{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module PyF.Internal.Meta (toExp, baseDynFlags, toName) where

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,0)
import GHC.Hs.Type (HsWildCardBndrs (..), HsType (..), HsSigType(HsSig), sig_body)
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)
import GHC.Hs.Type (HsWildCardBndrs (..), HsType (..), HsImplicitBndrs(HsIB), hsib_body)
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,10,0)
import GHC.Hs.Types (HsWildCardBndrs (..), HsType (..), HsImplicitBndrs (HsIB, hsib_body))
import HsTypes (HsWildCardBndrs (..), HsType (..), HsImplicitBndrs (HsIB), hsib_body)

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,6,0)
import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Basic (field_label)

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,10,0)
import GHC.Hs.Expr as Expr
import GHC.Hs.Extension as Ext
import GHC.Hs.Pat as Pat
import GHC.Hs.Lit
import HsExpr as Expr
import HsExtension as Ext
import HsPat as Pat
import HsLit

import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as GhcTH
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,6,0)
import PyF.Internal.ParserEx (fakeSettings)
import PyF.Internal.ParserEx (fakeLlvmConfig, fakeSettings)

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,6,0)
import GHC.Types.SourceText (il_value, rationalFromFractionalLit,SourceText(..))

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Types.Name
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
import GHC.Data.FastString
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,0)
import GHC.Utils.Outputable (ppr)
import GHC.Types.Basic (Boxity(..))
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,6,0)
import GHC.Types.SourceText (FractionalLit)
import GHC.Types.SourceText (il_value, rationalFromFractionalLit, FractionalLit)
import GHC.Driver.Ppr (showSDoc)
import GHC.Utils.Outputable (ppr, showSDoc)
import GHC.Types.Basic (il_value, fl_value, Boxity(..))
import GHC.Driver.Session (DynFlags, xopt_set, defaultDynFlags)
import qualified GHC.Unit.Module as Module
import SrcLoc
import Name
import RdrName
import FastString
import Outputable (ppr, showSDoc)
import BasicTypes (il_value, fl_value, Boxity(..))
import DynFlags (DynFlags, xopt_set, defaultDynFlags)
import qualified Module

import GHC.Stack

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,0)
-- TODO: why this disapears in GHC >= 9.2?
fl_value :: FractionalLit -> Rational
fl_value :: FractionalLit -> Rational
fl_value = FractionalLit -> Rational

toLit :: HsLit GhcPs -> TH.Lit
toLit :: HsLit GhcPs -> Lit
toLit (HsChar XHsChar GhcPs
_ Char
c) = Char -> Lit
TH.CharL Char
toLit (HsCharPrim XHsCharPrim GhcPs
_ Char
c) = Char -> Lit
TH.CharPrimL Char
toLit (HsString XHsString GhcPs
_ FastString
s) = String -> Lit
TH.StringL (FastString -> String
unpackFS FastString
toLit (HsStringPrim XHsStringPrim GhcPs
_ ByteString
s) = [Word8] -> Lit
TH.StringPrimL (ByteString -> [Word8]
B.unpack ByteString
toLit (HsInt XHsInt GhcPs
_ IntegralLit
i) = Integer -> Lit
TH.IntegerL (IntegralLit -> Integer
il_value IntegralLit
toLit (HsIntPrim XHsIntPrim GhcPs
_ Integer
i) = Integer -> Lit
TH.IntPrimL Integer
toLit (HsWordPrim XHsWordPrim GhcPs
_ Integer
i) = Integer -> Lit
TH.WordPrimL Integer
toLit (HsInt64Prim XHsInt64Prim GhcPs
_ Integer
i) = Integer -> Lit
TH.IntegerL Integer
toLit (HsWord64Prim XHsWord64Prim GhcPs
_ Integer
i) = Integer -> Lit
TH.WordPrimL Integer
toLit (HsInteger XHsInteger GhcPs
_ Integer
i Type
_) = Integer -> Lit
TH.IntegerL Integer
toLit (HsRat XHsRat GhcPs
_ FractionalLit
f Type
_) = Rational -> Lit
TH.FloatPrimL (FractionalLit -> Rational
fl_value FractionalLit
toLit (HsFloatPrim XHsFloatPrim GhcPs
_ FractionalLit
f) = Rational -> Lit
TH.FloatPrimL (FractionalLit -> Rational
fl_value FractionalLit
toLit (HsDoublePrim XHsDoublePrim GhcPs
_ FractionalLit
f) = Rational -> Lit
TH.DoublePrimL (FractionalLit -> Rational
fl_value FractionalLit
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,7,0)
toLit (HsInt8Prim _ i) = TH.IntPrimL i
toLit (HsInt16Prim _ i) = TH.IntPrimL i
toLit (HsInt32Prim _ i) = TH.IntPrimL i
toLit (HsWord8Prim _ i) = TH.WordPrimL i
toLit (HsWord16Prim _ i) = TH.WordPrimL i
toLit (HsWord32Prim _ i) = TH.WordPrimL i

