LTS: LTS: Labelled Transition System

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This is an implementation of labelled transition system and follow the README for information on importing and getting started.

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Dependencies base (>= && <5), fin (>=0.1.1 && <0.2), LTS [details]
Tested with ghc ==8.2.2, ghc ==8.4.4, ghc ==8.6.5, ghc ==7.10.3
License MIT
Copyright ©2020 Ajay Kumar Eeralla
Author Ajay Kumar Eeralla
Category State Machines
Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by ajayeeralla at 2020-04-08T18:40:31Z
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Readme for LTS-

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LTS: Labelled Transition System

Travis MIT license

This is a library that implements a labelled transition system that can be either deterministic or non-deterministic.


Here is an example to use LTS library:

import Data.LTS

main = do
    let s0 :: LTSState Int = LTSState {stateId=0, out=3}
    let s1 :: LTSState Int = LTSState {stateId=1, out=5}
    let s2 :: LTSState Int = LTSState {stateId=2, out=7}
    let t1 :: Transition Int Char = Transition {transitionFrom=s0, transitionGuard='a', transitionTo=s1}
    let t2 :: Transition Int Char = Transition {transitionFrom=s1, transitionGuard='b', transitionTo=s2}

    putStrLn "depth of LTS [t1, t2]:"
    print (depth [t1, t2] s0)