left ws) anc tag $ doEol <> g' xs
g' (MappingEnd : rest) = cont rest
g' ys = pfx <> putKey ys putValue'
g (Comment com: rest) = goComment n True c' com (g rest)
g (MappingEnd : rest) = cont rest
g ys = pfx <> putKey ys putValue'
pfx = if c == BlockIn || c == BlockOut || c == BlockKey then mkInd n else ws
c' = if FlowIn == c then FlowKey else BlockKey
doEol = case c of
FlowKey -> mempty
FlowIn -> mempty
_ -> eol
putKey zs cont2
| isSmallKey zs = go n (n == 0) c' zs (\ys -> ":" <> cont2 ys)
| Comment com: rest <- zs = "?" <> ws <> goComment 0 True BlockIn com (f rest cont2)
| otherwise = "?" <> go n False BlockIn zs (putValue cont2)
f (Comment com: rest) cont2 = goComment (n + 1) True BlockIn com (f rest cont2)
f zs cont2 = ws <> mkInd n <> go n False BlockIn zs (putValue cont2)
putValue cont2 zs
| FlowIn <- c = ws <> mkInd (n - 1) <> ":" <> cont2 zs
| otherwise = mkInd n <> ":" <> cont2 zs
putValue' (Comment com: rest) = goComment (n + 1) False BlockOut com (ws <> putValue' rest)
putValue' zs = go n False (if FlowIn == c then FlowIn else BlockOut) zs g
goMap n sol c anc tag Flow xs cont =
wsSol sol <> anchorTag'' (Right ws) anc tag ("{" <> f xs)
f (Comment com: rest) = eol <> wsSol sol <> goComment n' True (inFlow c) com (f rest)
f (MappingEnd : rest) = eol <> wsSol sol <> mkInd (n - 1) <> "}" <> doEol <> cont rest
f ys = eol <> mkInd n' <> putKey ys putValue'
n' = n + 1
doEol = case c of
FlowKey -> mempty
FlowIn -> mempty
_ -> eol
g (Comment com: rest) = "," <> eol <> wsSol sol <> goComment n' True (inFlow c) com (f rest)
g (MappingEnd : rest) = eol <> wsSol sol <> mkInd (n - 1) <> "}" <> doEol <> cont rest
g ys = "," <> eol <> mkInd n' <> putKey ys putValue'
putKey zs cont2
| (Comment com: rest) <- zs = goComment n' True c com (eol <> mkInd n' <> putKey rest cont2)
| isSmallKey zs = go n' (n == 0) FlowKey zs (if isComEv zs then putValue cont2 else (\ys -> ":" <> cont2 ys))
| otherwise = "?" <> go n False FlowIn zs (putValue cont2)
putValue cont2 zs
| Comment com: rest <- zs = eol <> wsSol sol <> goComment n' True (inFlow c) com (putValue cont2 rest)
| otherwise = eol <> mkInd n' <> ":" <> cont2 zs
putValue' zs
| Comment com : rest <- zs = goComment n' False FlowOut com (putValue' rest)
| otherwise = go n' False FlowIn zs g
goSeq _ sol _ anc tag _ (SequenceEnd : rest) cont = pfx $ "[]\n" <> cont rest
pfx cont' = wsSol sol <> anchorTag'' (Right ws) anc tag cont'
goSeq n sol c anc tag Block xs cont = case c of
BlockOut -> anchorTag'' (Left ws) anc tag (eol <> if isComEv xs then "-" <> eol <> f xs else g xs)
| not sol && n == 0 -> goSeq n sol BlockOut anc tag Block xs cont
| Comment com: rest <- xs -> wsSol sol <> anchorTag'' (Right (eol <> mkInd n')) anc tag ("-" <> ws <> goComment 0 True BlockIn com (f rest))
| otherwise -> wsSol sol <> anchorTag'' (Right (eol <> mkInd n')) anc tag ("-" <> go n' False BlockIn xs g)
BlockKey -> error "sequence in block-key context not supported"
_ -> error "Invalid Context in Block style"
n' | BlockOut <- c = max 0 (n - 1)
| otherwise = n
g (Comment com: rest) = goComment n' True BlockIn com (g rest)
g (SequenceEnd : rest) = cont rest
g ys = mkInd n' <> "-" <> go n' False BlockIn ys g
f (Comment com: rest) = goComment n' True BlockIn com (f rest)