#if !MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)
toLit (XLit _) = noTH "toLit" "XLit"

toLit' :: OverLitVal -> TH.Lit
toLit' :: OverLitVal -> Lit
toLit' (HsIntegral IntegralLit
i) = Integer -> Lit
TH.IntegerL (IntegralLit -> Integer
il_value IntegralLit
toLit' (HsFractional FractionalLit
f) = Rational -> Lit
TH.RationalL (FractionalLit -> Rational
fl_value FractionalLit
toLit' (HsIsString SourceText
_ FastString
fs) = String -> Lit
TH.StringL (FastString -> String
unpackFS FastString

toType :: HsType GhcPs -> TH.Type
toType :: HsType GhcPs -> Type
toType (HsWildCardTy XWildCardTy GhcPs
_) = Type
toType (HsTyVar XTyVar GhcPs
_ PromotionFlag
_ LIdP GhcPs
n) =
  let n' :: RdrName
n' = GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN RdrName -> RdrName
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc LIdP GhcPs
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN RdrName
   in if RdrName -> Bool
isRdrTyVar RdrName
        then Name -> Type
TH.VarT (RdrName -> Name
toName RdrName
        else Name -> Type
TH.ConT (RdrName -> Name
toName RdrName
toType HsType GhcPs
t = String -> String -> Type
forall e a. (HasCallStack, Show e) => String -> e -> a
todo String
"toType" (DynFlags -> SDoc -> String
showSDoc ([Extension] -> DynFlags
baseDynFlags []) (SDoc -> String)
-> (HsType GhcPs -> SDoc) -> HsType GhcPs -> String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. HsType GhcPs -> SDoc
forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr (HsType GhcPs -> String) -> HsType GhcPs -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HsType GhcPs

toName :: RdrName -> TH.Name
toName :: RdrName -> Name
toName RdrName
n = case RdrName
n of
  (Unqual OccName
o) -> String -> Name
TH.mkName (OccName -> String
occNameString OccName
  (Qual ModuleName
m OccName
o) -> String -> Name
TH.mkName (ModuleName -> String
Module.moduleNameString ModuleName
m String -> String -> String
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String
"." String -> String -> String
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> OccName -> String
occNameString OccName
  (Orig Module
_m OccName
_o) -> String -> Name
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"PyFMeta: not supported toName (Orig _)"
  (Exact Name
nm) -> case Name -> String
forall a. NamedThing a => a -> String
getOccString Name
nm of
"[]" -> '[]
"()" -> '()
_ -> String -> Name
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"toName: exact name encountered"

toFieldExp :: a
toFieldExp :: forall a. a
toFieldExp = a
forall a. HasCallStack => a

toPat :: DynFlags -> Pat.Pat GhcPs -> TH.Pat
toPat :: DynFlags -> Pat GhcPs -> Pat
toPat DynFlags
_dynFlags (Pat.VarPat XVarPat GhcPs
_ (LIdP GhcPs -> RdrName
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN RdrName -> RdrName
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc -> RdrName
name)) = Name -> Pat
TH.VarP (RdrName -> Name
toName RdrName
toPat DynFlags
dynFlags Pat GhcPs
p = String -> String -> Pat
forall e a. (HasCallStack, Show e) => String -> e -> a
todo String
"Advanced pattern match are not supported in PyF. See https://github.com/guibou/PyF/issues/107 if that's a problem for you." (DynFlags -> SDoc -> String
showSDoc DynFlags
dynFlags (SDoc -> String) -> (Pat GhcPs -> SDoc) -> Pat GhcPs -> String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Pat GhcPs -> SDoc
forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr (Pat GhcPs -> String) -> Pat GhcPs -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Pat GhcPs

