module Persistence
( Filtration
, BarCode
, Extended
, sim2String
, filtr2String
, getComplex
, getNumSimplices
, getDimension
, filterByWeightsFast
, makeVRFiltrationFast
, filterByWeightsLight
, makeVRFiltrationLight
, persistentHomology
, bottelNeckDistance
, bottelNeckDistances
, safeBottelNeckDistance
, safeBottelNeckDistances
) where
import Util
import Matrix
import SimplicialComplex
import Data.List as L
import Data.Vector as V
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Data.Algorithm.MaximalCliques
type Filtration = (Int, Vector (Vector (Int, Vector Int, Vector Int)))
type BarCode = (Int, Maybe Int)
data Extended a = Finite a | Infinity deriving Eq
instance (Ord a, Eq a) => Ord (Extended a) where
Infinity > Infinity = False
Infinity > Finite _ = True
Finite a > Finite b = a > b
Finite _ > Infinity = False
Infinity >= Infinity = True
Infinity >= Finite _ = True
Finite _ >= Infinity = False
Finite a >= Finite b = a >= b
Infinity < Infinity = False
Infinity < Finite a = False
Finite _ < Infinity = True
Finite a < Finite b = a < b
Infinity <= Infinity = True
Infinity <= Finite _ = False
Finite _ <= Infinity = True
Finite a <= Finite b = a <= b
sim2String :: (Int, Vector Int, Vector Int) -> String
sim2String (index, vertices, faces) =
"Filtration index: " L.++ (show index) L.++
"; Vertex indices: " L.++ (show vertices) L.++
"; Boundary indices: " L.++ (show faces) L.++ "\n"
filtr2String :: Filtration -> String
filtr2String = (intercalate "\n") . toList . ( (L.concat . toList . ( sim2String))) . snd
getComplex :: Int -> Filtration -> SimplicialComplex
getComplex index (n, simplices) = (n, ( not1 . V.filter (\(i, _, _) -> i == index)) simplices)
getNumSimplices :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Filtration -> Int
getNumSimplices dimensions indices (_, simplices) =
L.length $ L.concat $ (\d -> V.toList $ V.filter (\(i, _, _) ->
L.elemIndex i indices /= Nothing) $ simplices ! (d - 1)) dimensions
getDimension :: Filtration -> Int
getDimension = V.length . snd
filterByWeightsFast :: Ord a => [a] -> (SimplicialComplex, Graph a) -> Filtration
filterByWeightsFast scales ((numVerts, simplices), graph) =
let edgeInSimplex edge simplex = (existsVec (\x -> V.head edge == x) simplex) && (existsVec (\x -> V.last edge == x) simplex)
edgeTooLong scale edge = scale <= (fst $ graph ! (edge ! 0) ! (edge ! 1))
maxIndex = (L.length scales) - 1
calcIndices 0 [] sc = sc
calcIndices i (scl:scls) sc =
let longEdges = V.filter (edgeTooLong scl) $ (\(i, v, f) -> v) $ V.head sc
in calcIndices (i - 1) scls $ ( (\(j, v, f) ->
if j == 0 then
if existsVec (\edge -> edgeInSimplex edge v) longEdges then (i, v, f)
else (0, v, f)
else (j, v, f))) sc
sortFiltration simplices =
let sortedSimplices = (quicksort (\((i, _, _), _) ((j, _, _), _) -> i > j)) $ (mapWithIndex (\i s -> (s, i))) simplices
newFaces dim (i, v, f) =
let findNew j =
case V.findIndex (\x -> snd x == j) $ sortedSimplices ! (dim - 1) of
Just k -> k
Nothing -> error "Persistence.sortFiltration.newFaces.findNew"
in (i, v, ( findNew f))
if V.null simplices then simplices
else mapWithIndex (\i ss -> ((newFaces i) . fst) ss) sortedSimplices
in (numVerts, sortFiltration $
calcIndices maxIndex (L.tail scales) $ ( (\(v, f) -> (0, v, f))) $ simplices)
makeVRFiltrationFast :: (Ord a, Eq b) => [a] -> (b -> b -> a) -> [b] -> Filtration