f (SequenceEnd : rest) = cont rest
f ys = ws <> mkInd n' <> go n' False BlockIn ys g
goSeq n sol c anc tag Flow xs cont =
wsSol sol <> anchorTag'' (Right ws) anc tag ("[" <> f xs)
f (Comment com: rest) = eol <> wsSol sol <> goComment n' True (inFlow c) com (f rest)
f (SequenceEnd : rest) = eol <> wsSol sol <> mkInd (n - 1) <> "]" <> doEol <> cont rest
f ys = eol <> mkInd n' <> go n' False (inFlow c) ys g
n' = n + 1
doEol = case c of
FlowKey -> mempty
FlowIn -> mempty
_ -> eol
g (Comment com: rest) = "," <> eol <> wsSol sol <> goComment n' True (inFlow c) com (f rest)
g (SequenceEnd : rest) = eol <> wsSol sol <> mkInd (n - 1) <> "]" <> doEol <> cont rest
g ys = "," <> eol <> mkInd n' <> go n' False (inFlow c) ys g
goAlias c a cont = T.B.singleton '*' <> T.B.fromText a <> sep <> cont
sep = case c of
BlockIn -> eol
BlockOut -> eol
BlockKey -> T.B.singleton ' '
FlowIn -> mempty
FlowOut -> eol
FlowKey -> T.B.singleton ' '
goStr :: Int -> Bool -> Context -> Maybe Anchor -> Tag -> ScalarStyle -> Text -> T.B.Builder -> T.B.Builder
goStr !n !sol c anc tag sty t cont = case sty of
| t == "" -> case () of
_ | Nothing <- anc, Tag Nothing <- tag -> contEol
| sol -> anchorTag0 anc tag (if c == BlockKey || c == FlowKey then ws <> cont else contEol)
| BlockKey <- c -> anchorTag0 anc tag (ws <> cont)
| FlowKey <- c -> anchorTag0 anc tag (ws <> cont)
| otherwise -> anchorTag'' (Left ws) anc tag contEol
Plain -> pfx $
let h [] = contEol
h (x:xs) = T.B.fromText x <> f' xs
f' [] = contEol
f' (y:ys) = eol <> mkInd (n+1) <> T.B.fromText y <> f' ys
in h (insFoldNls (T.lines t))
SingleQuoted -> pfx $ T.B.singleton '\'' <> f (insFoldNls $ T.lines (T.replace "'" "''" t) ++ [ mempty | T.isSuffixOf "\n" t]) (T.B.singleton '\'' <> contEol)
DoubleQuoted -> pfx $ T.B.singleton '"' <> T.B.fromText (escapeDQ t) <> T.B.singleton '"' <> contEol
Folded chm iden -> pfx $ ">" <> goChomp chm <> goDigit iden <> g (insFoldNls' $ T.lines t) (fromEnum iden) cont
Literal chm iden -> pfx $ "|" <> goChomp chm <> goDigit iden <> g (T.lines t) (fromEnum iden) cont
goDigit :: IndentOfs -> T.B.Builder
goDigit iden = let ch = C.intToDigit.fromEnum $ iden
in if(ch == '0') then mempty else T.B.singleton ch
goChomp :: Chomp -> T.B.Builder
goChomp chm = case chm of
Strip -> T.B.singleton '-'
Clip -> mempty
Keep -> T.B.singleton '+'
pfx cont' = (if sol || c == BlockKey || c == FlowKey then mempty else ws) <> anchorTag'' (Right ws) anc tag cont'
doEol = case c of
BlockKey -> False
FlowKey -> False
FlowIn -> False
_ -> True
| doEol = eol <> cont
| otherwise = cont
g [] _ cont' = eol <> cont'
g (x:xs) dig cont'
| T.null x = eol <> g xs dig cont'
| dig == 0 = eol <> (if n > 0 then mkInd n else mkInd' 1) <> T.B.fromText x <> g xs dig cont'
| otherwise = eol <> mkInd (n-1) <> mkInd' dig <> T.B.fromText x <> g xs dig cont'
g' [] cont' = cont'
g' (x:xs) cont' = eol <> mkInd (n+1) <> T.B.fromText x <> g' xs cont'
f [] cont' = cont'
f (x:xs) cont' = T.B.fromText x <> g' xs cont'
isSmallKey (Alias _ : _) = True
isSmallKey (Scalar _ _ (Folded _ _) _: _) = False
isSmallKey (Scalar _ _ (Literal _ _) _: _) = False
isSmallKey (Scalar _ _ _ _ : _) = True
isSmallKey (SequenceStart _ _ _ : _) = False
isSmallKey (MappingStart _ _ _ : _) = False