toExp :: DynFlags -> Expr.HsExpr GhcPs -> TH.Exp
toExp :: DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
_ (Expr.HsVar XVar GhcPs
_ LIdP GhcPs
n) =
  let n' :: RdrName
n' = GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN RdrName -> RdrName
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc LIdP GhcPs
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN RdrName
   in if RdrName -> Bool
isRdrDataCon RdrName
        then Name -> Exp
TH.ConE (RdrName -> Name
toName RdrName
        else Name -> Exp
TH.VarE (RdrName -> Name
toName RdrName
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,6,0)
toExp DynFlags
_ (Expr.HsUnboundVar XUnboundVar GhcPs
_ RdrName
n)              = Name -> Exp
TH.UnboundVarE (String -> Name
TH.mkName (String -> Name) -> (RdrName -> String) -> RdrName -> Name
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. OccName -> String
occNameString (OccName -> String) -> (RdrName -> OccName) -> RdrName -> String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. RdrName -> OccName
rdrNameOcc (RdrName -> Name) -> RdrName -> Name
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ RdrName
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)
toExp _ (Expr.HsUnboundVar _ n)              = TH.UnboundVarE (TH.mkName . occNameString $ n)
toExp _ (Expr.HsUnboundVar _ n)              = TH.UnboundVarE (TH.mkName . occNameString . Expr.unboundVarOcc $ n)
toExp DynFlags
_ Expr.HsIPVar {} = String -> String -> Exp
forall e a. (HasCallStack, Show e) => String -> e -> a
noTH String
"toExp" String
toExp DynFlags
_ (Expr.HsLit XLitE GhcPs
_ HsLit GhcPs
l) = Lit -> Exp
TH.LitE (HsLit GhcPs -> Lit
toLit HsLit GhcPs
toExp DynFlags
_ (Expr.HsOverLit XOverLitE GhcPs
_ OverLit {OverLitVal
ol_val :: OverLitVal
ol_val :: forall p. HsOverLit p -> OverLitVal
ol_val}) = Lit -> Exp
TH.LitE (OverLitVal -> Lit
toLit' OverLitVal
toExp DynFlags
d (Expr.HsApp XApp GhcPs
_ XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
e1 XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
e2) = Exp -> Exp -> Exp
TH.AppE (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp)
-> (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs)
-> XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
-> Exp
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Exp)
-> XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
e1) (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp)
-> (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs)
-> XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
-> Exp
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Exp)
-> XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,10,0)
toExp d (Expr.HsAppType _ e HsWC{hswc_body}) = TH.AppTypeE (toExp d . unLoc $ e) (toType . unLoc $ hswc_body)
toExp d (Expr.ExprWithTySig _ e HsWC{hswc_body=unLoc -> HsSig{sig_body}}) = TH.SigE (toExp d . unLoc $ e) (toType . unLoc $ sig_body)
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,6,0)
toExp DynFlags
d (Expr.HsAppType XAppTypeE GhcPs
_ XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
e LHsToken "@" GhcPs
_ HsWC{LHsType (NoGhcTc GhcPs)
hswc_body :: LHsType (NoGhcTc GhcPs)
hswc_body :: forall pass thing. HsWildCardBndrs pass thing -> thing
hswc_body}) = Exp -> Type -> Exp
TH.AppTypeE (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp)
-> (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs)
-> XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
-> Exp
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Exp)
-> XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
e) (HsType GhcPs -> Type
toType (HsType GhcPs -> Type)
-> (LHsType (NoGhcTc GhcPs) -> HsType GhcPs)
-> LHsType (NoGhcTc GhcPs)
-> Type
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. LHsType (NoGhcTc GhcPs) -> HsType GhcPs
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsType GhcPs) -> HsType GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc (LHsType (NoGhcTc GhcPs) -> Type)
-> LHsType (NoGhcTc GhcPs) -> Type
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ LHsType (NoGhcTc GhcPs)
toExp DynFlags
d (Expr.ExprWithTySig XExprWithTySig GhcPs
_ XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
e HsWC{hswc_body :: forall pass thing. HsWildCardBndrs pass thing -> thing
hswc_body=LHsSigType (NoGhcTc GhcPs) -> HsSigType GhcPs
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsSigType GhcPs) -> HsSigType GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc -> HsSig{LHsType GhcPs
sig_body :: forall pass. HsSigType pass -> LHsType pass
sig_body :: LHsType GhcPs
sig_body}}) = Exp -> Type -> Exp
TH.SigE (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp)
-> (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs)
-> XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
-> Exp
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Exp)
-> XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
e) (HsType GhcPs -> Type
toType (HsType GhcPs -> Type)
-> (LHsType GhcPs -> HsType GhcPs) -> LHsType GhcPs -> Type
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. LHsType GhcPs -> HsType GhcPs
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsType GhcPs) -> HsType GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc (LHsType GhcPs -> Type) -> LHsType GhcPs -> Type
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ LHsType GhcPs
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,0)
toExp d (Expr.HsAppType _ e HsWC {hswc_body}) = TH.AppTypeE (toExp d . unLoc $ e) (toType . unLoc $ hswc_body)
toExp d (Expr.ExprWithTySig _ e HsWC{hswc_body=unLoc -> HsSig{sig_body}}) = TH.SigE (toExp d . unLoc $ e) (toType . unLoc $ sig_body)
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,8,0)
toExp d (Expr.HsAppType _ e HsWC {hswc_body}) = TH.AppTypeE (toExp d . unLoc $ e) (toType . unLoc $ hswc_body)
toExp d (Expr.ExprWithTySig _ e HsWC{hswc_body=HsIB{hsib_body}}) = TH.SigE (toExp d . unLoc $ e) (toType . unLoc $ hsib_body)
toExp d (Expr.HsAppType HsWC {hswc_body} e) = TH.AppTypeE (toExp d . unLoc $ e) (toType . unLoc $ hswc_body)
toExp d (Expr.ExprWithTySig HsWC{hswc_body=HsIB{hsib_body}} e) = TH.SigE (toExp d . unLoc $ e) (toType . unLoc $ hsib_body)
toExp DynFlags
d (Expr.OpApp XOpApp GhcPs
_ XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