makeVRFiltrationFast scales metric dataSet = filterByWeightsFast scales $ makeVRComplexFast (L.head scales) metric dataSet
filterByWeightsLight :: Ord a => [a] -> (b -> b -> a) -> [b] -> SimplicialComplex -> Filtration
filterByWeightsLight scales metric dataSet (numVerts, simplices) =
let edgeInSimplex edge simplex = (existsVec (\x -> V.head edge == x) simplex) && (existsVec (\x -> V.last edge == x) simplex)
vector = V.fromList dataSet
edgeTooLong scale edge = scale <= (metric (vector ! (edge ! 0)) (vector ! (edge ! 1)))
maxIndex = (L.length scales) - 1
calcIndices 0 [] sc = sc
calcIndices i (scl:scls) sc =
let longEdges = V.filter (edgeTooLong scl) $ (\(i, v, f) -> v) $ V.head sc
in calcIndices (i - 1) scls $ ( (\(j, v, f) ->
if j == 0 then
if existsVec (\edge -> edgeInSimplex edge v) longEdges then (i, v, f)
else (0, v, f)
else (j, v, f))) sc
sortFiltration simplices =
let sortedSimplices = (quicksort (\((i, _, _), _) ((j, _, _), _) -> i > j)) $ (mapWithIndex (\i s -> (s, i))) simplices
newFaces dim (i, v, f) =
let findNew j =
case V.findIndex (\x -> snd x == j) $ sortedSimplices ! (dim - 1) of
Just k -> k
Nothing -> error "Persistence.filterByWeightsLight.sortFiltration.newFaces.findNew"
in (i, v, ( findNew f))
if V.null simplices then simplices
else mapWithIndex (\i ss -> ((newFaces i) . fst) ss) sortedSimplices
in (numVerts, sortFiltration $
calcIndices maxIndex (L.tail scales) $ ( (\(v, f) -> (0, v, f))) $ simplices)
makeVRFiltrationLight :: (Ord a, Eq b) => [a] -> (b -> b -> a) -> [b] -> Filtration
makeVRFiltrationLight scales metric dataSet = filterByWeightsLight scales metric dataSet $ makeVRComplexLight (L.head scales) metric dataSet
persistentHomology :: Filtration -> [[BarCode]]
persistentHomology (numVerts, allSimplices) =
uin :: Ord a => Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a
u `uin` v =
let findAndInsert elem vec =
let (vec1, vec2) = biFilter (\x -> x > elem) vec
if V.null vec2 then vec `snoc` elem
else if elem == V.head vec2 then vec1 V.++ V.tail vec2
else vec1 V.++ (elem `cons` vec2)
if V.null u then v
else (V.tail u) `uin` (findAndInsert (V.head u) v)
removeUnmarked marked = V.filter (\x -> existsVec (\y -> y == x) marked)
removePivotRows reduced chain =
if V.null chain then chain
case reduced ! (V.head chain) of
Nothing -> chain
Just t -> removePivotRows reduced (chain `uin` t)
makeBarCodesAndMark :: Int -> Int -> Vector Int -> Vector (Maybe (Vector Int)) -> Vector (Int, Vector Int, Vector Int) -> ([BarCode], Vector Int) -> ([BarCode], Vector Int, Vector Int)
makeBarCodesAndMark dim index marked reduced simplices (codes, newMarked)
| V.null simplices = (codes, newMarked, V.findIndices (\x -> x == Nothing) reduced)
| V.null d = makeBarCodesAndMark dim (index + 1) marked reduced (V.tail simplices) (codes, newMarked `snoc` index)
| otherwise =
let maxindex = V.head d
begin = one $ allSimplices ! (dim - 1) ! maxindex
in makeBarCodesAndMark dim (index + 1) marked (replaceElem maxindex (Just d) reduced) (V.tail simplices)
((begin, Just i):codes, newMarked)
where (i, v, f) = V.head simplices
d = removePivotRows reduced $ removeUnmarked marked f
makeEdgeCodes :: Int -> Vector (Maybe (Vector Int)) -> Vector (Int, Vector Int, Vector Int) -> ([BarCode], Vector Int) -> ([BarCode], Vector Int, Vector Int)
makeEdgeCodes index reduced edges (codes, marked)
| V.null edges = (codes, marked, V.findIndices (\x -> x == Nothing) reduced)
| V.null d =
