Copyright | (c) Sven Panne 2002-2016 |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | Sven Panne <> |
Stability | stable |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module corresponds to section 4.1 (Per-Fragment Operations) of the OpenGL 2.1 specs.
- rasterizerDiscard :: StateVar Capability
- discardingRasterizer :: IO a -> IO a
- scissor :: StateVar (Maybe (Position, Size))
- sampleAlphaToCoverage :: StateVar Capability
- sampleAlphaToOne :: StateVar Capability
- sampleCoverage :: StateVar (Maybe (GLclampf, Bool))
- depthBounds :: StateVar (Maybe (GLclampd, GLclampd))
- data ComparisonFunction
- alphaFunc :: StateVar (Maybe (ComparisonFunction, GLclampf))
- stencilTest :: StateVar Capability
- stencilFunc :: StateVar (ComparisonFunction, GLint, GLuint)
- stencilFuncSeparate :: Face -> StateVar (ComparisonFunction, GLint, GLuint)
- data StencilOp
- = OpZero
- | OpKeep
- | OpReplace
- | OpIncr
- | OpIncrWrap
- | OpDecr
- | OpDecrWrap
- | OpInvert
- stencilOp :: StateVar (StencilOp, StencilOp, StencilOp)
- stencilOpSeparate :: Face -> StateVar (StencilOp, StencilOp, StencilOp)
- activeStencilFace :: StateVar (Maybe Face)
- depthFunc :: StateVar (Maybe ComparisonFunction)
- blend :: StateVar Capability
- blendBuffer :: DrawBufferIndex -> StateVar Capability
- data BlendEquation
- blendEquation :: StateVar BlendEquation
- blendEquationSeparate :: StateVar (BlendEquation, BlendEquation)
- data BlendingFactor
- blendFuncSeparate :: StateVar ((BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor), (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor))
- blendFunc :: StateVar (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor)
- blendColor :: StateVar (Color4 GLclampf)
- dither :: StateVar Capability
- data LogicOp
- = Clear
- | And
- | AndReverse
- | Copy
- | AndInverted
- | Noop
- | Xor
- | Or
- | Nor
- | Equiv
- | Invert
- | OrReverse
- | CopyInverted
- | OrInverted
- | Nand
- | Set
- logicOp :: StateVar (Maybe LogicOp)
Discarding Primitives Before Rasterization
discardingRasterizer :: IO a -> IO a Source
Scissor Test
Multisample Fragment Operations
Depth Bounds Test
Alpha Test
data ComparisonFunction Source
Stencil Test
Depth Buffer Test
blendBuffer :: DrawBufferIndex -> StateVar Capability Source
enable or disable blending based on the buffer bound to the i'th drawBuffer that is the buffer fmap (!! i) (get drawBuffers)
data BlendEquation Source
data BlendingFactor Source
blendFuncSeparate :: StateVar ((BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor), (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor)) Source