Copyright | (c) Sven Panne 2002-2016 |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | Sven Panne <> |
Stability | stable |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module corresponds to section 5.1 (Evaluators) of the OpenGL 2.1 specs.
- type Order = GLint
- maxOrder :: GettableStateVar Order
- class Storable d => Domain d where
- evalCoord1 :: d -> IO ()
- evalCoord1v :: Ptr d -> IO ()
- evalCoord2 :: (d, d) -> IO ()
- evalCoord2v :: Ptr d -> IO ()
- data MapDescriptor d = MapDescriptor (d, d) Stride Order NumComponents
- class ControlPoint c
- class Map1 m where
- withNewMap1 :: (ControlPoint c, Domain d) => MapDescriptor d -> (Ptr d -> IO ()) -> IO (m c d)
- withMap1 :: (ControlPoint c, Domain d) => m c d -> (MapDescriptor d -> Ptr d -> IO a) -> IO a
- newMap1 :: (ControlPoint c, Domain d) => (d, d) -> [c d] -> IO (m c d)
- getMap1Components :: (ControlPoint c, Domain d) => m c d -> IO ((d, d), [c d])
- data GLmap1 c d
- map1 :: (Map1 m, ControlPoint c, Domain d) => StateVar (Maybe (m c d))
- class Map2 m where
- withNewMap2 :: (ControlPoint c, Domain d) => MapDescriptor d -> MapDescriptor d -> (Ptr d -> IO ()) -> IO (m c d)
- withMap2 :: (ControlPoint c, Domain d) => m c d -> (MapDescriptor d -> MapDescriptor d -> Ptr d -> IO a) -> IO a
- newMap2 :: (ControlPoint c, Domain d) => (d, d) -> (d, d) -> [[c d]] -> IO (m c d)
- getMap2Components :: (ControlPoint c, Domain d) => m c d -> IO ((d, d), (d, d), [[c d]])
- data GLmap2 c d
- map2 :: (Map2 m, ControlPoint c, Domain d) => StateVar (Maybe (m c d))
- mapGrid1 :: Domain d => StateVar (GLint, (d, d))
- mapGrid2 :: Domain d => StateVar ((GLint, (d, d)), (GLint, (d, d)))
- evalMesh1 :: PolygonMode -> (GLint, GLint) -> IO ()
- evalMesh2 :: PolygonMode -> (GLint, GLint) -> (GLint, GLint) -> IO ()
- evalPoint1 :: GLint -> IO ()
- evalPoint2 :: (GLint, GLint) -> IO ()
- autoNormal :: StateVar Capability
Evaluator-related Types
class Storable d => Domain d where Source
glMap1, glMap2, glGetMapv, evalCoord1, evalCoord1v, evalCoord2, evalCoord2v, glMapGrid1, glMapGrid2, get2, get4
evalCoord1 :: d -> IO () Source
evalCoord1v :: Ptr d -> IO () Source
evalCoord2 :: (d, d) -> IO () Source
evalCoord2v :: Ptr d -> IO () Source
data MapDescriptor d Source
MapDescriptor (d, d) Stride Order NumComponents |
Eq d => Eq (MapDescriptor d) Source | |
Ord d => Ord (MapDescriptor d) Source | |
Show d => Show (MapDescriptor d) Source |
class ControlPoint c Source
map1Target, map2Target, enableCap1, enableCap2, numComponents, peekControlPoint, pokeControlPoint
Defining Evaluator Maps
One-dimensional Evaluator Maps
withNewMap1 :: (ControlPoint c, Domain d) => MapDescriptor d -> (Ptr d -> IO ()) -> IO (m c d) Source
withMap1 :: (ControlPoint c, Domain d) => m c d -> (MapDescriptor d -> Ptr d -> IO a) -> IO a Source
newMap1 :: (ControlPoint c, Domain d) => (d, d) -> [c d] -> IO (m c d) Source
getMap1Components :: (ControlPoint c, Domain d) => m c d -> IO ((d, d), [c d]) Source
Two-dimensional Evaluator Maps
withNewMap2 :: (ControlPoint c, Domain d) => MapDescriptor d -> MapDescriptor d -> (Ptr d -> IO ()) -> IO (m c d) Source
withMap2 :: (ControlPoint c, Domain d) => m c d -> (MapDescriptor d -> MapDescriptor d -> Ptr d -> IO a) -> IO a Source
newMap2 :: (ControlPoint c, Domain d) => (d, d) -> (d, d) -> [[c d]] -> IO (m c d) Source
getMap2Components :: (ControlPoint c, Domain d) => m c d -> IO ((d, d), (d, d), [[c d]]) Source
Using Evaluator Maps
Evaluating an Arbitrary Coordinate Value
Using Evenly Spaced Coordinate Values
Defining a Grid
Evaluating a Whole Mesh
Evaluating a Single Point on a Mesh
evalPoint1 :: GLint -> IO () Source
evalPoint2 :: (GLint, GLint) -> IO () Source