makeEdgeCodes (index + 1) reduced (V.tail edges) (codes, marked `snoc` index)
| otherwise =
makeEdgeCodes (index + 1) (replaceElem (V.head d) (Just d) reduced) (V.tail edges) ((0, Just i):codes, marked)
where (i, v, f) = V.head edges
d = removePivotRows reduced f
makeFiniteBarCodes :: Int -> Int -> [[BarCode]] -> Vector (Vector Int) -> Vector (Vector Int) -> ([[BarCode]], Vector (Vector Int), Vector (Vector Int))
makeFiniteBarCodes dim maxdim barcodes marked slots =
if dim == maxdim then (barcodes, marked, slots)
let (newCodes, newMarked, unusedSlots) = makeBarCodesAndMark dim 0 (V.last marked) (V.replicate (V.length $ allSimplices ! (dim - 1)) Nothing) (allSimplices ! dim) ([], V.empty)
in makeFiniteBarCodes (dim + 1) maxdim (barcodes L.++ [newCodes]) (marked `snoc` newMarked) (slots `snoc` unusedSlots)
makeInfiniteBarCodes :: ([[BarCode]], Vector (Vector Int), Vector (Vector Int)) -> [[BarCode]]
makeInfiniteBarCodes (barcodes, marked, unusedSlots) =
let makeCodes i codes =
let slots = unusedSlots ! i; marks = marked ! i
in codes L.++ (V.toList $ (\j -> (one $ allSimplices ! (i - 1) ! j, Nothing)) $ slots |^| marks)
loop _ [] = []
loop 0 (x:xs) = (x L.++ (V.toList $ (\j -> (0, Nothing)) $ (unusedSlots ! 0) |^| (marked ! 0))):(loop 1 xs)
loop i (x:xs) = (makeCodes i x):(loop (i + 1) xs)
in loop 0 barcodes
edges = (\(i, v, f) -> (i, v, (V.reverse v))) $ V.head allSimplices
numEdges = V.length edges
(fstCodes, fstMarked, fstSlots) = makeEdgeCodes 0 (V.replicate numVerts Nothing) edges ([], V.empty)
verts = 0 `range` (numVerts - 1)
in makeInfiniteBarCodes $ makeFiniteBarCodes 1 (V.length allSimplices) [fstCodes] (verts `cons` (fstMarked `cons` V.empty)) (fstSlots `cons` V.empty)
bottelNeckDistance :: [BarCode] -> [BarCode] -> Extended Double
bottelNeckDistance diagram1 diagram2 =
let v1 = V.fromList diagram1
v2 = V.fromList diagram2
metric (x1, Just y1) (x2, Nothing) = Infinity
metric (x1, Nothing) (x2, Just y1) = Infinity
metric (x1, Just y1) (x2, Just y2) =
let dx = fromIntegral $ x2 - x1; dy = fromIntegral $ y2 - y1
in Finite $ sqrt $ dx*dx + dy*dy
in foldRelation (<) $ (\p -> foldRelation (>) $ (metric p) v2) v1
bottelNeckDistances :: [[BarCode]] -> [[BarCode]] -> [Extended Double]
bottelNeckDistances diagrams1 diagrams2 =
let d = (L.length diagrams1) - (L.length diagrams2)
if d >= 0 then (L.zipWith bottelNeckDistance diagrams1 diagrams2) L.++ (L.replicate d Infinity)
else (L.zipWith bottelNeckDistance diagrams1 diagrams2) L.++ (L.replicate (-d) Infinity)
safeBottelNeckDistance :: [BarCode] -> [BarCode] -> Maybe (Extended Double)
safeBottelNeckDistance diagram1 diagram2 =
if L.length diagram1 /= L.length diagram2 then Nothing
let v1 = V.fromList diagram1
v2 = V.fromList diagram2
metric (x1, Just y1) (x2, Nothing) = Infinity
metric (x1, Nothing) (x2, Just y1) = Infinity
metric (x1, Just y1) (x2, Just y2) =
let dx = fromIntegral $ x2 - x1; dy = fromIntegral $ y2 - y1
in Finite $ sqrt $ dx*dx + dy*dy
in Just $ foldRelation (<) $ (\p -> foldRelation (>) $ (metric p) v2) v1
safeBottelNeckDistances :: [[BarCode]] -> [[BarCode]] -> [Maybe (Extended Double)]
safeBottelNeckDistances diagrams1 diagrams2 =
let d = (L.length diagrams1) - (L.length diagrams2)
if d >= 0 then (L.zipWith safeBottelNeckDistance diagrams1 diagrams2) L.++ (L.replicate d Nothing)
else (L.zipWith safeBottelNeckDistance diagrams1 diagrams2) L.++ (L.replicate (-d) Nothing)