e1 XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
o XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
e2) = Exp -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp
TH.UInfixE (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp)
-> (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs)
-> XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
-> Exp
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Exp)
-> XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
e1) (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp)
-> (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs)
-> XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
-> Exp
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Exp)
-> XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
o) (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp)
-> (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs)
-> XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
-> Exp
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Exp)
-> XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
toExp DynFlags
d (Expr.NegApp XNegApp GhcPs
_ XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
e SyntaxExpr GhcPs
_) = Exp -> Exp -> Exp
TH.AppE (Name -> Exp
TH.VarE 'negate) (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp)
-> (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs)
-> XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
-> Exp
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Exp)
-> XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
-- NOTE: for lambda, there is only one match
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,12,0)
toExp d (Expr.HsLam _ _ (Expr.MG _ (unLoc -> (map unLoc -> [Expr.Match _ _ (unLoc -> map unLoc -> ps) (Expr.GRHSs _ [unLoc -> Expr.GRHS _ _ (unLoc -> e)] _)])))) = TH.LamE (fmap (toPat d) ps) (toExp d e)
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,10,0)
toExp d (Expr.HsLam _ _ (Expr.MG _ (unLoc -> (map unLoc -> [Expr.Match _ _ (map unLoc -> ps) (Expr.GRHSs _ [unLoc -> Expr.GRHS _ _ (unLoc -> e)] _)])))) = TH.LamE (fmap (toPat d) ps) (toExp d e)
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,6,0)
toExp DynFlags
d (Expr.HsLam XLam GhcPs
_ (Expr.MG XMG GhcPs (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs))
_ (XRec GhcPs [LMatch GhcPs (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs))]
-> [GenLocated
      SrcSpanAnnA (Match GhcPs (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)))]
     SrcSpanAnnA (Match GhcPs (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)))]
-> [GenLocated
      SrcSpanAnnA (Match GhcPs (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)))]
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc -> ((GenLocated
   SrcSpanAnnA (Match GhcPs (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)))
 -> Match GhcPs (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)))
-> [GenLocated
      SrcSpanAnnA (Match GhcPs (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)))]
-> [Match GhcPs (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs))]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map GenLocated
  SrcSpanAnnA (Match GhcPs (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)))
-> Match GhcPs (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs))
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc -> [Expr.Match XCMatch GhcPs (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs))
_ HsMatchContext GhcPs
_ ((GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (Pat GhcPs) -> Pat GhcPs)
-> [GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (Pat GhcPs)] -> [Pat GhcPs]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (Pat GhcPs) -> Pat GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc -> [Pat GhcPs]
ps) (Expr.GRHSs XCGRHSs GhcPs (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs))
_ [LGRHS GhcPs (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs))
-> GRHS GhcPs (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs))
  (SrcAnn NoEpAnns)
  (GRHS GhcPs (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)))
-> GRHS GhcPs (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs))
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc -> Expr.GRHS XCGRHS GhcPs (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs))
_ [GuardLStmt GhcPs]
_ (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc -> HsExpr GhcPs
e)] HsLocalBinds GhcPs
_)])))) = [Pat] -> Exp -> Exp
TH.LamE ((Pat GhcPs -> Pat) -> [Pat GhcPs] -> [Pat]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (DynFlags -> Pat GhcPs -> Pat
toPat DynFlags
d) [Pat GhcPs]
ps) (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d HsExpr GhcPs
toExp d (Expr.HsLam _ (Expr.MG _ (unLoc -> (map unLoc -> [Expr.Match _ _ (map unLoc -> ps) (Expr.GRHSs _ [unLoc -> Expr.GRHS _ _ (unLoc -> e)] _)])) _)) = TH.LamE (fmap (toPat d) ps) (toExp d e)
-- toExp (Expr.Let _ bs e)                       = TH.LetE (toDecs bs) (toExp e)
-- toExp (Expr.If _ a b c)                       = TH.CondE (toExp a) (toExp b) (toExp c)
-- toExp (Expr.MultiIf _ ifs)                    = TH.MultiIfE (map toGuard ifs)
-- toExp (Expr.Case _ e alts)                    = TH.CaseE (toExp e) (map toMatch alts)
-- toExp (Expr.Do _ ss)                          = TH.DoE (map toStmt ss)
-- toExp e@Expr.MDo{}                            = noTH "toExp" e
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9, 2, 0)
toExp DynFlags
d (Expr.ExplicitTuple XExplicitTuple GhcPs
_ [HsTupArg GhcPs]
args Boxity
boxity) = [Maybe Exp] -> Exp
ctor [Maybe Exp]
toExp d (Expr.ExplicitTuple _ (map unLoc -> args) boxity) = ctor tupArgs
    toTupArg :: HsTupArg id -> Maybe (HsExpr id)
toTupArg (Expr.Present XPresent id
_ XRec id (HsExpr id)
e) = HsExpr id -> Maybe (HsExpr id)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (HsExpr id -> Maybe (HsExpr id)) -> HsExpr id -> Maybe (HsExpr id)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ GenLocated l (HsExpr id) -> HsExpr id
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc XRec id (HsExpr id)
GenLocated l (HsExpr id)
    toTupArg (Expr.Missing XMissing id
_) = Maybe (HsExpr id)
forall a. Maybe a
    toTupArg HsTupArg id
_ = String -> Maybe (HsExpr id)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"impossible case"