isSmallKey _ = False
inFlow c = case c of
FlowIn -> FlowIn
FlowOut -> FlowIn
BlockKey -> FlowKey
FlowKey -> FlowKey
_ -> error "Invalid context in Flow style"
putTag t cont
| Just t' <- T.stripPrefix "tag:yaml.org,2002:" t = "!!" <> T.B.fromText t' <> cont
| "!" `T.isPrefixOf` t = T.B.fromText t <> cont
| otherwise = "!<" <> T.B.fromText t <> T.B.singleton '>' <> cont
anchorTag'' :: Either T.B.Builder T.B.Builder -> Maybe Anchor -> Tag -> T.B.Builder -> T.B.Builder
anchorTag'' _ Nothing (Tag Nothing) cont = cont
anchorTag'' (Right pad) Nothing (Tag (Just t)) cont = putTag t (pad <> cont)
anchorTag'' (Right pad) (Just a) (Tag Nothing) cont = T.B.singleton '&' <> T.B.fromText a <> pad <> cont
anchorTag'' (Right pad) (Just a) (Tag (Just t)) cont = T.B.singleton '&' <> T.B.fromText a <> T.B.singleton ' ' <> putTag t (pad <> cont)
anchorTag'' (Left pad) Nothing (Tag (Just t)) cont = pad <> putTag t cont
anchorTag'' (Left pad) (Just a) (Tag Nothing) cont = pad <> T.B.singleton '&' <> T.B.fromText a <> cont
anchorTag'' (Left pad) (Just a) (Tag (Just t)) cont = pad <> T.B.singleton '&' <> T.B.fromText a <> T.B.singleton ' ' <> putTag t cont
anchorTag0 = anchorTag'' (Left mempty)
isComEv :: [Event] -> Bool
isComEv (Comment _: _) = True
isComEv _ = False
mkInd :: Int -> T.B.Builder
mkInd (-1) = mempty
mkInd 0 = mempty
mkInd 1 = " "
mkInd 2 = " "
mkInd 3 = " "
mkInd 4 = " "
mkInd l
| l < 0 = error (show l)
| otherwise = T.B.fromText (T.replicate l " ")
mkInd' :: Int -> T.B.Builder
mkInd' 1 = " "
mkInd' 2 = " "
mkInd' 3 = " "
mkInd' 4 = " "
mkInd' 5 = " "
mkInd' 6 = " "
mkInd' 7 = " "
mkInd' 8 = " "
mkInd' 9 = " "
mkInd' l = error ("Impossible Indentation-level" ++ show l)
eol, ws:: T.B.Builder
eol = T.B.singleton '\n'
ws = T.B.singleton ' '
wsSol :: Bool -> T.B.Builder
wsSol sol = if sol then mempty else ws
escapeDQ :: Text -> Text
escapeDQ t
| T.all (\c -> C.isPrint c && c /= '\\' && c /= '"') t = t
| otherwise = T.concatMap escapeChar t
escapeChar :: Char -> Text
escapeChar c
| c == '\\' = "\\\\"
| c == '"' = "\\\""
| C.isPrint c = T.singleton c
| Just e <- Map.lookup c emap = e
| x <= 0xff = T.pack (printf "\\x%02x" x)
| x <= 0xffff = T.pack (printf "\\u%04x" x)
| otherwise = T.pack (printf "\\U%08x" x)
x = ord c
emap = Map.fromList [ (v,T.pack ['\\',k]) | (k,v) <- escapes ]
escapes :: [(Char,Char)]
escapes =
[ ('0', '\0')
, ('a', '\x7')
, ('b', '\x8')
, ('\x9', '\x9')
, ('t', '\x9')
, ('n', '\xa')
, ('v', '\xb')
, ('f', '\xc')
, ('r', '\xd')
, ('e', '\x1b')
, (' ', ' ')
, ('"', '"')
, ('/', '/')
, ('\\', '\\')
, ('N', '\x85')
, ('_', '\xa0')
, ('L', '\x2028')
, ('P', '\x2029')
insFoldNls :: [Text] -> [Text]
insFoldNls [] = []
insFoldNls z0@(z:zs)
| all T.null z0 = "" : z0
| otherwise = z : go zs
go [] = []
go (l:ls)
| T.null l = l : go' ls
| otherwise = "" : l : go ls
go' [] = [""]
go' (l:ls)
| T.null l = l : go' ls
| otherwise = "" : l : go ls
insFoldNls' :: [Text] -> [Text]
insFoldNls' = go'
go [] = []
go (l:ls)
| T.null l = l : go ls
| isWhite (T.head l) = l : go' ls
| otherwise = "" : l : go ls
go' [] = []
go' (l:ls)
| T.null l = l : go' ls
| isWhite (T.head l) = l : go' ls
| otherwise = l : go ls
isWhite :: Char -> Bool
isWhite ' ' = True
isWhite '\t' = True
isWhite _ = False