    ctor :: [Maybe Exp] -> Exp
ctor = case Boxity
boxity of
Boxed -> [Maybe Exp] -> Exp
Unboxed -> [Maybe Exp] -> Exp

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,10,0)
    tupArgs :: [Maybe Exp]
tupArgs = (HsTupArg GhcPs -> Maybe Exp) -> [HsTupArg GhcPs] -> [Maybe Exp]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (((HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp) -> Maybe (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Maybe Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d)) (Maybe (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Maybe Exp)
-> (HsTupArg GhcPs -> Maybe (HsExpr GhcPs))
-> HsTupArg GhcPs
-> Maybe Exp
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. HsTupArg GhcPs -> Maybe (HsExpr GhcPs)
forall {id} {l}.
(XRec id (HsExpr id) ~ GenLocated l (HsExpr id)) =>
HsTupArg id -> Maybe (HsExpr id)
toTupArg) [HsTupArg GhcPs]
    tupArgs = case traverse toTupArg args of
      Nothing -> error "Tuple section are not supported by template haskell < 8.10"
      Just args' -> fmap (toExp d) args'


-- toExp (Expr.List _ xs)                        = TH.ListE (fmap toExp xs)
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,10,0)
toExp d (Expr.HsPar _ e) = TH.ParensE (toExp d . unLoc $ e)
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,3,0)
toExp DynFlags
d (Expr.HsPar XPar GhcPs
_ LHsToken "(" GhcPs
_ XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
e LHsToken ")" GhcPs
_) = Exp -> Exp
TH.ParensE (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp)
-> (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs)
-> XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
-> Exp
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Exp)
-> XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
toExp d (Expr.HsPar _ e) = TH.ParensE (toExp d . unLoc $ e)
toExp DynFlags
d (Expr.SectionL XSectionL GhcPs
_ (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc -> HsExpr GhcPs
a) (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc -> HsExpr GhcPs
b)) = Maybe Exp -> Exp -> Maybe Exp -> Exp
TH.InfixE (Exp -> Maybe Exp
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Exp -> Maybe Exp)
-> (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp) -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Maybe Exp
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Maybe Exp) -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Maybe Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HsExpr GhcPs
a) (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d HsExpr GhcPs
b) Maybe Exp
forall a. Maybe a
toExp DynFlags
d (Expr.SectionR XSectionR GhcPs
_ (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc -> HsExpr GhcPs
a) (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc -> HsExpr GhcPs
b)) = Maybe Exp -> Exp -> Maybe Exp -> Exp
TH.InfixE Maybe Exp
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d HsExpr GhcPs
a) (Exp -> Maybe Exp
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Exp -> Maybe Exp)
-> (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp) -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Maybe Exp
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Maybe Exp) -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Maybe Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HsExpr GhcPs
toExp DynFlags
_ (Expr.RecordCon XRecordCon GhcPs
_ XRec GhcPs (ConLikeP GhcPs)
name HsRecFields {[LHsRecField GhcPs (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs))]
rec_flds :: [LHsRecField GhcPs (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs))]
rec_flds :: forall p arg. HsRecFields p arg -> [LHsRecField p arg]
rec_flds}) =
  Name -> [FieldExp] -> Exp
TH.RecConE (RdrName -> Name
toName (RdrName -> Name)
-> (XRec GhcPs (ConLikeP GhcPs) -> RdrName)
-> XRec GhcPs (ConLikeP GhcPs)
-> Name
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. XRec GhcPs (ConLikeP GhcPs) -> RdrName
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN RdrName -> RdrName
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc (XRec GhcPs (ConLikeP GhcPs) -> Name)
-> XRec GhcPs (ConLikeP GhcPs) -> Name
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ XRec GhcPs (ConLikeP GhcPs)
name) ((GenLocated
      (GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (FieldOcc GhcPs))
      (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)))
 -> FieldExp)
-> [GenLocated
         (GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (FieldOcc GhcPs))
         (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)))]
-> [FieldExp]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap GenLocated
     (GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (FieldOcc GhcPs))
     (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)))
-> FieldExp
forall a. a
toFieldExp [LHsRecField GhcPs (XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs))]
      (GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (FieldOcc GhcPs))
      (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)))]

-- toExp (Expr.RecUpdate _ e xs)                 = TH.RecUpdE (toExp e) (fmap toFieldExp xs)
-- toExp (Expr.ListComp _ e ss)                  = TH.CompE $ map convert ss ++ [TH.NoBindS (toExp e)]
--  where
--   convert (Expr.QualStmt _ st)                = toStmt st
--   convert s                                   = noTH "toExp ListComp" s
-- toExp (Expr.ExpTypeSig _ e t)                 = TH.SigE (toExp e) (toType t)
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9, 2, 0)
toExp DynFlags
d (Expr.ExplicitList XExplicitList GhcPs
_ ((GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs)
-> [GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)] -> [HsExpr GhcPs]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc -> [HsExpr GhcPs]
args)) = [Exp] -> Exp
TH.ListE ((HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp) -> [HsExpr GhcPs] -> [Exp]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d) [HsExpr GhcPs]
toExp d (Expr.ExplicitList _ _ (map unLoc -> args)) = TH.ListE (map (toExp d) args)
toExp DynFlags
d (Expr.ArithSeq XArithSeq GhcPs
_ Maybe (SyntaxExpr GhcPs)
_ ArithSeqInfo GhcPs
e) = Range -> Exp
TH.ArithSeqE (Range -> Exp) -> Range -> Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ case ArithSeqInfo GhcPs
e of
  (From XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
a) -> Exp -> Range
TH.FromR (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp) -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)
  (FromThen XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
a XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
b) -> Exp -> Exp -> Range
TH.FromThenR (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp) -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)
a) (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp) -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)
  (FromTo XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
a XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
b) -> Exp -> Exp -> Range
TH.FromToR (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp) -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)
a) (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp) -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)
  (FromThenTo XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
a XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
b XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
c) -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp -> Range
TH.FromThenToR (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp) -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)
a) (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp) -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)
b) (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
d (HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp) -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,12,0)
toExp _ (HsOverLabel _ fs) = TH.LabelE (unpackFS fs)
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,7,0)
toExp _ (HsOverLabel _ lbl _) = TH.LabelE (fromSourceText lbl)
     fromSourceText :: SourceText -> String
     fromSourceText (SourceText s) = unpackFS s
     fromSourceText NoSourceText = ""
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,6,0)
toExp DynFlags
_ (HsOverLabel XOverLabel GhcPs
_ SourceText
lbl FastString
_) = String -> Exp
TH.LabelE (SourceText -> String
fromSourceText SourceText
     fromSourceText :: SourceText -> String
     fromSourceText :: SourceText -> String
fromSourceText (SourceText String
s) = String
     fromSourceText SourceText
NoSourceText = String
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9, 2, 0)
toExp _ (HsOverLabel _ lbl) = TH.LabelE (unpackFS lbl)
-- It's not quite clear what to do in case when overloaded syntax is
-- enabled thus match on Nothing
toExp _ (HsOverLabel _ Nothing lbl) = TH.LabelE (unpackFS lbl)
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,12,0)
toExp dynFlags (HsGetField _ expr field) = TH.GetFieldE (toExp dynFlags (unLoc expr)) (unpackFS . field_label . unLoc . dfoLabel . unLoc $ field)
toExp _ (HsProjection _ fields) = TH.ProjectionE (fmap (unpackFS . unLoc . fmap field_label . dfoLabel) fields)
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,6,0)
toExp DynFlags
dynFlags (HsGetField XGetField GhcPs
_ XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
expr XRec GhcPs (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
field) = Exp -> String -> Exp
TH.GetFieldE (DynFlags -> HsExpr GhcPs -> Exp
toExp DynFlags
dynFlags (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs) -> HsExpr GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc XRec GhcPs (HsExpr GhcPs)
GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA (HsExpr GhcPs)
expr)) (FastString -> String
unpackFS (FastString -> String)
-> (XRec GhcPs (DotFieldOcc GhcPs) -> FastString)
-> XRec GhcPs (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
-> String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. FieldLabelString -> FastString
field_label (FieldLabelString -> FastString)
-> (GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
    -> FieldLabelString)
-> GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
-> FastString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN FieldLabelString -> FieldLabelString
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN FieldLabelString -> FieldLabelString)
-> (GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
    -> GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN FieldLabelString)
-> GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
-> FieldLabelString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. DotFieldOcc GhcPs -> XRec GhcPs FieldLabelString
DotFieldOcc GhcPs -> GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN FieldLabelString
forall p. DotFieldOcc p -> XRec p FieldLabelString
dfoLabel (DotFieldOcc GhcPs -> GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN FieldLabelString)
-> (GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
    -> DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
-> GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
-> GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN FieldLabelString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
-> DotFieldOcc GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc (XRec GhcPs (DotFieldOcc GhcPs) -> String)
-> XRec GhcPs (DotFieldOcc GhcPs) -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ XRec GhcPs (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
toExp DynFlags
_ (HsProjection XProjection GhcPs
_ NonEmpty (XRec GhcPs (DotFieldOcc GhcPs))
fields) = NonEmpty String -> Exp
TH.ProjectionE ((GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs) -> String)
-> NonEmpty (GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs))
-> NonEmpty String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (FastString -> String
unpackFS (FastString -> String)
-> (GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs) -> FastString)
-> GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
-> String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN FastString -> FastString
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN FastString -> FastString)
-> (GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
    -> GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN FastString)
-> GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
-> FastString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (FieldLabelString -> FastString)
-> GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN FieldLabelString
-> GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN FastString
forall a b.
(a -> b) -> GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN a -> GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap FieldLabelString -> FastString
field_label (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN FieldLabelString
 -> GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN FastString)
-> (GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
    -> GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN FieldLabelString)
-> GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
-> GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN FastString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. DotFieldOcc GhcPs -> XRec GhcPs FieldLabelString
DotFieldOcc GhcPs -> GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN FieldLabelString
forall p. DotFieldOcc p -> XRec p FieldLabelString
dfoLabel (DotFieldOcc GhcPs -> GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN FieldLabelString)
-> (GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
    -> DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
-> GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
-> GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN FieldLabelString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs)
-> DotFieldOcc GhcPs
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e
unLoc) NonEmpty (XRec GhcPs (DotFieldOcc GhcPs))
NonEmpty (GenLocated (SrcAnn NoEpAnns) (DotFieldOcc GhcPs))
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9, 4, 0)
toExp dynFlags (HsGetField _ expr field) = TH.GetFieldE (toExp dynFlags (unLoc expr)) (unpackFS . unLoc . dfoLabel . unLoc $ field)
toExp _ (HsProjection _ fields) = TH.ProjectionE (fmap (unpackFS . unLoc . dfoLabel . unLoc) fields)
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9, 2, 0)
toExp dynFlags (HsGetField _ expr field) = TH.GetFieldE (toExp dynFlags (unLoc expr)) (unpackFS . unLoc . hflLabel . unLoc $ field)
toExp _ (HsProjection _ fields) = TH.ProjectionE (fmap (unpackFS . unLoc . hflLabel . unLoc) fields)
toExp DynFlags
dynFlags HsExpr GhcPs
e = String -> String -> Exp
forall e a. (HasCallStack, Show e) => String -> e -> a
todo String
"toExp" (DynFlags -> SDoc -> String
showSDoc DynFlags
dynFlags (SDoc -> String)
-> (HsExpr GhcPs -> SDoc) -> HsExpr GhcPs -> String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. HsExpr GhcPs -> SDoc
forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr (HsExpr GhcPs -> String) -> HsExpr GhcPs -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HsExpr GhcPs

todo :: (HasCallStack, Show e) => String -> e -> a
todo :: forall e a. (HasCallStack, Show e) => String -> e -> a
todo String
fun e
thing = String -> a
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error (String -> a) -> ([String] -> String) -> [String] -> a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. [String] -> String
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t [a] -> [a]
concat ([String] -> a) -> [String] -> a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [String
moduleName, String
".", String
fun, String
": not implemented: ", e -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show e
thing, String
"Please open an issue at https://github.com/guibou/PyF/issues"]

noTH :: (HasCallStack, Show e) => String -> e -> a
noTH :: forall e a. (HasCallStack, Show e) => String -> e -> a
noTH String
fun e
thing = String -> a
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error (String -> a) -> ([String] -> String) -> [String] -> a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. [String] -> String
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t [a] -> [a]
concat ([String] -> a) -> [String] -> a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [String
moduleName, String
".", String
fun, String
": no TemplateHaskell for: ", e -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show e
thing, String
"Please open an issue at https://github.com/guibou/PyF/issues"]

moduleName :: String
moduleName :: String
moduleName = String

baseDynFlags :: [GhcTH.Extension] -> DynFlags
baseDynFlags :: [Extension] -> DynFlags
baseDynFlags [Extension]
exts = (DynFlags -> Extension -> DynFlags)
-> DynFlags -> [Extension] -> DynFlags
forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
forall (t :: * -> *) b a.
Foldable t =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl DynFlags -> Extension -> DynFlags
xopt_set DynFlags
dynFlags [Extension]
    enable :: [Extension]
enable = Extension
GhcTH.TemplateHaskellQuotes Extension -> [Extension] -> [Extension]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Extension]
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,6,0)
    dynFlags :: DynFlags
dynFlags = Settings -> DynFlags
defaultDynFlags Settings
    dynFlags = defaultDynFlags fakeSettings fakeLlvmConfig